04 - Remote Control Commands
Top Level Command Overview
See subsections for detailed explanation of each command.
Command | Function |
PLAY | Play or query file. User can add FROM and FOR options to define start position as number of seconds into the file and also duration of replay in seconds. |
REC (Record) | Record or query file. User can add FOR option to define duration of record in seconds. |
ATTN (Attenuation) | Set output attenuation. Attenuation level in dB. |
MUTE | Mute all channels. |
CONF (Configuration) | Used to configure menu options and read current user configurations. |
TYPE | Return All text from ‘About’ menu e.g. SN, and unit type. |
MEDIA | Media storage functions. Used to swap between SD card and USB drive. List files on media and change directories. |
Set output additional noise level where opt channel. Level is in % 0 to 100 |
HELP | Display List of commands for current Level. E.g.; Just HELP:<CR> will list all top level commands. HELP:PLAY:<CR> will list the PLAY commands. |
MON (Monitor) | Monitor functions such as request levels, switch, raw NMEA output. |
FIND | Beep and flash display. E.g. to identify single unit among multiple units. Backlight should Flash 500 on then 500 ms off and beep 500 ms on /500 ms off for total of 5 seconds. |
Note: For all commands except LIST, inserting a ‘?’ character in place of a setting value will cause the unit to respond with the data. EG; PLAY:?<CR> will return <filename><CR> of current file if playing else ERR<CR>. |
<CR> means carriage return which is the ASCII character 0x0D or char(13) but not the individual characters ‘<’ ‘C’ ‘R’ ‘>’
If manually typing commands in a Telnet terminal, <CR> simply means pressing the ENTER key
PLAY Commands
Specification | Command |
Replay file from start to end | PLAY:FILE:name |
Replay file from start point for defined duration | PLAY:FILE:name:FOR:duration |
Replay file from a selected time to the end | PLAY:FILE:name:FROM:time |
Replay file from a selected time for a defined duration | PLAY:FILE:name:FROM:time:FOR:duration |
Stop replaying | PLAY:STOP |
Query the replay status (name & current duration) | PLAY:? |
Please note: Time and Duration in the commands above should be entered in seconds format.
REC Commands
Specification | Command |
Record with a default file name | REC |
Record with a user defined file name | REC:FILE:name |
Record with a default file name for a set duration | REC:FOR:duration |
Record with a user defined file name for a set duration | REC:FILE:name:FOR:duration |
Stop recording | REC:STOP |
Query the record status (name & current duration) | REC:? |
Please note: Duration in the commands above should be entered in seconds format.
ATTN Command
Specification | Command |
Add attenuation on replay (all signals being replayed) | ATTN:value |
Query the attenuation setting | ATTN:? |
MUTE Commands
Specification | Command |
Mute all satellite constellations | MUTE:Y |
Unmute all satellite constellations | MUTE:N |
Mute a specific satellite channel (or two for triple) | MUTE:Y,constellation,constellation |
Unmute a specific satellite channel (or two for triple) | MUTE:N,constellation,constellation |
MON Commands
Specification | Command |
Enable live NMEA stream | MON:NMEA:ON |
Disable live NMEA stream | MON:NMEA:OFF |
Request CNO | MON:SAT |
Request time, height, lat & long | MON:LOC |
NOISE Command
Specification | Command |
Set additional output noise level on all constellations | NOISE:value |
Query the noise setting | NOISE:? |
CONF Commands
Specification | Command |
Enable scenarios to be replayed continuously | CONF:PLAY:LOOP:Y |
Disable continuous replay | CONF:PLAY:LOOP:N |
Create a pause between each replay | CONF:PLAY:PAUSE:duration |
Time all replays will begin from (seconds) | CONF:PLAY:FROM:time |
Length of time all replays will play for (seconds) | CONF:PLAY:FOR:duration |
Length of time all recordings will record for (seconds) | CONF:RECORD:FOR:duration |
Setting single constellation | CONF:CONS:constellation |
Setting dual constellation | CONF:CONS:constellation1,constellation2 |
Setting triple constellation | CONF:CONS:constellation1,constellation2,constellation3 |
Setting a constellation to 2bit | CONF:CONS:constellation,2bit |
Changing the display contrast | CONF:SETUP:DISP:CONT:value |
Changing the display brightness | CONF:SETUP:DISP:BRIG:value |
Enabling power save mode | CONF:SETUP:PSAV:Y |
Disabling power save mode | CONF:SETUP:PSAV:N |
Enable external reference clock | CONF:SETUP:EXT:Y |
Disable external reference clock | CONF:SETUP:EXT:N |
Enabling UTC time | CONF:SETUP:TIME:UTC:Y |
Disabling UTC time | CONF:SETUP:TIME:UTC:N |
Manually setting time (UTC time must be disabled prior to issuing) |
CONF:SETUP:TIME:MAN:yy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss |
Enabling digital channel 1 | CONF:SETUP:DIGI:CH1:function |
Enabling digital channel 2 | CONF:SETUP:DIGI:CH2:function |
Disabling digital channel 1 | CONF:SETUP:DIGI:CH1:OFF |
Disabling digital channel 2 | CONF:SETUP:DIGI:CH2:OFF |
Enabling digitized CAN recording | CONF:SETUP:CAN:DIGI |
Enabling arbitrated CAN recording | CONF:SETUP:CAN:FILE |
Setting the baud rate on channel 1 | CONF:SETUP:CAN:CH1:BAUD:value |
Setting the baud rate on channel 2 | CONF:SETUP:CAN:CH2:BAUD:value |
Enabling/disabling silent record on channel 1 | CONF:SETUP:CAN:CH1:SILENT:Y/N |
Enabling/disabling silent record on channel 2 | CONF:SETUP:CAN:CH2:SILENT:Y/N |
Returns the units configuration | CONF:? |
*The LabSat 3 in use must be fitted with the OCXO feature for this function to be enabled
MEDIA Commands
Specification | Command |
Show all files on the media | MEDIA:LIST |
Switch which media is being used | MEDIA:SELECT:media |
Open a directory (cannot skip folders) | MEDIA:CHDIR:directory |
Go back one directory | MEDIA:CHDIR:.. |
Go back to root of the media | MEDIA:CHDIR:\ |
Query which media is in use | MEDIA:? |
Delete a file | MEDIA:DELETE:file |
HELP Command
The help keyword is used to display the currently available commands for each level of the tree.
For example, HELP<CR> will return:-
Product Name : RLL03-2
Product Version : 01.05 Build 1033
Current commands are:
To find out what subcommands are available under the configuration (CONF), send HELP:CONF<CR> which will show:-
Then to list SETUP options, send HELP:CONF:SETUP<CR> which would give:-