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3.4 Digital I/O – VBOX 3iS Single Antenna (v2) Settings

You can access the menu by pressing the OK button. Use the Up and Down arrows to navigate through the menu and press the OK button to enter a submenu or change a setting. When you edit a setting, the Up and Down buttons will let you scroll through the available options for that setting and the OK button will confirm your selection. Use the Back button to exit a setting. 
You can use this menu to configure the digital input/output settings. Main Menu - Digital IO.png

Digital Input

Defines what the digital input will be used for, either a brake trigger or as a track marker.

Brake Trigger

Enabling this mode allows the Digital Input to be used with a brake trigger. Activation of the trigger will start the brake stop distance measurement, where VBOX 3iS will calculate a Time and Distance for a Brake Trigger to 0 km/h test. 

VBOX 3iSDR_Digital IO_Brake Trigger_Selected (Framed).png

Track Marker

Enabling this mode allows the Digital Input to be used as a track marker.

You can use the input switch to

VBOX 3iSDR_Digital IO_Digital Input_Track Marker_Selected (Framed).png

Digital Output

Defines the digital output of the Speed Sensor.


Sends a configured number of pulses per metre.

VBOX 3iSDR_Digital IO_Digital Output_Speed Selected (Framed).png
Lap Pulse

Sends a pulse every time the start/finish line is crossed.

VBOX 3iSDR_Digital IO_Digital Output_Lap Pulse_Selected (Framed).png
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