ABNT 10312 Coastdown
The ‘ABNT 10312 Coastdown’ test is a plugin for the VBOX Test Suite software.
The test itself allows the user to complete and analyse a coastdown test to the latest ABNT 10312 Coastdown protocol.
Ribbon Bar
The ABNT 10312 Coastdown test has a tailored 'Test Setup' ribbon bar, from which the test and test area can be configured.
Note: Ribbon bar icons may move/ resize dependent on the Software window size.
The 'Configure' button displays a pop up window whereby the parameters of the test can be defined.
The 'Report' button creates a report from the current test results. This button is only available when a run has been selected from the test results window.
Save Settings
The 'Save Settings' button will save this individual test setup and will appear in the ‘Saved Settings’ area of the ‘Add Test’ window.
This test will also be added to the list of ABNT 10312 Coastdown tests under the 'Coastdown' icon on the 'Home' tab for easy switching of the current test.
Edit Data
The 'Edit Data' button allows the user to enter session specific data such as driver name, track facility and weather data.
Test Configuration
Selecting the 'Configure' button will display a pop up window where the user can define the parameters of the test. These include the start and end conditions, as well as the pass conditions.
Use the up and down buttons to the right of the parameters to Expand and Collapse the parameter headings.
Speed Range Configuration
Start/ End Speed
This parameter denotes the speed at which the test will start and end.
Split Runs
To perform a ‘Split Run’ whereby the coastdown test is split into different speed ranges, the user can press the ‘+’ button to add a new speed range.
Breakdown Interval
This allows the user to specify the ∆v speed interval that each run will be broken down into (cannot be 0 km/h).
To stop the software reading false coastdowns (i.e. braking into a turn around point), the user can select the ‘Requires Trigger’ option. When this option is ticked, the software will not record a coastdown result unless the trigger is active. Releasing the trigger at any time during a coastdown will invalidate that run.
To stop incorrect coastdown runs (for example braking into a corner) being included in the accuracy calculations, there is an option to highlight runs that have had a longitudinal acceleration greater than a specified value.
Speed Quality
This option allows the user to enter criteria that will quickly identify whether there has been a ‘Speed Jump’ during the coastdown run. If selected, a PASS/FAIL column for the speed quality appears in the Results Table to indicate if the criteria has been met after each run. A gauge is also available for selection on the Dashboard.
Test Results Area
The test results area is the area that displays all of the results from the current test. Within this area it is possible to include/exclude results from the chart area, display the average/max/min values and also easily identify any runs which have not met the pass criteria.
Every time a new test is started (via the 'START' button on the dashboard), or a new file is loaded, a new tab will be added to the test results area, allowing the user to switch between separate tests or files and compare runs from each. A session can be removed from the results area by pressing the ‘x’ icon on the tab.
Session Data
By pressing the 'Edit Data' button next to the name of the file/run or in the ‘Test Setup' ribbon bar, a new window will be displayed whereby the user can add various different pieces of vehicle and test information, such as:-
- Vehicle Model
- Driver Name
- Effective Weight
- Tyre ID No
- Tyre Make
- Tyre Dimensions
- Tyre Model
- Tyre Pressures
- Test Date
- Time Zone
- Test Track
- Test Facility
- Comments
- Conditions
- Weather
- Temperature
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Wind Speed
When in 'Offline' mode, this information will be saved into the .vbo file meaning that this information will be recalled every time the file is loaded into VBOX Test Suite.
When in 'Online' mode, a newly-created session will be populated with session data from the previous session.
This information will be included in the test report to allow the user to understand under what conditions the test was conducted.
Note: This data is purely optional and has no effect on the test or test result.
To save time, it is possible for the user to import and export the session information for use in other sessions (the entire range of data is exported not just the visible screen).
Once the session information has been completed, it is possible to export the data to a .vbses file. This file will contain all the session information that can then be imported into the open session information field.
Result Columns
Along the top of the Test results area are some default columns. These columns are:-
- Run – Indicates which run number the results relate to, with run one being the first run completed and the direction of travel of the run. There is also a selection box that, when ticked, includes that run in the graph and into the Average/Max/Min/Standard Deviation calculations. Once selected, a coloured square will appear to indicate which colour this run is displayed as on the graph.
Note: If you are loading a file offline, all valid runs are ticked automatically. - Time – The total time the run has taken.
- Distance – The total distance travelled in that run.
- Start Time – The UTC time at which the test started.
- Max Decel – The maximum absolute value of longitudinal deceleration between the start of test and end of test. If the Maximum Deceleration parameter is exceeded, this column will be highlighted deep red and the whole run will be highlighted light red.
- Speed Quality (if speed quality check has been ticked) – A PASS/FAIL indication of whether the Speed Quality criteria has been met. If failed, this column will be highlighted deep red and the whole run will be highlighted light red.
- Notes.
Above the results area is a live calculated value of CVf’0 and CVf’2. For these values to be calculated, the user MUST enter an effective weight into the session data.
Along with the usual dashboard functionality, the ‘ABNT 10312 Coastdown’ test has some extra options that can be displayed to the user.
By selecting the 'Add Gauge' button from the dashboard tab, a drop down menu will appear whereby the user can select 'Test' and then the desired parameter to be displayed. On selection, a gauge will be automatically added to the dashboard. Any gauges displaying a result of a test, such as an average or maximum value, will have a 'Result' icon to the left of the gauge name to indicate that it is either a result of the previous run if viewing live data, or the currently selected run if viewing a saved file.
All Result Column parameters are also available as a gauge.
Showing Test Results on the Dashboard
It is possible to display certain parameters from the current test on the dashboard. The current speed range, the current CVf’0 and CVf’2 value, the current total run number and the individual number of runs in each speed range can all be displayed on the dashboard.
It is also possible to show the current run number on the dashboard to give an easy, clear indication of the amount of runs completed. An 'OK Runs' gauge can be added to indicate how many runs have met any specified pass conditions.
Speed Quality
A 'Speed Quality' gauge is available for use when conducting live testing to show the status of the last completed run with regards to the Speed Quality criteria. It will display as a green 'PASS' when the last run has met the criteria and a red 'FAIL' when the criteria has been exceeded.
Creating a Report
VBOX Test Suite allows the user to turn the results table into a custom report whereby the user can easily compare and display the results from their coastdown test.
This report will include all of the previously entered session data, along with a table of results that show the coastdown times in each direction. The average coastdown times for each speed interval will then be displayed for both direction 1 and direction 2.
If the user manually deselects a valid run, this will be displayed in the report as ‘Off’ under the ‘Run-Use’ column.
The user can then choose to print or save this report. A sample of this report* can be seen below:-
* The data here is simulated data and is in no way a reflection of the indicated manufacturer's brake stop ability.