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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Menu Options

This page covers the options in the main menu on the Pit Display (RLVBPITDSP-V2).
You can access the VBOX Pit Lane Timer menu by pressing the OK button when on the Menu screen. You can navigate the menu with the ▲▼ buttons. Pit-Display_Main Menu_Menu (v1.0 RE 15MAY2024).png
Display Menu

The Display Menu contains settings for the Speed Mode options of Speed Units, Speed Decimal Places and Speed Smoothing Level, and display options, such as Screen Brightness, LED Brightness, Orientation Mode, Inverted Colour and Outline Font.  

You can find more information about the settings in this menu here

Pit-Display_Main Menu_Display Menu (v1.0 RE 15MAY2024).png

CAN Menu

The CAN Menu contains settings for the CAN options, such as Baud Rates and Termination. 

You can find more information about the settings in this menu here

Pit-Display_Main Menu_CAN Menu (v1.0 RE 15MAY2024).png
About Menu

The About section covers information about the unit, such as Firmware Version, Serial Number, Unit Type and Factory Reset.

You can find more information about the settings in this menu here

Pit-Display_Main Menu_About Menu (v1.0 RE 15MAY2024).png

Press the OK button with this option selected to exit the menu and navigate back to the Display Modes

Pit-Display_Main Menu_Exit (v1.1 RE 16MAY2024).png
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