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Quick ADAS Testing Installation and Configuration - VBOX 3i ADAS

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This page contains a basic configuration guide for a typical setup for ADAS testing. These instructions outline the steps and their order to get your ADAS testing systems ready when using VBOX 3i ADAS.

Step 1: Inventory

The first step includes deciding what equipment you need for the test scenario you will be working with, and checking that you have the modules and accessories you need before you start the installation on and in your vehicle(s).

We suggest that you:

  1. Nominate a VBOX unit for the identified subject vehicle and each of the target vehicle(s).
  2. Check your equipment to make sure that you have all the necessary peripherals and accessories to set up your systems and do the configuration. 
  3. Check that you have the latest software and firmware versions installed. You can find the latest versions available here.

VBOX 3i ADAS Hardware Connections - Typical subject setup (v1.0 RE 22FEB2023).png

VBOX 3i ADAS Hardware Connections - Typical target setup (v2.0 RE 22FEB2023).png
Subject Vehicle Setup Target Vehicle Setup
Surveying Equipment

If you need to survey any points or lines when configuring your vehicles and the test, you will need to use survey equipment. Choose the equipment based on the configurations you need: 

  • Survey antenna (RLACS320)
  • Survey antenna cable (RLCAB067)
  • Survey Pole (RLACS168)
    Used to survey vehicle shapes, static targets and points on a straight line.
  • Survey Trolley and Backpack (RLACS173)
    Used to survey curved and complex lines.
  • Battery (VBOX power supply - RLACS333-L)
  • Used to power the VBOX unit so that you can move around when surveying.

Step 2: Install the Hardware on your Test Vehicles

These are the steps for mounting and connecting the relevant equipment on and in your test vehicles.

Click on the blue headings below to see the relevant steps for each setup.

Install and Connect all Target Vehicle Hardware

If you are using Remote VBOX Targets (target vehicles):

  1. Connect antenna cables to the connectors on the GNSS antennas. 

    You can find more information about antenna placement and equipment for antenna placement here.
  2. Connect the primary GNSS antenna to antenna port A and the secondary antenna to antenna port B on the target's VBOX unit. 
  3. Connect the ADAS radio antenna to the ADAS radio unit and place the antenna on the roof of the vehicle.
  4. Connect the ADAS radio unit to the SER port on the target's VBOX unit with an RLCAB005 cable.
  5. Connect the RTK device you are using to the DGPS port on the target's VBOX unit. 
  6. Connect any additional Racelogic modules that you want to use, such as an IMU for Kalman Filter.

    You can find information about how to install and connect the different modules here.
  7. Connect the power cable to the PWR port on the target's VBOX unit. 
  8. Connect the Laptop with VBOX Setup installed to the USB port on the target's VBOX unit.
  9. Open VBOX Setup and connect to the relevant COM port.
  10. Configure the DGPS:
    • If you are using an NTRIP Modem for DGPS/RTK you must enable NTRIP and check that the baud rate is set to 115200. 
    • If you are using a DGPS radio with a base station for DGPS/RTK, you must set the baud rate of your client radio. 
  11. Enable dual antenna mode in the Dual Antenna menu.
  12. Select the antenna orientation, Pitch mode or Roll mode
  13. Open the ADAS menu and set the Mode to Target.
  1. Set the total number of targets you are using and the number of the target you are setting up and click Write to unit.
Install Relevant Subject Vehicle Hardware
  1. Connect antenna cables to the connectors on the GNSS antennas and place the GNSS antennas on the roof of the vehicle. 
  2. Connect the ADAS radio antenna to the ADAS radio unit and place the antenna on the car roof.
  3. Prepare any additional Racelogic modules that you want to use, such as an IMU for Kalman Filter.

    You can find information about how to install and connect to VBOX 3i ADAS for the different modules here.
  4. Do not make any connections to your subject's VBOX unit yet.  

At this point, your Subject Vehicle is ready to be configured.

Step 3: Configure ADAS Objects

Prepare your surveying equipment:

  1. Connect the survey antenna cable to the antenna port on the survey antenna.
  2. Connect the cable from the survey antenna to port A on your subject's VBOX unit. 
  3. Connect the RTK equipment you are using to the DGPS port on the subject's VBOX unit. 
  4. Connect the power cable to the PWR port on the subject's VBOX unit.
  5. Connect the Laptop to the USB port on the subject's VBOX unit.
  6. Open the VBOX Setup software on your laptop and connect to the relevant COM port. 
  7. If you are using an NTRIP Modem for your RTK corrections, you must Enable NTRIP.
  8. If you are using a DGPS radio with a base station for DGPS/RTK, you must set the correct baud rate.
  9. Open the ADAS menu and set the Mode to Subject.

Subject Vehicle Shape

Click the Edit button to the right of Subject Vehicle to configure its vehicle points and line reference points.

You can now decide how you want to configure the subject vehicle shape. 

Load From File

Load an already configured vehicle shape from a saved file. 

  1. Click on the Load from file button.
  2. Navigate to the file you wish to use.
  3. Click Load.
  4. Click OK when you are happy with all your vehicle and line reference points.


Survey From Live Position

Use a survey pole to set the vehicle points that configures the shape of the test vehicle(s). 

  1. Click Survey from live position.

The Survey: Subject Vehicle Shape window will open. 

2_Subject Vehicle Survey Origin-framed.png
  1. Place the survey antenna on the vehicle roof where you want your origin point to be and click Set origin

    The origin should be at the same location as your primary antenna. 
  2. Move the survey antenna forward on the roof and click Set forward direction.

    The forward direction used in the configuration will be drawn from the origin point to your forward direction point. This should be along the centre of the vehicle and towards the front of the vehicle. 
  1. Mount the survey antenna on a survey pole. 
  2. Place the survey pole next to the vehicle at a location that you wish to use as a vehicle point.
  3. Click on the Add vehicle point button to record the vehicle point.
  4. Repeat the process until you have set the required points (max 24).

Set up to 3 Line reference points:

  1. Use the survey pole and survey antenna to set the location of the points.
  2. Click the Add line ref. point button to record them.
  3. Click OK when you have added all your vehicle and line reference points.

Your subject vehicle shape has now been configured.

Edit points

Set points without using surveying equipment by manually entering offsets from the antenna.

You can set up to 24 vehicle points.

  1. Click on the Add vehicle point button to add a point to your vehicle shape. 
  2. Add the X- and Y-axis distances (m) based on the antenna offset.

Set up to 3 Line reference points: 

  1. Click on the Add line ref. point button to add a line reference point to the Subject Vehicle. 
  2. Measure from the primary GNSS antenna to the location you wish to use as the Line reference point
  3. Add the X- and Y-axis distances (m) based on the antenna offset.
  4. Click OK when you have added all your vehicle and line reference points.

Your subject vehicle shape has now been configured.

 Target Vehicle Shape

You can have a maximum of 3 remote targets. 

Note: You will still be using the subject's VBOX unit and its connected modules and laptop for this step. 

  1. Click Add Remote VBOX Target to open the Survey: Remote VBOX Target Shape window and configure the vehicle points and the line reference point for your target vehicle.

Next, you can decide how you want to configure the target vehicle shape.

Load From File

Load an already configured vehicle shape from a saved file. 

  1. Click on the Load from file button.
  2. Navigate to the file you wish to use.
  3. Click Load.
  4. Click OK when you are happy with all your vehicle and line reference points.
survey vehicle shape_remote target_cropped.png

Multiple Targets

If you want to use multiple targets, you need to repeat the target vehicle configuration above for each vehicle (Target Vehicle Hardware and Target Vehicle Shape)

Survey From Live Position

Use a survey pole to set the vehicle points that configure the shape of the target vehicle(s). 

  1. Click Survey from live position.

The Survey: Remote VBOX Target Shape window will open. 

2_Remote Target Origin-cropped.png
  1. Remove the survey antenna from the survey pole.
  2. Place the survey antenna on the vehicle roof where you want your origin point to be and click Set origin

    The origin should be at the same location as your primary antenna. 
  3. Move the survey antenna forward and click Set forward direction.

    The forward direction used in the configuration will be drawn from the origin point to your forward direction point. This should be along the centre of the vehicle and towards the front of the vehicle. 
survey vehicle shape_remote target_cropped.png
  1. Mount the survey antenna on the survey pole again. 
  2. Place the survey pole next to the vehicle at a location that you wish to use as a vehicle point.
  3. Click on the Add vehicle point button to record the vehicle point.
  4. Repeat the process until you have set the required points (max 24).

Add 1 Line reference point:

  1. Use the survey pole and survey antenna to set the location of the point.
  2. Click the Add line ref. point button to record it.
  3. Click OK when you have added all your vehicle and line reference points.
  4. Click Write to unit to send the configuration to the connected VBOX unit.

Your target vehicle shape has now been configured.

Multiple Targets

If you want to use multiple targets, you need to repeat the target vehicle configuration above for each vehicle (Target Vehicle Hardware and Target Vehicle Shape)

Edit points

Set points, without using surveying equipment, by manually entering offsets from the antenna.

You can set up to 24 vehicle points.

  1. Click on the Add vehicle point button to add a point to your vehicle shape. 
  2. Add the X- and Y-axis distances (m) based on the antenna offset.

You can also set 1 Line reference point to your vehicle in this survey window. 

  1. Click on the Add line ref. point button to add a line reference point to the Subject Vehicle. 
  2. Measure from the primary GNSS antenna to the location you wish to use as the Line reference point
  3. Add the X- and Y-axis distances (m) based on the antenna offset.
  4. Click OK when you have added all your vehicle and line reference points.

Your target vehicle shape has now been configured.

survey vehicle shape_remote target_cropped.png

Multiple Targets

If you want to use multiple targets, you need to repeat the target vehicle configuration above for each vehicle (Target Vehicle Hardware and Target Vehicle Shape)

Surveying Reference Heading

  1. Make sure you have RTK fix. 
  2. Click on the Survey button.
  3. Move the vehicle to the first nominated point along a straight line that runs perfectly parallel to the test track.
  4. Set the first point by clicking on the  Set Point A button.
  5. Move the vehicle to a distance at least 100 m along the straight line.
  6. Make sure that the vehicle is re-aligned to the line.
  7. Click on the Set Point B button.
  8. Click OK.

    NoteThe reference heading will be generated from the bearing of Point A to Point B.
ADAS menu_default_subject mode_target options.png
ADAS Menu_Reference heading.png
You can find more information about the ADAS Parameter Definitions here.

Other ADAS Objects

You may need to use one or more other ADAS objects for reference in your test, such as static targets, road lines and sign posts. If you do need one or more of these, click on the blue heading for the object you want to add to see the steps.  

Static Targets
  1. Click Add Static Target.

Adding a Static Target at the current position:

  1. Click Add Static Target at current position.
  2. Reverse the vehicle > 20 m (or move the antenna backwards from the target).
  3. Click set target direction.

You can add up to 3 static targets.

Note: You can only have 5 targets in total, including both remote and static targets. 

  1. Click Clear to delete added static targets.
  2. Click Save to save the added targets in a .VBC file.
  3. Click OK to finish.

Lines are used to mark the edges of a road, lane or circuit during the testing. If the line you are surveying loops back on itself, for example, the centre line of a circular test track, you should add it as a Circuit Line. 

You can have a maximum of 3 lines at any time. 

Note: You will still be using the subject's VBOX unit to configure the lines. 

Use the subject's VBOX unit.

Open the ADAS menu in VBOX Setup. 

Click Add Road Line to configure a new Road line or Add Circuit Line to add a new circuit line.

The Survey window will open. 

You now have two options, Load from File and Survey line.

Load From File
  1. Click on the Load from file button. 
  2. Navigate to the file you wish to use.
  3. Click Load.

The file will be loaded into VBOX Setup and you can see the configured road lines. 

Survey Road Line

Click Survey Road Line.

There are 2 ways to survey a Road Line: To perform a survey and add single points. 

Survey a Road Line

  1. Click Start Survey.
  2. Walk along the line you wish to use as a road line with the survey trolley.
  3. When you are happy with the surveyed line, click Save and continue.
  4. Click on the OK button to save the line and the Cancel button to exit the survey and go back to the ADAS menu. 

Add Single Point

You can add single points to create a road line. 

  1. Move the survey antenna to the first point of your line and click on the Add single point button. 
  2. Move your survey antenna to the next point on your line and click on the Add single point button. 
  3. Repeat this step until you have completed your Road Line.
  4. When you are happy with the surveyed line, click Save and continue.
  5. Click on the OK button to save the line and the Cancel button to exit the survey and go back to the ADAS menu. 


  • If you need to make changes to the added points, you can delete the last added point or clear all added points and start again.
ADAS - Lines - Survey Road Lines.png
Survey Circuit Line

Click Survey Circuit Line.

There are 2 ways to survey a Circuit Line: performing a survey or adding single points. 

Survey a Road Line

  1. Click on the Start Survey button.
  2. Walk along the line you wish to use as a circuit line with the survey trolley.
  3. When you are happy with the surveyed line, click Complete Survey.
  4. Click on the OK button to save the line and the Cancel button to exit the survey and go back to the ADAS menu. 

Add Single Point

You can add single points to create a circuit line. 

  1. Move the survey antenna to the first point of your line and click on the Add single point button. 
  2. Move your survey antenna to the next point on your line and click on the Add single point button again.
  3. Repeat this step until you have completed your circuit line.
  4. When you are happy with the surveyed line, click Complete Survey.

ADAS - Lines - Survey Circuit Lines.png


  1. Before you save the line, you can relocate the Entry Point (the red dot marks the entry point) on the track by clicking on the new location on the surveyed line.

    If you do not move the entry point, Setup will place it at the location of the first point of the line.
  2. Click OK to save the line and Cancel to go back to the ADAS menu without saving the line.


  • If you need to make changes in the added points, you can delete the last added point or clear all added points and start again.
ADAS Menu_Survey Circuit Lines_Preview_350px.png
Sign Posts

By expanding the sign post section, you can enter data, such as:

  • Sensor detection range 
  • Sensor detection angle 
  • Antenna to sensor offset

You can add up to 99 sign posts.

Note: You will still be using the subject's VBOX unit and its connected modules and laptop for this step. 

  1. Click Add Sign Posts.

Add Sign Post at current position

  1. Move the survey antenna to the location of your sign post. 
  2. Click on the Add Sign post at current position button.
  3. Repeat the process for each required sign post.
  4. When you have added the sign posts you need, click OK to continue.

To close the window without adding sign posts, click Cancel

If you want to delete the added sign posts and start again, click Clear.



ADAS_Sign Posts- framed_cropped.png

Step 4: Install and Connect all Subject Vehicle Hardware

When you have finished configuring the ADAS objects, you can connect all the hardware on the Subject vehicle. 
  1. Disconnect the power from the subject's VBOX unit. 
  2. Disconnect the survey antenna cable from the subject's VBOX unit.
  3. The subject's VBOX unit should now have the following connected to it:
    • RTK device
    • Laptop 
  4. Place the subject's VBOX unit in the subject vehicle.
  5. Connect the primary GNSS antenna to antenna port A and the secondary antenna to antenna port B on the subject's VBOX unit.
  6. Connect the ADAS radio cable to the SER port on the subject's VBOX unit. 
  7. Connect any optional modules as described here.
  8. Connect the power cable to the PWR port on the subject's VBOX unit. 
  9. Open the Dual Antenna menu and Enable dual antenna mode.
  10. Select the antenna orientation you are using, Pitch or Roll mode. 
  11. Click Write to unit.
VBOX 3i ADAS Hardware Connections - Typical subject setup (v1.0 RE 22FEB2023).png

Step 5: Send Configuration to Target(s)

If you have configured one or more target vehicles, and you wish to view the ADAS data on a connected display in your target vehicle(s), you will need to transfer the target vehicle configurations to the relevant target VBOX units.  

  1. Open the ADAS menu in VBOX Setup.
  2. Go to the Target Options section and enable Calculate ADAS data in VBOX Target.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on the dropdown menu for Configure Target via radio and select which target you wish to send the configuration to. You can also choose All targets
  5. If the transmission fails, you can save your configuration to a CF Card and manually add the configuration to each of the relevant target VBOX units. 

Note: This process can take a couple of minutes.

ADAS_Configure target via radio_framed.png

Step 6: Final Checks

You should perform the following steps on all the vehicles in your test system before you start your test. 

Link Time 

Check the Link Time.

Link Time is a good indicator of ADAS radio link quality. The VBOX ADAS system will suffer occasional single-sample drops outs. These are acceptable, but if this incremental count drops out and falls to zero, or has larger periods of time with full or intermittent drop-outs, it indicates a radio problem that needs addressing. This could, for example, be caused by issues with the radio system configuration or with the line of sight.



You should perform a final check to make sure that your RTK is fixed.

If your RTK is not fixed, you could have a problem with the DGPS signal, radio setup, VBOX configuration, or environmental issues.


If you are using IMU…

When used in conjunction with VBOX 3i ADAS, data from the IMU is integrated with GPS data to improve the quality of measurements in areas with poor GPS reception.

IMU integration 

Enable IMU integration with the VBOX Setup software.

  1. Make sure that the IMU04 is connected via RLCAB119, and that the VBOX 3i ADAS is powered on.
  2. Connect the VBOX 3i ADAS to the PC using an RLCAB001 or RLCAB066-2 cable (RS232 or USB).
  3. Open VBOX Setup and connect to the VBOX 3i ADAS by selecting the relevant COM Port.
  4. Open the IMU menu and tick Enable IMU integration.
  5. If your IMU is mounted on the roof, you must also tick Enable roof mount.
  6. If you are not using a roof-mounted IMU, you must enter the distances measured between the IMU and the primary antenna (A).
  7. If you would like to translate the data from the IMU location to another point on the vehicle where all measurements will be made, enter the x, y and z offset values from the IMU to the required translation point.


  • If you want to view the CAN data live, you must have a multi-functional display (e.g. MFD Touch) connected and tick the Send to MFD box for the channel you wish to see in the Channel Configuration menu in VBOX Setup. 
  • If you want to display the IMU Attitude data as a Live Serial data display, and you are using an alternative software to VBOX Test Suiteyou must tick the Advanced box in the top right corner and tick the channels for Send over serial
  1. Click Write to unit to upload the settings to the connected VBOX unit.

Important notes 

  • You cannot use the IMU04 for IMU integration if it is connected to the VBOX 3i ADAS via CAN (RLCAB120 / RLCAB005-CS). This method of connection will only allow you to log standard IMU channels.
  • The IMU04 standard channels can also be logged when the IMU04 is connected via the KF port with cable RLCAB119, without enabling IMU integration.
  • The IMU04 must be in a Racelogic CAN mode to be used for IMU Kalman Filter.
  • The GNSS antenna and IMU should be co-located (roof mount) or positioned so there is no relative X or Y offset between them. If there is a difference, manual contact points should reference the IMU location, rather than the GNSS antenna.
Wheel Speed Inputs 

Vehicle speed data can be combined with inertial IMU data to provide increased data accuracy in environments that have poor satellite reception, such as areas with trees, buildings, bridges or tunnels. You can find more information on this here.

To obtain the wheel speed information, the best method is to use the sensors that are already fitted to the vehicle by connecting to the vehicle’s CAN bus with an RLCAB069L, RLCAB015L or RLACS182L cable. Before you start testing, you must make sure that the VBOX unit is correctly connected to either the speed sensors or to the vehicle CAN bus.

Next, you need to enable and configure the wheel speed input in the VBOX Setup software.

  1. Make sure that the IMU04 is connected via RLCAB119, and that the VBOX unit is powered on.
  2. Connect your VBOX unit to a computer, either via Bluetooth (an RLCAB001 cable to the SER input and the computer's serial port, you may need a usb-serial adapter), or via an RLCAB066-2 cable to one of the computer's USB ports.
  3. Open VBOX Setup and connect to the VBOX unit by selecting the relevant COM port.
  4. Open the IMU menu and select the Wheel speed input tab. 
  5. Click the Add wheel speed input to start configuring the inputs. 
  6. Configure the inputs by selecting the applicable input for each wheel speed. 
  7. Click OK.
  8. Select Write to unit to save the settings in the VBOX unit.

When using IMU integration, it requires an initialisation phase when the IMU is first connected to the VBOX after being configured. This will automatically run after the VBOX unit has successfully gained GPS and RTK.

Kalman filter calibration

If you have enabled IMU Integration, you must perform the full calibration procedure before you can start to produce meaningful test results. The calibration procedure is a series of specific manoeuvres that you should perform to help the Kalman Filter characterise the outputs from the IMU. 

If you do not perform the calibration procedure, the Kalman Filter will still function. It may, however, not produce a high level of accuracy until after you have performed dynamic manoeuvres in the X and Y plane (i.e. left and right-hand turns, braking and accelerating) which could take several minutes of driving. 

  1. Park the vehicle in an open area where the GNSS antenna has a clear view of the sky.
  2. Make sure that you have RTK fix. 
  3. Remain static and wait for the IMU to complete the 30-second stationary initialization.

    Note: If the IMU detects movement before the initialisation finishes, the 30-second process will restart when the vehicle is stationary again.
  4. When the LED on the front panel of the IMU changes from flashing orange to flashing green, drive forward to complete the initialisation of the IMU. 
  5. Continue to an open area to perform the calibration procedure.
  6. Drive in a figure of eight at least twice. The vehicle should be at a speed of more than 5 km/h during this procedure to generate sufficient force for the calibration process.

Note: If you cannot do figure of eights, you can perform left/right slalom-type manouvres to achieve a similar effect. 


KF Calibration.png

  1. Accelerate hard from a standstill to 50 km/h or above. Perform a brake stop with a deceleration force of at least 0.5 g. You must perform this step twice. 

kf_calibration2 (1).png

Re-running the calibration 

The Kalman Filter is constantly adapting its calibration depending on the information it receives from the GNSS receiver and the IMU. Therefore, if the vehicle is left stationary for a long time, or if an External IMU is moved from its mounting position, you should repeat the calibration procedure.

The calibration should also be repeated if there has been a communication break between the VBOX unit and the External IMU, such as:

  • You power cycle either the VBOX unit or the External IMU.
  • You change the VBOX IMU settings.
  • You use the VBOX Setup Software to read the VBOX unit's settings.
  • You use the VBOX Setup Software to read the External IMU settings.
  • You perform a GNSS Coldstart.
What happens if you do not carry out this procedure? 

If you cannot carry out this procedure as above, the speed accuracy will be reduced, especially for the first few minutes, until the Kalman Filter is able to calibrate itself.

►Pitch & Roll Angle Level Calibration

The function of the pitch angle and roll angle offsets is to remove measurement errors caused by the IMU not being mounted on a flat surface. 


  • You must wait to perform this calibration until AFTER you have completed the IMU Kalman Filter calibration procedure.
  • The vehicle must be stationary on a level surface. 
  1. Open the IMU menu in VBOX Setup.
  2. Locate the Calibration section.
  3. Press the Calibrate button to start the automated calibration process for the pitch and roll angle level.  
Gyro Rate Offsets

Zero Gyro Rates 

These rate offsets are used to correct any gyro bias, making the Pitch, Roll and Yaw channels read zero when the vehicle is stationary. You can find these settings in the IMU menu in the VBOX Setup software, under the section heading Serial IMU



Click the Zero button to calibrate the rate offsets. The software will guide you through a calibration process.

Note: The offsets will be reset each time you power cycle the VBOX unit.  


Click the Reset button to remove the calibrated offsets and reset the rates to the default values. 


True Heading

True heading offset is used to correct antenna alignment inaccuracies so that the true heading aligns with the course-over-ground heading when the vehicle travels in a straight line (for example, zero slip). You can either type in the true heading alignment if you have it or you can run the calibration. You can find the True Heading alignment setting in the Dual Antenna menu in VBOX Setup. 

True Heading Alignment calibration
  1. Open the Dual Antenna menu.
  2. Click the Calibrate button.

The Setup software will display the automated calibration process in the Calibration section and will provide you with clear instructions on what you need to do to complete the process.



Example of Dual antenna Calibration 

Range Check

Check the range on the display to make sure that the vehicle shapes look and act as expected

Step 7: Start Testing

Your ADAS configuration should now be complete and you can start your test. You will be able to see live previews of the configured ADAS ranges during your test. 
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