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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Remote Control

This page contains information about how to control the LabSat 4 (P) units remotely.


LabSat 4 is equipped with an Ethernet interface that facilitates remote control over a Local Area Network (LAN).

Remote control can be accomplished using simple text-based commands through the Telnet protocol.

If you wish to control LabSat 4 using the C# programming language, an API is available which will further simplify connection and control. 

Contact your local LabSat distributor or contact support to get more information about the LabSat remote control information pack.

Terminal Software

You can access and control LabSat 4 units remotely with most terminal software applications that support a PORT 23 Telnet connection When it has been connected, you can manually enter commands into a terminal program to remotely control a LabSat 4 unit. Commands are linked with the ‘:’ character and are executed on reception of the carriage return character.

Connecting to the LabSat 4 Unit

LabSat 4 is connected to the network via a standard Ethernet cable plugged into the RJ45 Ethernet connector on the rear panel. LabSat 4 can operate with a fixed IP address or with the DHCP protocol where an IP address is automatically obtained from a network server. Contact your network administrator for advice on the best solution for your application.

You can access the network configuration options via the menu under SETUP.

  • LAN
    • DHCP – Tick to select/deselect.
      When DHCP is deselected, the following manual options will be available:
      • IP Address – Set the IP Address manually.
      • SUBNET MASK – Set the SUBNET MASK manually.

After changing any network settings, you must power-cycle the LabSat 4 unit to re-connect to the network.

You can check the connection to the LabSat 4 unit by using the Ping command from the Windows command prompt along with the IP address set in the device.

An example of the Ping command with the successful response from the connected LabSat 4.

Click on a command category below to see more information about the relevant commands.  

Top Level Command Overview

See the subsections for a detailed explanation of each command.

Command Function
PLAY  Play a file.
You can add FROM and FOR options to define start position as the number of seconds into the file and also the duration of replay in seconds.
ATTN (Attenuation)  Set output attenuation.
Attenuation level in dB.
MUTE  Mute all channels. 
CONF (Configuration)  Used to configure menu options and read current user configurations. 
TYPE  Return all text from the About menu, for example, the serial number and unit type. 
MEDIA  Media storage functions.
Used to list files on media, change directories or delete files. 
HELP  Display a list of commands for the current level.
  • HELP:<CR> will list all top-level commands.
  • HELP:PLAY:<CR> will list the PLAY commands. 
MON (Monitor)  Monitor functions such as request levels, switch, and raw NMEA output. 
FIND  Beep and flash display.
For example, identifying a single unit among multiple units:
The backlight should flash 500 on then 500 ms off and beep 500 ms on / 500 ms off for a total of 5 seconds. 
SHUTDOWN  Powers down the LabSat 4 unit. 

Note: For all commands (except MEDIA:LIST), inserting a ‘?’ character in place of a setting value will cause the unit to respond with the data.

PLAY:?<CR> will return <filename><CR> of the current file if it is playing, else ERR<CR>.


<CR> means carriage return which is the ASCII character 0x0D or char(13) but not the individual characters ‘<’ ‘C’ ‘R’ ‘>’.

If manually typing commands in a Telnet terminal, <CR> simply means pressing the Enter key.

4 (1).jpg
PLAY Commands
Command Specification
PLAY:FILE:<file name> Replay the file from start to end 
PLAY:FILE: <file name>:FOR:<duration in seconds> Replay the file from the start point for the defined duration 
PLAY:FILE:<file name>:FROM:<time in seconds> Replay a file from a selected time to the end 
PLAY:FILE:<file name>:FROM:<time in seconds>:FOR:<duration in seconds> Replay file from a selected time and for a defined duration 
PLAY:STOP  Stop the replay 
PLAY:?  Query the replay status (name & current duration) 
ATTN Commands
Command Specification
ATTN:<value> Add attenuation on replay (all the signals being replayed)
ATTN:CH1:<value>:CH2:<value>:CH3:<value> Add attenuation on individual channels
ATTN:? Returns the unit's attenuation settings

MUTE Commands
Command Specification
MUTE:Y Mute all RF channels
MUTE:N Unmute all RF channels
MUTE:CH1:<Y/N>:CH2:<Y/N>:CH3:<Y/N> Mute individual RF channels

MEDIA Commands
Command Specification
MEDIA:LIST Show all files on the media
MEDIA:CHDIR:<directory name> Open a directory (cannot skip folders)
MEDIA:CHDIR:.. Go back one directory
MEDIA:CHDIR:\ Go back to root of the media
MEDIA:DELETE:<file name> Delete a file

HELP Command

You can use the Help keyword to display the currently available commands for each level of the tree.

If you type HELP<CR>, the currently available commands on that level would be:

  • help
  • ?
  • ATTN
  • CONF
  • FIND
  • MON
  • MUTE
  • PLAY
  • REC
  • TYPE

If you type HELP:CONF<CR> you will see the available commands for CONF:

  • CONS
  • PLAY
  • ?

You can then see the list of SETUP options, by typing HELP:CONF:SETUP<CR>:

  • DISP
  • PSAV
  • EXT
  • TIME
  • CAN
CONF Commands
Command Specification
CONF:PLAY:LOOP:Y Enable scenarios to be replayed continuously
CONF:PLAY:LOOP:N Disable continuous replay
CONF:PLAY:PAUSE:<duration> Create a pause between each replay
CONF:SETUP:DISP:CONT:<value> Changing the display contrast
CONF:SETUP:SOUNDS:Y Enable all unit sounds
CONF:SETUP:SOUNDS:N Disable all unit sounds
CONF:SETUP:PSAV:Y Enabling power save mode
CONF:SETUP:PSAV:N Disabling power save mode
CONF:SETUP:CLKREF:EXT:Y Enable external clock reference
CONF:SETUP:TIME:MAN:<YYYY>:<MM>:<DD>:<HH>:<MM>:<SS> Set time manually
CONF:SETUP:CAN:REPLAYFILE:Y Enable arbitrated CAN replay
CONF:SETUP:CAN:REPLAYFILE:N Disable arbitrated CAN replay
CONF:? Returns the units configuration

*You can make individual channel changes by only stating the required channel in the command.

**Should be entered in bits or with the prefix K or M for kbit and Mbit.

MON Commands
Command Specification
MON:NMEA:ON Enable live NMEA stream
MON:NMEA:OFF Disable live NMEA stream
MON:LOC Request time, height, lat & long


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