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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Getting Started

This page contains information that is good to know before you use your Visual Sensor for the first time.
What is in the box? 

When you purchase a Visual Sensor, you will find the following items when you open the box:

Product Code Quantity Description  
RLADAS-VS-V1  1 Visual Sensor with unterminated flying lead (5 m) VisualSensor-2_200px.png
Optional Accessories
Product Code Description
ADC25IPCON 25-way D-connector
Power Supply 

The Visual Sensor has a flying lead with an unterminated end. You can wire the exposed wires at the unterminated end of the cable to a 25-way D-connector independently or alongside other sensors. It can also be wired into the 25-way D-connector on the RLCAB119 cable used to connect IMU units to VBOX 3i units.

When you have completed the wiring, you can connect the 25-way D-connector to the A IN port on a VBOX 3i unit, which will provide power to the Visual Sensor. 

See the Installing the Visual Sensor page for more information about wiring and connections for the Visual Sensor. 

LED Behaviour

The red LED on the top of the sensor will turn on when the sensor detects a light source. 


The Visual Sensor is a plug-and-play device. However, when you connect it to a VBOX 3i unit you can identify the ADC channel it is using and see the live preview of the Visual Sensor's signal in the Channel Configuration menu in VBOX Setup. You can rename the channel to make it easier to identify during and after the test by clicking on the channel name and entering your new name in the Channel Properties

  1. Connect the VBOX 3i unit to a PC and open the VBOX Setup software.
  2. Connect the unit to the software and open the Channel Config menu.

    You can see the ADC Channels under the Internal A/D heading. 

You can read more about using VBOX Setup in your VBOX 3i unit's user guide.  

VBOX Setup_ChannelConfig_InternaLAD-with-connected-visual-sensor.png

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