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RACELOGIC Support Centre

08 - VBOX Speed Sensor CAN output


The following details the default CAN output from a RLVBSSxx and RLVBSS100SL.

This is the Racelogic standard VBOX output, ie. Starting at 0x301

Data format: Motorola

ID** Update Rate Data Bytes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0x301 Variable* (1) Sats (2) Time since midnight UTC  (3) Position – Latitude MMMM.MMMMM
0x302 Variable* (4) Position – Longitude MMMMM.MMMMM (5) Speed (kts) (6) Heading (º)
0x303 Variable* (7) Altitude. WGS 84 (m) (8) Vertical velocity (m/s) Unused (9) Status (10) Status
0x304 Variable* (11) Distance from Brake trigger (m) (12) Long Accel. (g) (13) Lateral Accel. (g)
0x305 Variable* (14) Distance travelled since VBOX reset (m) (15) Trigger Time (s) (16) Trigger Speed
0x306 Variable* Unused (17) Lean Angle (º) (18) Radius of Turn (m)
0x307 Variable* (19) Position – Latitude DD.DDDDDDD (20) Position – Longitude DD.DDDDDDD
0x308 Variable* (21) Distance from Brake Trigger (corrected) (m) (22) Distance from start speed to end speed (m) 
0x309 Variable* (23) Speed at start of test (km/h) (24) Speed at end of test (km/h) (25) Decel test time (s) Unused
0x30A Variable* (26) Lap time (s) (27) Split time (s) (28) Status   (29) RTK Status Unused
0x30B 10 ms (30) True Heading (º) (31) Slip Angle (º) (32) Pitch Angle (º) (33) Lateral Velocity (kts)
0x30C 10 ms (34) Yaw Rate (º/s) (35) Roll Angle (º) (36) Longitudinal Velocity (kts) (37) Center of Gravity
0x30D 10 ms (38) Front Left (39) Front Right (40) Rear Left (41) Rear Right

Note: Channels highlighted in yellow are only present in the output from the Dual Antenna Speed Sensor with RTK (RLVBSS100SLR).

Note: Channels highlighted in blue are only present in the output from the the Dual Antenna Speed Sensor (RLVBSS100SL).

* The update rate varies depending on the setting you have selected (see below).

100 Hz >> 10 ms
50 Hz  >> 20 ms

20 Hz 

>> 50 ms
10 Hz >> 100 ms
5 Hz  >> 200 ms


  1. If Satellites in view < 3 then only Identifier 0x301 is transmitted and bytes 2 to 8 are set to 0x00.
  2. Time since midnight. This is a count of 10ms intervals since midnight UTC. (5383690 = 53836.90 seconds since midnight or 14 hours, 57 minutes and 16.90 seconds).
  3. Position, Latitude (mmmm.mmmmm) * 100,000 (311924579 = 51 Degrees, 59.24579 Minutes North). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, North being positive.
  4. Position, Longitude (mmmmm.mmmmm)* 100,000 (11882246 = 0 Degrees, 58.82246 Minutes West). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, West being positive.
  5. Velocity, 0.01 knots per bit.
  6. Heading, 0.01° per bit.
  7. Altitude above mean sea level based on the applicable model of the earth, 0.01 m per bit, signed
  8. Vertical Velocity, 0.01 m/s per bit, signed.
  9. Status, 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 2 is always set.
  10. Status, 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 0 is always set, Bit 1 = Lapmarker, Bit 3=brake test started, Bit 4 = Brake trigger active, Bit 5 = DGPS active.
  11. Distance, 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned. Corrected to trigger point.
  12. Longitudinal Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  13. Lateral Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  14. Distance (since reset/power cycle), 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned.
  15. Time from last brake trigger event. 0.01 Seconds per bit.
  16. Velocity at brake trigger instant, 0.01 knots per bit (window smoothed over previous 4 samples).
  17. Lean Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  18. Radius of Turn 32-bit signed * 100.
  19. Position, Latitude (DD.DDDDDDD) * 10,000,000 (519874298 = 51.9874298 Degrees, North). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, North being positive.
  20. Position, Longitude (DD.DDDDDDD) * 10,000,000 (11882246 = 1.1882246 Degrees, West). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, West being positive.
  21. Distance, 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned. Trigger distance corrected to nearest 10 km/h speed.
  22. Distance, 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned. From start speed to end speed – Decel test.
  23. Speed at start of Decel test, 0.01 knots per bit.
  24. Speed at end of Decel, test 0.01 knots per bit.
  25. Time of Decel test . 0.01 Seconds per bit.
  26. Lap time 0.01 Seconds per bit.
  27. Split time 0.01 seconds per bit.
  28. Status. Bit 0 = Start/finish crossing; Bit 1 = Split line crossing (includes start/finish crossing).
  29. RTK status, 8 bit unsigned integer, 0 = No solution,1 = Stand alone, 2 = Code differential, 3 = RTK float, 4 = RTK fixed.
  30. True Heading of vehicle, 16-bit unsigned integer * 100.
  31. Slip Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  32. Pitch Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  33. Lateral Velocity, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  34. YAW rate, 16-bit signed integer*100.
  35. Roll Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  36. Longitudinal Velocity, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
  37. Centre Of Gravity Slip angle, 16-bit signed integer *100.
  38. Front Left, 16-bit signed integer*100.
  39. Front Right, 16-bit signed integer*100.
  40. Rear Left, 16-bit signed integer*100.
  41. Rear Right, 16-bit signed integer*100.
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