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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Running a Stock Take - 'under construction'

IMPORTANT: The Owner of the stock take will have the rights on Unity to run the whole process, it is not dependent on certain Unity rights.
  • Click Stock.
  • Select Stock Take.
  • Click the green + Add Stock Take button.


New Stock Take Modal
  • Complete the New Stock Take modal as required/desired
    • Enter the dates depending on how long the stock take is expected to take.


  • Click  Submit.
  • Click the blue Setup standard Stock take button. If there is a location or quantity on stock lines they will show in the stock take.


IMPORTANT: Stock that has been marked as Obsolete will show in the stock take list if they have a cost plus a quantity.
  • Click the orange Confirm button.


  • To take out N (non counted) Stock Types uncheck the N box under Stock Type.



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