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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Creating Supplier Accounts

IMPORTANT: Always check that the Supplier Account does not exist before opening a new Supplier Account, follow the process, Check if a Supplier Exists on Unity

One off orders payable by bank transfer could be placed on the CASHSALE account - choose the correct account - CASH SALES ACCOUNT, CASH SALE EURO, CASH SALE DOLLAR - send payment details to Lanie Marshall.

  • Click on the Purchases menu.
  • Select Suppliers.
  • Click on the Suppliers tab.
  • Click the blue Add Supplier button.
Add New Company/contact Modal
  • Complete all required/desired fields.
    • Company code is to be left blank.
  • Click Submit.
Edit Supplier Modal
  • Complete all required/desired fields.
    • Select the Terms from the drop- down list.
    • Leave the Credit Limit field blank for non-credit applications OR obtain & complete a credit application form from the Supplier for a credit account,  You will be informed if a credit limit is approved and can then enter a credit limit & terms.
  • Select the Currency to use from the drop-down list.  This is a required field.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the correct currency is picked.  If not, you will have to create a new Supplier as you cannot change the currency once you have created a purchase order.  Separate Supplier Accounts require setting up for each currency type.
  • Enter the Account number if a Supplier has specified one, otherwise leave blank.
  • Do not enter anything in the Locations box.
  • Archived is to be unticked.
  • Click Submit.

IMPORTANT: When opening a new Supplier Account (not one off cash sale/credit card orders) send a CSR/Sustainability Self-Assessment Questionnaire to be completed and returned to Melissa Hogarth. 

Supplier Sustainability Self-Assessment Questionnaire.docx (












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