What is the maximum VBOX serial data rate when using Telemetry?

The telemetry modules can only transmit data at a limited baud rate, which restricts the amount of serial data that can be transmitted via RF. In order to allow the data to be transmitted without errors, the serial stream must be limited to 5 Hz using VBOX Tools or VBOX Setup software.
A 5 Hz serial rate will allow accurate transmission of the standard GPS channels, plus 24 CAN channels. Even at 5 Hz, the information sent to VBOX Tools or VBOX Test Suite is very useful, for example it will give VBOXIII brake test results accurate to about 10 cm. Racelogic recommends that customers use serial data to provide an instant assessment of whether or not tests are valid, with full analysis conducted on data logged to compact flash card once a number of valid tests have been completed.
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