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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Saving Vehicle Contact Points

To save vehicle contact points within an ACC, ACSF, AEB, BSD or FCW test, please follow the steps below:

After the required contact points have been surveyed, it is possible to save these points to the compact flash card. These can then be recalled at a later date, enabling you to conduct testing with the same car without having to renter contact points.

  1. Connect VBOX Manager to the VBOX within the Subject Vehicle.
  2. Select the 'ADAS' option from the 'SETUP' menu and then depending on how many target vehicles you are using, ensure '1 Target', 'Target' or '3 Target' is selected.
  3. Select 'Subject' within 'ADAS Function' and then choose either 'Subject Vehicle Contact Points' or 'Target Vehicle 1/2/3 Contact Points' depending on which vehicle you would like save vehicle points for.
VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  1. Scroll to 'Save Contact Points' and select.
VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  1. This allows the user to either overwrite a previously saved file, or create a new save file using the '{NEW}' option.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  2.  Selecting the '{NEW}' option will display an alpha numeric scroll wheel where the user can enter the desired file name.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  3. Once entered, VBOX Manager will display the 'CONFIG FILE CREATED OK' message.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  4. Repeat for other vehicles if necessary.
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