08 - VBOX Speed Sensor CAN output
The following details the default CAN output from a RLVBSSxx and RLVBSS100SL.
This is the Racelogic standard VBOX output, ie. Starting at 0x301
Data format: Motorola
ID** | Update Rate | Data Bytes | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||
0x301 | Variable* | (1) Sats | (2) Time since midnight UTC | (3) Position – Latitude MMMM.MMMMM | |||||
0x302 | Variable* | (4) Position – Longitude MMMMM.MMMMM | (5) Speed (kts) | (6) Heading (º) | |||||
0x303 | Variable* | (7) Altitude. WGS 84 (m) | (8) Vertical velocity (m/s) | Unused | (9) Status | (10) Status | |||
0x304 | Variable* | (11) Distance from Brake trigger (m) | (12) Long Accel. (g) | (13) Lateral Accel. (g) | |||||
0x305 | Variable* | (14) Distance travelled since VBOX reset (m) | (15) Trigger Time (s) | (16) Trigger Speed | |||||
0x306 | Variable* | Unused | (17) Lean Angle (º) | (18) Radius of Turn (m) | |||||
0x307 | Variable* | (19) Position – Latitude DD.DDDDDDD | (20) Position – Longitude DD.DDDDDDD | ||||||
0x308 | Variable* | (21) Distance from Brake Trigger (corrected) (m) | (22) Distance from start speed to end speed (m) | ||||||
0x309 | Variable* | (23) Speed at start of test (km/h) | (24) Speed at end of test (km/h) | (25) Decel test time (s) | Unused | ||||
0x30A | Variable* | (26) Lap time (s) | (27) Split time (s) | (28) Status | (29) RTK Status | Unused | |||
0x30B | 10 ms | (30) True Heading (º) | (31) Slip Angle (º) | (32) Pitch Angle (º) | (33) Lateral Velocity (kts) | ||||
0x30C | 10 ms | (34) Yaw Rate (º/s) | (35) Roll Angle (º) | (36) Longitudinal Velocity (kts) | (37) Center of Gravity | ||||
0x30D | 10 ms | (38) Front Left | (39) Front Right | (40) Rear Left | (41) Rear Right |
Note: Channels highlighted in yellow are only present in the output from the Dual Antenna Speed Sensor with RTK (RLVBSS100SLR).
Note: Channels highlighted in blue are only present in the output from the the Dual Antenna Speed Sensor (RLVBSS100SL).
* The update rate varies depending on the setting you have selected (see below).
100 Hz | >> | 10 ms |
50 Hz | >> | 20 ms |
20 Hz |
>> | 50 ms |
10 Hz | >> | 100 ms |
5 Hz | >> | 200 ms |
- If Satellites in view < 3 then only Identifier 0x301 is transmitted and bytes 2 to 8 are set to 0x00.
- Time since midnight. This is a count of 10ms intervals since midnight UTC. (5383690 = 53836.90 seconds since midnight or 14 hours, 57 minutes and 16.90 seconds).
- Position, Latitude (mmmm.mmmmm) * 100,000 (311924579 = 51 Degrees, 59.24579 Minutes North). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, North being positive.
- Position, Longitude (mmmmm.mmmmm)* 100,000 (11882246 = 0 Degrees, 58.82246 Minutes West). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, West being positive.
- Velocity, 0.01 knots per bit.
- Heading, 0.01° per bit.
- Altitude above mean sea level based on the applicable model of the earth, 0.01 m per bit, signed
- Vertical Velocity, 0.01 m/s per bit, signed.
- Status, 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 2 is always set.
- Status, 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 0 is always set, Bit 1 = Lapmarker, Bit 3=brake test started, Bit 4 = Brake trigger active, Bit 5 = DGPS active.
- Distance, 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned. Corrected to trigger point.
- Longitudinal Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
- Lateral Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
- Distance (since reset/power cycle), 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned.
- Time from last brake trigger event. 0.01 Seconds per bit.
- Velocity at brake trigger instant, 0.01 knots per bit (window smoothed over previous 4 samples).
- Lean Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
- Radius of Turn 32-bit signed * 100.
- Position, Latitude (DD.DDDDDDD) * 10,000,000 (519874298 = 51.9874298 Degrees, North). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, North being positive.
- Position, Longitude (DD.DDDDDDD) * 10,000,000 (11882246 = 1.1882246 Degrees, West). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, West being positive.
- Distance, 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned. Trigger distance corrected to nearest 10 km/h speed.
- Distance, 0.000078125 meters per bit, unsigned. From start speed to end speed – Decel test.
- Speed at start of Decel test, 0.01 knots per bit.
- Speed at end of Decel, test 0.01 knots per bit.
- Time of Decel test . 0.01 Seconds per bit.
- Lap time 0.01 Seconds per bit.
- Split time 0.01 seconds per bit.
- Status. Bit 0 = Start/finish crossing; Bit 1 = Split line crossing (includes start/finish crossing).
- RTK status, 8 bit unsigned integer, 0 = No solution,1 = Stand alone, 2 = Code differential, 3 = RTK float, 4 = RTK fixed.
- True Heading of vehicle, 16-bit unsigned integer * 100.
- Slip Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
- Pitch Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
- Lateral Velocity, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
- YAW rate, 16-bit signed integer*100.
- Roll Angle, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
- Longitudinal Velocity, 16-bit signed integer * 100.
- Centre Of Gravity Slip angle, 16-bit signed integer *100.
- Front Left, 16-bit signed integer*100.
- Front Right, 16-bit signed integer*100.
- Rear Left, 16-bit signed integer*100.
- Rear Right, 16-bit signed integer*100.