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RACELOGIC Support Centre



Note: Channels highlighted in Blue are only present on outputs from SL type units.

Data format: Motorola

ID* Data Bytes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0x301 (1) Sats  (2) Time since midnight UTC (3) Position – Latitude DDMM.MMMMM
0x302 (4) Position – Longitude DDMM.MMMMM (5) Velocity (kts)  (6) Heading (º)
0x303 (7) Altitude. WGS 84 (m) (8) Vertical velocity (m/s) Unused (9) Status (10) Status
0x304 (11) Distance (m) (12) Longitudinal Accel. (g) (13) Lateral Accel. (g)
0x305 (14) Distance travelled since VBOX reset (m) (15) Trigger time (16) Trigger Velocity (kts)
0x306 Unused (17) True Heading (º) (18) Slip Angle (º) (19) Pitch Angle (º)
0x307 (20) Lateral Velocity (kts) (21) Yaw Rate (º/s) (22) Roll Angle (º) ** Unused

* Default Identifiers. The identifier values can be changed using the configuration software.

  1. If Satellites in view < 3 then only Identifier 0x301 transmitted and bytes 2 to 8 are set to 0x00.
  2. Time since midnight. This is a count of 10 ms intervals since midnight UTC. (5383690 = 53836.90 seconds since midnight or 14 hours, 57 minutes and 16.90 seconds).
  3. Position, Latitude * 100,000 (515924579 = 51 Degrees, 59.24579 Minutes North). Latitude highest bit indicates north/south hemisphere. 0=north, 1=south, Bit 7 in Status is also set.
  4. Position, Longitude * 100,000 (5882246 = 0 Degrees, 58.82246 Minutes West). Longitude highest bit indicates east/west of Greenwich meridian. 0=west,1=east. Bit 6 in Status is also set.
  5. Velocity, 0.01 kts per bit.
  6. Heading, 0.01° per bit.
  7. Altitude, 0.01 m per bit, signed.​
  8. Vertical Velocity, 0.01 m/s per bit, signed.
  9. Status. 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 0=VBOX Lite, Bit 1=Open or Closed CAN Bus (1=open), 2=VBOX3.
  10. Status is an 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 0 is always set, Bit 3=brake test started, Bit 4 = Brake trigger active, Bit 5 = DGPS active.​
  11. Distance, 0.000078125 m per bit, unsigned.
  12. Longitudinal Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.​
  13. Lateral Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  14. Distance travelled in meters since VBOX reset.
  15. Time from Trigger event to Zero km/h.
  16. Velocity at brake trigger point in Knots.​
  17. True Heading of vehicle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  18. Slip Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  19. Pitch Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  20. Lateral Velocity, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  21. Yaw Rate, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  22. Roll Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100 **VB20SL3 units only
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