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RACELOGIC Support Centre

03 - LabSat3 Media

LabSat 3 file formats

LabSat 3 uses I&Q binary data and runs the FAT32 file format. LabSat 3 files are recorded into a folder with separate 2 GB data files which will run sequentially when replayed. The folder description GPS_000 will contain several files with the name format GPS_000_000.ls3. These will automatically increment.

LabSat 2 (.ls2) and LabSat (.bin) files will need to be converted to this format to play on LabSat 3. The LabSat Scenario Converter Software is supplied on the LabSat 3 Hard Disk Drive (HDD).  Please see the section ‘Converting LabSat Scenarios’.

LabSat 3 SD Card

The 32 GB SD card included with the LabSat 3 system includes the following files:

  • LabSat 3 sample scenarios
    • GPS_000 - Static 5 minute GPS scenario
    • GLO_001 - Static 5 minute GLO scenario
    • BDS_001 - Static 5 minute BDS scenario
  • LabSat 3 quick start video
  • SatGen simulation software video
  • LabSat 3 quick start guide PDF

LabSat 3 1 TB Hard Disk Drive

The LabSat 3 1 TB hard disk includes the following:

  • LabSat 3 scenario library description PDF
  • LabSat 3 quick start video
  • SatGen simulation software video
  • LabSat scenario converter utility
  • LabSat 3 scenario library – a worldwide selection of LabSat 3 scenario files with supporting KML and Google Earth jpeg picture files.

The LabSat 3 HDD uses USB3.0 for fast data transfer and is formatted to FAT32.

Recommended media

It is recommended to use good quality Class 10 UHS-3 SD cards or higher spec. The following list includes SD cards that have been tested with LabSat 3.

Description LabSat Part number
SanDisk Extreme 128 GB  RLACS211
SanDisk Extreme 64 GB RLACS210
SanDisk Extreme 32 GB LS03SDCARD
SanDisk Ultra 8 GB -


The LabSat HDD is the only recommended HDD to use with the LabSat 3 system. The hard drive is available as an accessory under the part number LS03HDD-1TB. For purchase information contact your local LabSat dealer or Racelogic LabSat department.

Formatting LabSat3 Media

Formatting an SD card or a HDD is important when using LabSat 3, to make sure that the card cluster size is set to an optimum level. 

Cluster size is the minimum amount of data that can be written in a single operation. So, the larger the cluster size, the better the performance of the card (up to a point). 

To run a format, insert the card you wish to format, (or connect the HDD).

Then select the following options:    

MENU > File > Format SD > Yes , as shown below.

screencapture_15062013_200657.jpg screencapture_15062013_200701.jpg screencapture_15062013_200703.jpg

A full format will then be run on the inserted media, followed by a media speed test. 

The media speed test is an indication if the inserted media is fast enough to be used with the LabSat 3.

If the speed test does not bring up any warnings, this means that the cards read and write speed should be fast enough for use with the LabSat 3. Note, this is not a guarantee that recording a large amount of data will be successful, as the speed test cannot check if the card is fragmented and has other files stored on it.

We would recommend that before recording a scenario, all other files are removed from the media and a format is carried out, to ensure the card is at it's optimum for use with the LabSat 3, and reduce the risk of buffer errors.

If the estimated card performance is too slow, a warning message will show on the LabSat screen. In this case, you need to use caution when using the product - e.g. If using triple constellation box, you may be able to use the card to record a single  or dual constellation file without any issues, but a triple constellation file may cause buffer errors.

It is also worth noting that faster transfer rates are possible when recording to HDD than to SD card, so do consider this if recording a long scenario. 

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