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RACELOGIC Support Centre

CAN Hub - Updating the Firmware

It is recommended to check the website periodically for updates. To upgrade the CAN Hub firmware, download the following from the VBOX Automotive website.

  1. The CAN Hub latest firmware file (.RUF extension file)
  2. Racelogic Upgrader software

Connect the USB (port 11) of CAN Hub to the PC via the RLCAB042 USB cable and apply power to CAN Hub.

Double click on the .RUF upgrade file, which auto runs the Upgrader Software. Ensure the correct COM port is selected in Racelogic Upgrader, then click ‘Upgrade’ to start the procedure.

When this is complete, powering CAN Hub off and back on will complete the process.

Note: To confirm which COM port is assigned to CAN Hub, check device manager. Ensure that other software which may try and use the COM port communications, such as VBOX Tools, is closed.

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