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This page contains pinout information for the connectors on the LabSat 4 (P) units.
Connector 1 - POWER (2-pin Lemo)
Connector Pin I/O Function Range
2-pin Lemo_75.png 1 I Power + 8 to 30 V
2 I Ground 0 V
Connector 2 - RF OUT (SMA)
Connector Pin I/O Function Range
SMA_75.png Center O RF Signal Output -
Chassis - Ground -
Connector 3 - RF IN/OUT (SMA)
Connector Pin I/O Function Range
SMA_75.png Center I RF Signal Input (DC bias for active antenna) Bias output 2.8 to 3 V
Chassis - Ground -
Connector 4 - REF (SMA)
Connector Pin I/O Function Range
SMA_75.png Center I/O 10 MHz Reference Clock Input/Output -
Chassis - Ground -
Connector 5 - Expansion Port (36-way MDR)

Expansion port Connector Pinouts.png

Pin Name I/O Function Range
1 1PPS O Signal from internal GNSS monitor that becomes active when the monitor is locked.  5 V level - max 25 mA 
2 DIGO 1 O Digital Output for User. 5 V level - max 25 mA 
3 DIGI 1 I Digital Input for User.  Up to 12 V input level.
Detection threshold=2.5 V
4 - - - -
5 - - - -
6 DIGO 2 O Digital Output for User. 5 V level - max 25 mA 
7 - - - -
8 DIGI 2 I Digital Input for User.  Up to 12 V input level.
Detection threshold=2.5 V
9 - - - -
10 CAN 1 H I/O CAN bus - High - Channel 1 . Standard ISO11898 voltage signal levels for CAN
11 CAN 1 L I/O CAN bus - Low - Channel 1. Standard ISO11898 voltage signal levels for CAN
12 CAN 2 H I/O CAN bus - High - Channel 2. Standard ISO11898 voltage signal levels for CAN
13 CAN 2 L I/O CAN bus - Low - Channel 2. Standard ISO11898 voltage signal levels for CAN
14 I2C SDA I/O I2C bus data - Reserved for future use. -
15 I2C SCL I/O I2C bus data - Reserved for future use. -
16 I2C VCC I/O I2C bus data - Reserved for future use. -
17 RS232 Tx O RS232 data output. NMEA data from GNSS monitor or user-specified RS232 data if enabled.  Standard RS232 level. 
18 RS232 Rx I User-specified RS232 data that is recorded if RS232 is enabled in the Digital configuration menu.  Standard RS232 level. 
19 Ground O Ground connection.  -
20 Ground O Ground connection.  -
21 Ground O Ground connection.  -
22   -    
23   -    
24   -    
25   -    
26   -    
27   -    
28 IO_0 I/O Reserved.  
29 IO_1 I/O Reserved.  
30 IO_2 I/O Reserved.  
31 IO_3 I/O Reserved.  
32   -    
33 Ground O Ground connection.  
34 Ground O Ground connection.  
35 Power O Connected to input power. Max 250 mA.
36 Power O Connected to input power. Max 250 mA.
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