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RACELOGIC Support Centre

4.6 Serial – VBOX Setup with VBOX 3iS Single Antenna RTK (v1)

In the Serial menu in VBOX Setup, connected to a VBOX 3iS Single Antenna RTK, you can configure the format, content and data rate of the serial stream transmitted by the VBOX unit.

VB3iSR Serial - 1000px.png


VB3iSR Serial - Mode.png

This selects which format the VBOX unit will use to output Serial data. 

Racelogic - For Serial communication with other Racelogic products (not available if ADAS mode is enabled).

NMEA - For user defined NMEA message output (not available if ADAS mode is enabled).

ADAS remote mode - This mode is automatically selected if ADAS mode is enabled.


NMEA Messages 

VB3iSR Serial - NMEA messages.png

If the NMEA message format is selected, the following options become available:

Baud rate The required serial baud rate can be selected from this drop down menu, selectable from 4800 – 115200 kbit/s (115200 kbit/s by default).
Update rate The update rate of the NMEA messages can be changed using this drop down list, selectable from 1 –100 Hz (1 Hz by default).
Message selection NMEA messages can be selected and deselected for transmission by checking and un-checking the boxes next to each message type.
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