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RACELOGIC Support Centre

CAN Output Format

This page covers the CAN Output format for the VBOX Video HD2 (v12) unit.

Data format: Motorola

Baud rate: 500 kbit/s

ID** Update Rate Data Bytes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0x301 100 ms (1) Sats  (2) Time since midnight UTC (3) Position – Latitude MMMM.MMMMM
0x302 100 ms (4) Position – Longitude MMMM.MMMMM (5) Velocity (kts) (6) Heading (°)
0x303 100 ms (7) Altitude (m) (8) Vertical velocity (m/s) (9) Media free (%) (10) Status (11) Status
0x304 100 ms Unused (12) Long Accel. (g) (13) Lateral Accel. (g)
0x305 100 ms (14) Distance since reset (m) Unused
0x7E0 100 ms (15) OLED lap time (16) OLED reference to current lap time
0x7E1 100 ms (17) Session  (18) Session lap (19) Lap (20) Last lap time
0x7E2 100 ms (21) Lap beacon (22) Lap status (23) Lap gate (24) Start gate Unused
0x7F0 100 ms (25) Video file primary number (26) Video file fragment number (27) Video time (PTS) 
0x7D0 100 ms (28) Temperature (29) Logging (30) Input power voltage (31) Free space on active media

**Default Identifiers. The identifier values can be changed using the configuration software.

  1. The number of satellites used in the navigation solution.
  2. Time since midnight. This is a count of 10 ms intervals since midnight UTC. (5383690 = 53836.90 seconds since midnight or 14 hours, 57 minutes and 16.90 seconds).
  3. Position, Latitude * 100,000 (311924579 = 51 Degrees, 59.24579 Minutes North). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, North being positive.
  4. Position, Longitude * 100,000 (11882246 = 0 Degrees, 58.82246 Minutes West). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, West being positive.
  5. Ground speed, 0.01 kts per bit.
  6. 2-D heading, 0.01° per bit.
  7. Altitude above mean sea level based on the WGS 84 model of the earth, 0.01 m per bit, signed.
  8. Vertical Velocity, 0.01 m/s per bit, signed.
  9. The percentage of free space available on the media.
  10. First status flags (see table below).
  11. Second status flags (see table below).
  12. Longitudinal Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  13. Lateral Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  14. Distance travelled since VBOX reset, 0.01 m per bit.
  15. Lap time from the OLED in milliseconds.
    Note: This may lag behind the lap timing value sent in the 0x7E1 frame.
  16. The delta-t value from the OLED in milliseconds.
  17. The lap timing session index.
  18. The lap number during this session.
  19. The lap number since start-up.
  20. The last lap time in milliseconds.
  21. Single byte lap timing beacon; typically 0x00 but will be 0x01 for the first frame after starting a lap (i.e. crossing a start line).
  22. Lap status flags (see table below).
  23. Identifier of the most recently crossed lap timing gate.
  24. Identifier of the gate which started the lap or run.
  25. Video file primary number is the number which matches the .vbo file number.
  26. Video file fragment number is the number of video files since logging started.
  27. Video time is the number of milliseconds since the video file started.
  28. DM8148 temperature in °C.
  29. Set to 1 when logging, otherwise 0.
  30. HD2 input power voltage.
  31. Free space on the device being logged to in kB.

First Status Flags (10)

Bit Mask HD2 Description
0 0x01 No N/A
1 0x02 No N/A
2 0x04 Yes New position (latitude and longitude) format
3 0x08 Yes File open (set when a file is open i.e. when logging or syncing)
4 0x10 Yes Logging (set when logging)
5 0x20 No N/A
6 0x40 Yes Memory full (set when the currently active media is too full for logging)
7 0x80 Yes Media fitted (set when there is at least one media device available, even if it’s full)

Second Status Flags (11)

Bit Mask HD2 Description
0 0x01 Yes Alive (always set)
1 0x02 No N/A
2 0x04 No N/A
3 0x08 No N/A
4 0x10 No N/A
5 0x20 Yes DGPS corrections active
6 0x40 Yes Eastern hemisphere
7 0x80 Yes Southern hemisphere

Lap Status Flags (22)

Bit Mask HD2 Description
0 0x01 Yes Lap started (momentary)
1 0x02 Yes Lap finished (momentary)
2 0x04 Yes Lap active
3 0x08 No N/A
4 0x10 No N/A
5 0x20 No N/A
6 0x40 No N/A
7 0x80 No N/A


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