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RACELOGIC Support Centre

03 - Pit Lane Timer Pit Lane Timing Mode

This page overviews the operation of the Pit Lane Timing mode once fully set up. 

Before this mode can be used, the following items must be set through the main menu. 

  1. Pit timing mode - select timing method.
  2. Pit lane entry and exit point - define the pit gates.
  3. Minimum pit lane time - set the pit time limit for the event.
  4. Pit to Exit time - only when using 'entrance to exit' timing method.
  5. Pit Lane Speed Limit - set the maximum pit lane speed.


When the Pit Lane Timer is first turned on, with the points listed above all set correctly, the unit will show the screen below with a live distance to the pit lane entrance point.

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As you enter the pit lane, the Pit Lane Timer LED's will flash Blue as the line is crossed, and will show a live speed value. The LED's will show Red if the driver is close to the pit lane speed limit, or Green if they should speed up.

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Current speed

When you come to a stop in your pit box, the Pit Lane Timer then displays a countdown to when you should leave your pit box. 

When using 'entrance to exit' timing mode this is calculated from the minimum pit lane time and the pit to exit time. When using 'stationary in pit' timing mode, this will use the minimum pit lane time as a counter from when the vehicle speed reaches 0.

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Countdown to leaving pit box

When it is time to leave the pit box, the LEDs light up Green for go.

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Leave pit box now!

Entrance to Exit Timing Mode

As the driver moves out of the pit box, if 'entrance to exit' mode is being used, the display will show the predicted amount you will be over or under the regulated minimum pit stop time.

If you are going to go under the minimum time, the LEDs will light up Red, and the Pit Lane Timer will sound a continuous beep to let you know you need to slow down.

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Under minimum time – Slow Down!

The time displayed (-1.1 s) is how much you will be under the minimum time if you carry on at this speed.

If you are more than 0.1 s over the minimum time, the LEDs will light up Green to say it is safe to go faster (if still within pit lane speed limit).

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You are 1.7 s over minimum time, speed up if you can!

As the driver crosses the pit exit, the LED's will flash Blue, before the final difference to the desired pit lane time will be shown. The LED's will show Green if the final pit lane time is within the minimum pit lane time boundary, or Red if the minimum time was not met. 

Stationary in Pit Timing Mode

As the driver moves out of the pit box, if 'stationary in pit' mode is being used, the display will show a live speed value. Using the 'pit lane speed limit' and 'speed limit warning' values, the display will indicate if the driver needs to slow down, or speed up.

If the vehicle is traveling faster than (pit lane speed limit - speed limit warning) the LEDs will light up Red, and the Pit Lane Timer will sound a continuous beep to let the driver know they need to slow down.

For example, if the pit lane speed limit is set to 45 km/h, and the speed limit warning is 1 km/h, then as soon as the speed reaches 44 km/h, the LED's will show Red.

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If the vehicle is below (pit lane speed limit - speed limit warning) then the LEDs will light up Green, letting the driver know they can increase their speed. 

For example, if the pit lane speed limit is set to 45 km/h, and the speed limit warning is 1 km/h, then as long as the speed is below 44 km/h, the LED's will show Green.

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As the driver crosses the pit exit, the LED's will flash Blue to indicate the exit gate has been crossed.

After the pit lane is exited, the Pit Lane Timer screen will show a live stint time, to show the driver how long they have been out on track. This will reset as soon as the pit lane is entered again.

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Pit Time Logging

Pressing the square button in this mode will start and stop the creation of a Pit Time text file.

Note that the Pit Lane Timer does not log GPS data files.

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An example of the text file created is shown below. For each new file created, the number extension will increase by 1. 

For example, the first file logged will be named 'Pit0000.txt' and the second will be 'Pit0001.txt'.

pit_times1 (1).png

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