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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Overview of Possible Configurations with LabSat 4

This page contains information about valid configurations with LabSat 4 if you are using identical settings for all the active channels.

Although LabSat 4 units can be configured to have a bandwidth of up to 60 MHz and a quantization of up to 12 for each of the 3 RF channels, the different combinations of these settings may increase the data rate to a level that is incompatible with the unit. You must, therefore, keep this limitation in mind when you configure your unit.

In most cases we recommend using a quantization setting of 1-4 bits, as most receivers do not require a resolution greater than this. However, if you are performing  special signal analysis and control, you may need to use 8 or 12 bits. 

You can use the tables below to confirm that your configuration is valid. However, these tables are only accurate if you use the same configuration for each active RF channel. If you need to use different configurations for each active RF channel, you can connect to the LabSat 4 Web Server or access the demo version of the LabSat 4 Web Server to check your configuration. The Frequency Setup Menu has a record rate usage bar that will illustrate the used data rate compared to the available data rate based on your current configuration. It will display a warning if your configuration is invalid. 

LabSat4_WebServer_Centre Frequency and Record Rate Usage.gif


The tables below provide and illustrate the possible setting combinations with the validity of the data rate results in configurations where the active RF channels have the same configurations.


  Green cells are configurations that are within the limit and can be used.
  Yellow cells are configurations that are close to the limit, but that can be used. 
  Red cells are configurations that are above limit and cannot be used. 


1-Channel Configuration

Data rates are in MB/s.

Bandwidth Quantization
1 2 4 8 12
60 15.345 30.69 61.38 122.76 184.14
56 14.322 28.644 57.288 114.576 171.864
52 13.299 26.598 53.196 106.392 159.588
48 12.276 24.552 49.104 98.208 147.312
44 11.253 22.506 45.012 90.024 135.036
40 10.23 20.46 40.92 81.84 122.76
36 9.207 18.414 36.828 73.656 110.484
32 8.184 16.368 32.736 65.472 98.208
30 7.6725  15.345 30.69 61.38 92.07
28 7.161 14.322 28.644 57.288 85.932
24 6.138 12.276 24.552 49.104 73.656
20 5.115 10.23 20.46 40.92 61.38
16 4.092 8.184 16.368 32.736 49.104
10 2.5575 5.115 10.23 20.46 30.69
2-Channel Configuration 

Data rates are in MB/s.

Bandwidth Quantization
1 2 4 8 12
60 30.69 61.38 122.76 245.52 368.28
56 28.644 57.288 114.576 229.152 343.728
52 26.598 53.196 106.392 212.784 319.176
48 24.552 49.104 98.208 196.416 294.624
44 22.506 45.012 90.024 180.048 270.072
40 20.46 40.92 81.84 163.68 245.52
36 18.414 36.828 73.656 147.312 220.968
32 16.368 32.736 65.472 130.944 196.416
30 15.345 30.69 61.38 122.76 184.14
28 14.322 28.644 57.288 114.576 171.864
24 12.276 24.552 49.104 98.208 147.312
20 10.23 20.46 40.92 81.84 122.76
16 8.184 16.368 32.736 65.472 98.208
10 5.115 10.23 20.46 40.92 61.38
3-Channel Configuration 

Data rates are in MB/s.

Bandwidth Quantization
1 2 4 8 12
60 46.035 98.07 184.14 368.28 552.42
56 42.966 85.932 171.864 343.728 515.592
52 39.897 79.794 159.588 319.176 478.764
48 36.828 73.656 147.312 294.624 478.764
44 33.759 67.518 135.036 270.072 405.108
40 30.69 61.38 122.76 245.52 368.28
36 27.621 55.242 110.484 220.968 331.452
32 24.552 49.104 98.208 196.416 294.624
30 23.0175 46.035 98.07 184.14 276.21
28 21.483 42.966 85.932 171.864 257.796
24 18.414 36.828 73.656 147.312 220.968
20 15.345 30.69 61.38 122.76 184.14
16 12.276 24.552 49.104 98.208 147.312
10 7.6725 15.345 30.69 61.38 92.07


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