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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Build Order Process

  • Click Dashboard.
  • Note your next BO number from the list.


  • Locate this BO on the Production Build Order shelves. The hard copy of the BO will be located with the kit.
  • Build the items following process instructions in the usual way, entering Serial Numbers as necessary.
  • To enter the Serial Numbers into the BO, select the Serial Numbers tab and then click on the green Serial No. button:


  • Use the scanner to scan the SN stickers, these will appear in the Modal.


  • Check they are correct.
  • Click Submit.
  • If additional items from stock are used during the build, add these to your BO on Unity at the point taken from Stores.
IMPORTANT: It is important that stock is correct at all times, ensure you follow the process.
  • To enter additional stock, select the Order tab.
  • Click on the blue Add Item button.


  • Enter the Stock Item and Quantity of the item used in the Modal. 



  • Click Submit.
IMPORTANT: Follow this process to add all additional stock items taken. These additional stock items will then be added to the build order.
  • Click the green Production Complete and In Stores buttons on the BO in Unity.



IMPORTANT: Exception - If you have a BO for x 5x, but are only booking x 4x, pass the paperwork to Robyn who will handle the booking in & pass back the relevant BO for the items not booked.
  • Enter your times on the hard copy of the BO, plus details of any items taken from Stores.
  • Pass any faulty items to Gary C to quarantine, in the usual way. Any damaged items are passed to Robyn.
  • Enter details of the faulty item into the Production Failures spreadsheet.
  • When complete put the items on the Despatch Shelf, along with the Build Order and Test Result Sheets where necessary.


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