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RACELOGIC Support Centre

04 - CAN Gateway Setup Wheel Speeds

Selecting the 'Wheel Speeds' option on startup allows you to configure wheel speed CAN signals for CAN Gateway to output on the CAN B Module (Racelogic Module) port as serial data.

CAN Gateway Setup Wheel Speeds Hover.png

The process involves selecting the vehicle from the Racelogic Vehicle CAN Database or loading a CAN/CAN-FD .dbc file(s) in to the software, confirming/selecting any required wheel speed signals, selecting the desired the CAN Configuration settings for the vehicle port, VBOX CAN port and serial configuration and then generating a configuration file for use by CAN Gateway and a .dbc CAN file for use by the data logger.


CAN Gateway Setup Wheel Speeds Overview.png

Signal Sources

CAN Gateway Setup Signal Sources2.png

Racelogic Vehicle CAN DatabaseCAN Gateway Config Vehicle CAN.png

To open the Racelogic Vehicle CAN Database, press the 'Vehicle CAN' button at the top of the window. This option enables you to browse the Racelogic Vehicle CAN database within the software and select your vehicle make and model.


CAN Gateway Setup CAN Database.png

Once selected, CAN signals specific to your vehicle will appear beneath the selection with wheel speed signals automatically selected. If you are happy with the selection, press the 'Select' button. The wheel speed signals will then appear within in the main area of the software within output messages. The number of bits related to each signal is stated after the signal name. The output message header text contains the name and number of used bits. You can edit the identifier number and also choose to use the extended identifier. The signals are added to the first available compatible output message.

Note: Only one Racelogic Vehicle CAN Database file containing wheel speed signals can be loaded in to the software.

Signals can be removed by unticking the signal name on the left or by selecting the Trash Icon CAN Gateway Config Bin.png next to a signal.

To remove the loaded Racelogic Vehicle CAN Database file, right click on the file name on the left hand side of the screen and then select 'Unload'. If some of the signals from the .dbc have been selected for processing, a warning popup will be shown. If you would like to keep the signals, select 'Yes', if you would like to remove the signals, select 'No', if you would like to cancel the Racelogic Vehicle CAN Database file removal, select 'Cancel'.

CAN Gateway Setup Warning.png

Load a DBC FileCAN Gateway Config Load.png

If your vehicle isn't listed within the Racelogic Vehicle CAN Database, you can load provided or created CAN or CAN-FD .dbc files by pressing the 'Load DBC File' button at the top of the window. You can then browse your computer to find the local .dbc files and press 'Open' to open the files within the software.

All available signals are displayed on the left hand side of the screen. If the .dbc file contains wheel speed signals, these will be automatically selected and will appear within in the main area of the software within output messages. The number of bits related to each signal is stated after the signal name. The output message header text contains the name and number of used bits. You can edit the identifier number and also choose to use the extended identifier. The signals are added to the first available compatible output message.

Note: Only one signal can be loaded per wheel.

Signals can be removed by unticking the signal name on the left or by selecting the Trash Icon CAN Gateway Config Bin.png next to a signal.

To remove the loaded .dbc file, right click on the file name on the left hand side of the screen and then select 'Unload'. If some of the signals from the .dbc have been selected for processing, a warning popup will be shown. If you would like to keep the signals, select 'Yes', if you would like to remove the signals, select 'No', if you would like to cancel the .dbc file removal, select 'Cancel'.

CAN Gateway Config Warning.png

CAN Configuration

The CAN Bus Settings area enables you to define the vehicle and VBOX CAN/CAN-FD baud rates, data rate, termination and serial configuration.

CAN Gateway Setup Settings2.png

CAN Bus Configuration (VEHICLE)

Define the vehicle CAN bus baud rate (selectable as 125, 250, 500 kbit/s (default) or 1 Mbit/s). Click here for details on how to physically measure CAN baud rate.

When selecting a vehicle from the Racelogic Vehicle CAN Database, the appropriate baud rate and termination for that vehicle will be automatically set if the information is available.

If you are using CAN-FD signals, ensure that the CAN FD box is checked. Once selected, choose the desired data rate (selectable as 500 kbit/s, 1, 2 (default), 3 or 4 Mbit/s). Once the CAN FD box is checked, the only selectable vehicle CAN bus and VBOX CAN bus baud rates are 500 kbit/s or 1 Mbit/s.

CAN Bus Configuration (VBOX)

Define the VBOX CAN bus baud rate (selectable as 125, 250, 500 kbit/s (default) or 1 Mbit/s).


Within the settings area, it is also possible to select termination in relation to the vehicle and VBOX CAN bus (on by default).

When connecting to Racelogic modules and other CAN data-loggers and sensors, additional CAN termination may be needed depending on the specific setup. Click here for more information on CAN termination.

Serial Config

The Serial Config area can be used to define the ASCII serial output of the wheel speed signals to be sent to the VBOX. Choose the serial mode output (selectable as comma-separated values (CSV) or raw format (binary)) and serial baud rate (selectable as 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 (default), 230400 or 460800 or kbit/s).

Save Configuration

When you have selected the required settings and CAN/CAN-FD signals you would like to output as CAN messages, you can save the GWCONFIG.INI configuration file to CAN Gateway, and save the generated GW-CONFIG.DBC file locally on the PC so that you can load it onto the logging device.

Connect the CAN Gateway to a PC via USB. Use the supplied RLCAB117 cable and connect to the USB connector on the front panel of the unit.

Note: If you are unable to connect the CAN Gateway to a PC, you can save the configuration file to the PC and transfer the file over later.

Click on the 'Save Config' button at the top of the window. The software will open a navigation window where you can browse your computer to select a folder location you want to save both files. A subfolder will be created in this folder that will automatically be time and date-stamped. If the CAN Gateway is connected and detected, the software will ask you if you would also like to save the GWCONFIG.INI configuration file directly to the CAN Gateway. This will save you from transferring it separately. 

CAN Gateway Config Write INI.png

You can now load the newly generated .dbc file onto the VBOX logging device via the relevant configuration software and make sure that it is ready for use with the CAN Gateway.

For example, if you are using a VBOX 3i:

  1. Connect VBOX 3i to a computer via either Bluetooth, an RLCAB001 cable from the 'SER' input and the computer's serial port (USB-serial adapter may be required), or via an RLCAB066-2 cable to one of the computer's USB ports.
  2. Open VBOX Setup Software and connect to the unit.
  3. Navigate to the 'Channels' menu.
  4. Click on the 'Internal CAN Input' tab and then select a channel.
  5. Choose to 'Load' a User CAN Database file, browse your computer to find the previously saved .dbc file and press 'Open' to open the file.
  6. Select the desired channel and press 'OK' to load. Repeat as necessary.
  7. Select 'Write to unit' to save the configuration to the VBOX 3i.
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