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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Creating Customer Accounts

IMPORTANT:  Always check that the Customer Account does not exist before opening a new Customer Account, follow the process, Check if a Customer  Exists on Unity.
  • Click on the Sales menu.
  • Select Customers.
  • Click on the Customers tab.
  • Click the Add Customer button.
  • Complete all required/desired fields.
    • Company Code is to be left blank.
  • Click Submit.

The Edit Customer [Customer Name] screen will be displayed.

  • Select the Currency to use for the customer from the drop-down list. This is a required field.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the correct currency is picked. If not, you will have to create a new Customer as you cannot change the currency once you have created a sales order under a Customer Account.  Separate Customer Accounts require setting up for each currency type.
  • Select the Language to use for the Customer account from the drop-down list. This is a required field.
  • Select a Discount Group from the drop-down list, if necessary. 
IMPORTANT: Discount Groups only apply to Distributors. Leave blank and confirm with the Admin team if unsure.
  • Select the Terms from the drop-down list.
IMPORTANT: For new web-store customers, select 'CO - Payment with order'. Leave blank and confirm with the Admin team if unsure.
  • Enter 0 in the Credit Limit field. This is a required field and will be completed by the Admin team where necessary.
  • Toggle On Stop to 'No' (default).
  • Select the Distributor/Lead from the drop-down list, if necessary.
    • Select 'WWW' for web-store customers. 
  • Leave No Commission blank.
  • Enter the customer's VAT number, if applicable.
  • Enter the EORI, if provided.
  • Enter the Supplier number if one has been supplied.
  • Archived is to be unticked.
  • Toggle Distributor to 'No' (default).
  • Click Submit.

Creating Customer Accounts

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