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RACELOGIC Support Centre

12 - Video VBOX Text Elements

Adding text elements

Text elements can be used to display any GPS or CAN parameter.  To create a new text element use  Elements tab > Text > New.

Under the Text Properties tab, (highlighted) you can select the associated parameter.

The font, colour and size can be also be changed this tab.

Using a Mono-spaced font stops keeps the numbers neatly aligned as they change value. Keep the size 16 or above so it can be seen clearly on the video.

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Adding a static text label

To add non-changing text to the scene, select Elements tab - Static Label New.

The text, font, size, appearance and colour can be changed using the Static Label properties tab.

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Adding a solid background to text

With the ‘Simple Shape’ element, you can easily add a coloured background to make text more visible over the video. This element has a selectable transparency.

So that the shape does not cover the text element completely, it needs to behind any text, and this is done by right clicking the Shape element and selecting Send to back

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To create a new simple shape element, use the Elements tab –> Simple shape -> New .

The transparency level and shape can be altered in the Simple shape properties tab.

The dimensions of the shape can be altered by clicking and dragging the bottom right hand corner of the element.

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