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RACELOGIC Support Centre

How to Process a Supplier Credit Note

  • Click Purchases.
  • Select Purchase Credit Notes.
  • Click the blue Create Credit Note button.
Create Credit Note Modal
  • Complete the create credit note modal.
    • Enter the credit note number in the Doc number box.  This is a required field.
    • Click in the Date box to select the credit note date.
    • Select a Supplier.This is a required field.
    • Click Submit.


  • Click the blue Add Credit Note Line button.
New Purchase Ledger Line Modal
  • Complete the new purchase ledger line modal as required.
    • Enter the Stock ItemThis is a required field.
    • Enter a positive Quantity number.  This is a required field.
    • Add a positive Unit amount. This is a required field . 
    • Select a Tax rate.
    • Click the Add extra description box.
    • Enter the reason for the credit note.
IMPORTANT: Do not add a - before the quantity or amount as this would change the credit to an invoice.
  • Click Submit.



  • Check the details match the Supplier credit note.
  • To edit Details click the right-hand pencil.


Edit Invoice - x Modal
  • Edit the Edit Invoice - x Modal as required.
  • Click Submit.



  • Check that the totals and VAT amounts match the credit note.

•    If the VAT does not match, check and edit VAT by clicking the Edit button to the right of each stock line.


Edit Purchase Ledger Line Modal

•    Click on the Tax rate drop down to select the correct VAT rate.

•    Click Submit.




  • If everything is correct click the green Post button. The credit note will be posted to Quickbooks.

IMPORTANT: Posting a credit note to Quickbooks can not be undone - ensure everything is correct before clicking the Post button.
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