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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Stock Movement - Customer Return

IMPORTANT: This is an example of a Customer who has ordered the wrong item they would like to return for a credit.  
  • Click Stock.
  • Select Movements.
  • Click the Movements tab.
  • Hover or click on the blue + Add Movement button.
  • Click to select Customer Return.


Customer Return Modal
  • Complete the Customer Return Modal as required/desired.
    • Click in the Owner box to select or leave as the default -.
    • Click in the Customer box and select the Customer requesting the return. This is a required field.
    • Enter an RMA if you have one.  If  you do not have a RMA, leave this box blank.
    • Click in the Expected completion date box to select a return date.  Leave this box blank if you do not have a date.


  • Click Submit.
  • Click the blue Customer Return button.


Customer Return Modal
  • Complete the Customer Return modal as required/desired.
    • Click in the Stock Item box to select the stock code.
    • Click the the Quantity box to enter the quantity.
    • The location from box is populated with Customer.
    • Click in the Location to box and select Main_Stk
IMPORTANT: Only use Main-Stk if the goods will be in a resalable condition. 


  • Click Submit.
  • Continuing adding stock lines as applicable.
  • Click the green Awaiting Return button.


IMPORTANT: The stock movement will be at status 'Awaiting Return' until the goods have been returned.


  • Click the blue + Print Movement button. and print on PINK paper. File until the goods have been returned.


Return Goods - Received
  • Add a note to show that the goods have been received from the Customer.
IMPORTANT: To add a note follow the process Adding History/Notes.
  • Put the goods and pink paper onto Lawrence's shelf in Production (or other designated area in non UK offices). The goods will be checked/tested as applicable.
  • Checked/tested goods are passed to Stores for restocking.
  • The pink paper is returned to Admin.
  • Find the Stock Movement on Unity.
    • Click Stock.
    • Select Movements.
    • Enter the Stock Movement number into the Stock Movement box.
    • Click on the SM number.

IMPORTANT: Enter a serial number if this symbol is shown to the right of Complete.


  • Click on the symbol to the right of Complete.



Edit Stock Movement Item Modal 
  • Click in the Serial numbers box 
  • Add the serial number.
  • Click Submit.


  • Click the green Returned button if all items have been returned and inspected.


  • Click the orange Confirm button.



IMPORTANT: If you have not clicked Returned as only some items have been received, click the Complete box against the correct stock code lines.  


  • Click the green Completed button once all lines are showing as Status Complete.




  • Click the orange Confirm button.


  • Click the green Completed button.


  • Click the orange Confirm button.


IMPORTANT: The status of the Stock Movement has now changed to Complete.



Raising a Customer Credit Note

IMPORTANT: Raise  a credit note once the goods have been checked and restocked, a credit note is raised from the Customer Return Stock Movement.

Make sure you have anote of the original sales invoice number 

  • Click Stock.
  • Select Movements.
  • Click the Movements tab.
  • Enter the Stock Movement (SM) number into the Stock Movement filter box.


  • Click the + button to the right of Sales Credit Notes.


New Sales Credit Note Modal
  • Complete the New Sales Credit Note modal as required/desired
    • Click in the Sales Invoice box and type in the original sales invoice number.
    • The Customer account name will populate automatically.


  • Click Submit.
  • Click the blue + Add Credit Note Line.
Add Credit Note Line Modal
  • Complete the Add Credit Note Line modal as required/desired.
    • The tax rate should automatically show as the tax rate for the Customer.
    • Enter the same sales unit amount per the sales order/invoice you are crediting for the stock item.
    • Leave the Unit Cost blank.



  • Click Submit.

IMPORTANT: Add further lines to credit as applicable.

Email your Manager requesting approval  before posting the credit note.

  • Click the green Post button.  This posts the credit note to Quickbooks and can not be undone.


IMPORTANT: Stock is adjusted on the stock movement, the credit note itself does not adjust stock.

Emailing a credit note to a Customer
  • Click Sales.
  • Select Credit Notes.
  • Enter the credit note note in the Doc Number filter box.
  • Click on the SC number.
  • Click the blue View button to check the credit note.
  • Click the blue Email Credit Note button.
Email Invoice Modal (credit)
  • Click in the Email box to select a different email address if applicable.
  • Edit the Message text if applicable.
  • Click Submit.



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