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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Managing Pit Locations

This page provides step-by-step instructions for saving and loading pit locations to/from an SD card and how to rename pit locations on your VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer (RLVBPITMINI).
Saving Pit Locations
  1. Set entry and exit points on your mini pit lane timer.
  2. Save the pit locations to the SD card:
    Menu -> Pit Lane Timer -> Manage Locations -> Save to Card -> OK button.
    The unit will create a pit locations txt file on the SD card (pitLocations.txt).
Renaming Pit Locations
  1. Save the pit locations to the SD card (see above).
  2. Remove the SD Card from the mini pit lane timer unit and open it on a computer.
  3. Find the most recently saved pitLocations.txt file on the SD card.
    (The file name with the highest number is the latest revision on the card.)
  4. Open the text file.
  5. You can now edit the track names in this file manually.

    Note: When you edit the names, you must make sure that the PIT prefix is not touched, you can only change the Track_XXX part of the line. 
    (e.g. PIT TRACK_001 to PIT Silverstone)
  6. Save the file - you must rename it to pitLocationIn.txt for the mini pit lane timer to be able to load it. 
  7. Copy the new file to the SD cards for the units you want to transfer them to.
  8. Load the file into the unit (see below).

When you are ready to load the pit locations onto the unit again, you should always Clear All Pit Locations from the unit first.
Menu -> Pit Lane Timer -> Manage Locations -> Clear All -> OK button.

When new pit lane locations are added from the SD card, these will not overwrite the currently stored location but add to them. Therefore, when you are making edits, it is best to clear the old list from the unit memory before you load the edited list so you avoid duplications.

Loading Pit Locations
  1. Insert a card with a pit location text file into the mini pit lane timer unit.
  2. Load the pit locations from the SD card:
    Menu -> Pit Lane Timer-> Manage Locations -> Load from Card -> OK button.

This will add the locations in the loaded file to the mini pit lane timer's internal memory and make it able to detect the pit locations as long as it has satellite lock.


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