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RACELOGIC Support Centre

How does VBTS identify load/dump events?

When the vehicle stops in a load/dump region as marked on the map, VBOX Test Suite will use conditions as below to determine load/dump events. These events can be checked by comparing vehicle movement to the vehicle weight when added to the Chart.

  • When speed is less than 0.8 km/h for at least one sample the vehicle is considered stationary
  • When speed remains less than Maximum Load/Dump Speed the vehicle is effectively considered as still stationary
  • When a stationary period becomes more than Minimum Load/Dump Time the load/dump event is considered as having taken place
  • When the vehicle leaves the load/dump area following these conditions, the load/dump event is considered complete as of the time speed exceeds 0.8 km/h prior to leaving the load/dump area

Under Test Configuration, there is an Advanced section, with default values as below:

  • Minimum Load Time: 20 seconds
  • Minimum Dump Time: 0.5 seconds
  • Maximum Load Speed: 5 km/h
  • Maximum Dump Speed: 0 km/h

These settings can be adjusted to ensure cycles are being identified correctly.

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