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RACELOGIC Support Centre

04 - VBOX Mini Data Logging

Providing that you have registered your VBOX Mini then it will be capable of logging data to an SD card.

Using the SD card

The VBOX Mini will only work with SD and SDHC hardware, which must be formatted in FAT (less than 2GB) or FAT32 (over 2GB).

NOTE : Only firmware version 3.0.56 and above supports FAT32 format cards. Please ensure that the VBOX Mini is running this version (or higher) if SD cards over 2 GB in size are to be used. Versions older than this will not detect or log data to FAT32 SD cards. 

Files logged by VBOX Mini units are named ‘VBOX_001.dbn’ where 001 increments when a new file is created. A new file is created every time the unit is powered up, or when the card is re-inserted. If you wish to log data to the SD card then simply insert the card into the slot in the front of the unit. The VBOX Mini will log vehicle position, speed and acceleration into a binary ‘.dbn’ file which can be opened in VBOX Tools software for analysis. This data is logged when velocity is above 0.5 km/h.

The VBOX Mini has two logging modes, selectable through the SETUP menu available from any screen.

  • ONLY WHEN MOVING:  In this mode data is only logged to an SD card (.DBN file) whilst the Speed is greater than 0.5km/h.

    Only ever remove the SD card when you are stationary, otherwise you will risk losing data or corrupting the card (which would require a re-format).
  • CONTINUOUS: In this mode data is logged to the SD card (.DBN file) regardless of Speed or satellite reception

    Before removing the SD card, the data-logging process must be stopped by pressing the MENU button, which ends the writing of data to the card and closes the current file.

To read data from the card either:

  1. Insert the card into a SD card reader connected to your computer
  2. Connect your computer directly to VBOX Mini via the supplied USB cable to read the data from the card. Note, the unit must not be writing to the card when you connect to your PC.

To ensure Windows recognises the VBOX Mini, power up your VBOX Mini before connecting the USB cable to your PC.

File types

Below is a list of the file suffix’s and definitions that are used by VBOX Mini units and software:

Type Definition
*.dbn Binary format file containing logged Position, Speed, Acceleration data
*.vbo ASCII format file containing logged Position, Speed, Acceleration data
*.txt Performance and Lap times are stored in text format
*.dsf Split files containing Start/finish and Split line locations
*.cir Circuit overlay file for track mapping
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