How to acquire a Racelogic module serial number over the CAN BUS
IMU Example (serial number 022686)
With the IMU in Racelogic mode, Monitor the CAN BUS using software such as CANHacker. Here you will see all the IDs being transmitted in on the BUS.
With the IMU in Racelogic mode, Monitor the CAN BUS using software such as CANHacker. Here you will see all the IDs being transmitted in on the BUS.
Identify which IDs are being transmitted by the IMU. This can be done by moving the IMU and watching to see the raw hex data changing.
Take the first ID. In this case it is 02C4F000
Convert to decimal. 02C4F000 = 46460928
Divide this decimal number by '2048'. 46460928/2048 = 22686