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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Editing Supplier Payment Details

IMPORTANT: A Credit Limit and Payment Terms can only be set once a credit application has been approved and credit limit/terms are given by a Supplier.
  • Click on the Purchases menu.
  • Select Suppliers.
  • Click on the Suppliers tab.
  • Enter the Company name.
  • Click on the Company.
  • Click the pencil on the Supplier tab.


Edit Supplier Modal
  • Complete all required/desired fields.
    • Select Terms CO-Payment with order. The Purchasing Supervisor will add terms if agreed.
    • Leave the Credit limit blank. The Purchasing Supervisor will add  a credit limit if one has been agreed.
    • Select the correct Currency.
    • Add an Account number if the Supplier has issued a Supplier Account Number.  In most cases this would be left blank.
    • Leave the Locations box as the default -.
    • Leave the Archived box as un-ticked.
IMPORTANT: Ensure the Currency is correct, a Supplier can only be set with one Currency.
  • Click Submit.





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