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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Menu Options - Setup Menu


This page contains information about the available settings in the Setup Menu on LabSat 4 (P) units.




LabSat 4 (P)_Menu_Setup_CLKREF (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300.png

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_CLK REF_OCXO (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Use the arrow buttons to navigate through the clock options.

Press the OK button with an option highlighted to select it.  

You can only select one of these clock references. A tick mark will identify the selected option. 

  • OCXO: Set the clock to OCXO (Oven-Controlled Oscillator).
  • TCXO: Set the clock to TCXO (Temperature-Controlled Oscillator).
  • External 10MHz: Set the clock to a 10 MHz external signal. 
    You can read more about using an external reference clock here.

REF OUT: Output a 10 MHz reference signal to be used by other systems (only available when you have selected OCXO or TCXO). 

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_CLKREF_Back (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the Setup Menu. 


LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_CLKREF_Exit (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the File Selection Screen. 


Master Ext Sync
LabSat 4 (P)_Menu_Setup_MasterExtSync (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300.png

This setting enables master external synchronisation on the unit.

This will make the current LabSat 4 unit the master when it is used in a chain with multiple LabSat 4 units.

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to enable Master External Sync.


LabSat 4 (P)_Menu_Setup_CAN (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300.png


Press OK button with this option highlighted to enter the CAN Setup menu.

The CAN Setup Menu contains settings that enable Log File mode, replay log files and acknowledgements to the bus and that set the baud rate for the CAN channels.



LabSat 4(P)_Menu_Setup_CANSetup_ReplayLogFile (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to make your LabSat 4 replay a CAN log file as part of the scenario.



LabSat 4(P)_Menu_Setup_CANSetup_Back (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the Setup menu.



LabSat 4(P)_Menu_Setup_CANSetup_Exit (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to exit the menu and return to the Home screen.


LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_RS232 (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to open the RS232 Setup menu.

LabSat 4(P)_Menu_Setup_RS232Setup_REPLAYLogFile (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to make your LabSat 4 replay a RS232 log file as part of the scenario.

LabSat 4(P)_Menu_Setup_RS232Setup_Back (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the Setup menu.


LabSat 4(P)_Menu_Setup_RS232Setup_Exit (v1.1 RE 17JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to exit the menu and return to the File Selection screen.


LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this setting highlighted to enter the LAN menu. This menu contains settings for network security and the option to set a static IP address with specified netmask and gateway addresses.

LabSat 4 will use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) by default for the IP address.

If you require a Static IP instead, you can enable and define the IP address in the LAN settings menu. 

Network Security

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_NetworkSecurity (v1.0 RE 4JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to enable the Network Security and make the Scenarios folder in File Explorer password-protected.

When network security is enabled, you will be prompted to enter credentials to gain access to the LabSat4 folder in File Explorer.

The username is generic for all LabSat 4 units, but the password contains the connected unit's serial number.

Username: labsat4

Password:  labsat4_AXXXXX

The image shows the Enter network credentials prompt when you try to access the folder in Windows File Explorer. 


  • If you are using a Windows-based PC, you must type a backslash (\) before the username (\labsat4).
  • The username and password are case-sensitive. 


Static IP

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_StaticIP (v1.0 RE 4JUN2024)_300px.png

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_Static IP_LAN IP_IP (v1.0 RE 3JUN2024)_300px.png

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_Static IP_LAN IP_Set IP (v1.0 RE 3JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to enable the Static IP and reveal the settings to specify the Static IP.

Press the OK button with the IP address highlighted to enter the LAN - IP screen.

Press the OK button with the IP address highlighted again to enter the Set IP screen and edit the IP address. When you have specified the IP address you will be returned to the LAN-IP screen.

Press the OK button with Back highlighted to return to the LAN menu.


When you enable Static IP, you will also get the option to set the Netmask and Gateway addresses. 


Note: When Static IP is disabled, LabSat 4 will try to obtain a DHCP IP address when you connect to the Ethernet port. 




LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_StaticIP_Mask (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_Static IP_LAN Netmask_Address (v1.0 RE 3JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with the Mask address highlighted to enter the LAN - Netmask screen.

Press the OK button with the Mask address highlighted to enter the Set IP screen and edit the IP address. When you have specified the IP address you will be returned to the LAN-Netmask screen.

Press the OK button with Back highlighted to return to the LAN menu.



LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_GW (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_Static IP_LAN Gateway_Address (v1.0 RE 3JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with the GW address highlighted to enter the LAN - Gateway screen.

Press the OK button with the GW address highlighted to enter the Set IP screen and edit the IP address. When you have specified the IP address you will be returned to the LAN-Gateway screen.

Press the OK button with Back highlighted to return to the LAN menu.


LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_Back (v1.0 RE 3JUN2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the Setup menu.

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_LAN_Exit (v1.0 RE 4JUN2024).png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the File Selection screen.


LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Display (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to enter the Display menu.


LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Display_Contrast (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Display_Contrast_Edit (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button to enter the selection screen.

Use the arrow buttons to adjust the screen contrast level.

Press the OK button to confirm your selected level and return to the Display menu.

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Display_Back (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the Setup menu.

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Display_Exit (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024).png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the File Selection screen.

Power Save
LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_PowerSave (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to enable Power Save.

The power-save feature will make LabSat 4 dim the display after 1 minute without user interaction (button presses).

When LabSat 4 is not recording or playing scenario files, the unit will power down after 15 minutes without user interaction.  

Disable BTN BEEP
LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_DisableBTNBEEP (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to disable the button beeps.

Disable All Sounds
LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_DisableAllSounds (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to disable all audible notifications from LabSat 4.

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Time (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to enter the Time menu. 

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Time_GPSUTC (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

GPS UTC will sync the time to the time from the GNSS engine in your LabSat 4.

GPS UTC is enabled by default. Press the OK button with this option highlighted to disable GPS UTC.

If you disable the GPS UTC time the Manual Set Clock option will become enabled and available. 

Manual Set Clock

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Time_Manual set Clock (v1.0 RE 5JUN2024)_300px.png

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Time_Manual set Clock_Set Clock (v1.0 RE 5JUN2024)_300px.png

GPS UTC will sync the time to the time from the GNSS engine in your LabSat 4.

GPS UTC is enabled by default. Press the OK button with this option highlighted to disable GPS UTC.

If you disable the GPS UTC time the Manual Set Clock option will become enabled and available. 

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Time_Back (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the Setup menu.

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Time_Exit (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the File Selection screen.


Export Config
LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_ExportConfig (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

This option gives you the ability to export the set configurations to a text file on the internal SSD to share or use in future testing.

The file will be named settings.txt

Import Config
LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_ImportConfig (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

This option gives you the ability to import configurations from a settings file saved on the internal SSD. 

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Back (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the Main menu.

LabSat 4_Menu_Setup_Exit (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png

Press the OK button with this option highlighted to return to the File Selection screen.

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