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RACELOGIC Support Centre

07 - VBOX HD Lap Timing / Map

Please note that when post processing video files, a start line or track map/auto map element must be present in the scene in order for any on screen lap timing parameters to work.

Inserting a track map

With a built-in database of almost every road circuit in the world, it is very simple to display lap-times and a Track map. To load a map, select Track Map from the Elements tab. Then select the country and circuit from the list. 

4 (1).png

A track map of that circuit will then appear in the scene, which can be moved by clicking and dragging. Resize the track map by dragging the bottom right corner of the red bounding box.

The track properties tab (highlighted) can be used to change the colour, thickness and position indicator image.

5 (2).png

Auto track map elements

Auto Track Map elements use GPS co-ordinates from within VBO files to search Racelogic’s track map database and automatically load the correct circuit map and start/finish line into HD Overlay processor. This allows lap timing to work, and a circuit map to be loaded. For circuits with more than one layout, the software will use lap length to work out which layout is being driven. Note, the size of the auto track map is fixed.

To add an auto track map element to a scene, select ‘Auto Map’ from the elements list, and then click the ‘New’ button. 


Specify the image used as a track position indicator. The default is a red dot.

For some tracks, a ‘combo’ map is available which will cover all circuit layouts.


Setting the start/finish line for on screen lap-timing

If a track map is loaded from the database, then the correct start/finish line will be loaded automatically. This will show as a green dot on the track map image. 


Pressing the load button under Lap Timing Load, provides the option to either load a user defined file or select one from the start/finish database to allow lap timing elements to work without having track map displayed.

Adding a lap-timing element

To add a lap-timing element first insert a text element selecting Elements tab – Text – New.


Under Text Properties select Lap Timing in the Parameter pull down menu, and then select which parameter is required.


In the case below current lap (rolling time) is the main display.


The font, size and colour can be selected in the same tab. To configure the main lap-timing display to hold the current lap-time as the finish line is crossed for a short period of time, enable the Secondary display with Finish lap as the trigger and Last lap time as the parameter.

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