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Multi-Function Display App

VBOX Touch Speed Profiler App Image.png

The Multi-Function Display (MFD) app allows you to use the VBOX Touch as a display when connected to a VBOX 3i. It will show data from GPS derived channels that are output over CAN.

You can display up to 6 parameters on a single screen. Parameters such as speed, lateral and longitudinal acceleration, the radius of turn, distance travelled, heading and various brake test channels. It can also calculate and present performance test results, live from the test vehicle.

You can download the app here, and find instructions on how to install it here.

You will need the 'RLCAB005-C' cable to connect VBOX Touch to a VBOX 3i.


Getting Started

Connecting to VBOX 3i

You can connect VBOX Touch to VBOX 3i with the RLCAB005-C cable. Connect it to the  Bottom CAN socket on the VBOX Touch and to the CAN port on the VBOX 3i. If you are using a CAN Hub, connect it to the Bottom CAN socket on the VBOX Touch and to the MFD port on the CAN Hub.

If you want to use VBOX Touch to run the MFD app as part of a daisy chain with a Racelogic module connected to VBOX 3i, you must connect VBOX Touch at the end of the daisy chain.


When you are using the VBOX Touch with the MFD app, the unit is powered via its connection to the VBOX 3i. On boot up, the VBOX Touch will display a splash screen.

VBOX Touch Splash.png
Splash Screen

The first time that the unit is booted up, the 1 Parameter screen will be presented. Every time after this, the last used screen will be opened (if an SD card is inserted).

Standard parameters used are from the standard Racelogic CAN output from the VBOX.

Decel test parameters are commonly used in brake testing, the majority of which require the use of the VBOX Brake Trigger Switch or VBOX Pedal Force Sensor and Event Marker Interface.

Standard Parameters

Decel Test Parameters

Accel Test Parameters

  • Speed (km/h or mph)
  • Satellite Count
  • Heading (degrees north)
  • UTC Time
  • Height (m or ft)
  • Vertical Velocity (km/h or mph)
  • Longitudinal Acceleration (g or m/s²)
  • Lateral Acceleration (g or m/s²)
  • Max lateral Acceleration (g or m/s²)
  • Average Speed (km/h or mph)
  • Distance Travelled (m or ft)
  • Longitude (degrees minutes decimal seconds)
  • Latitude (degrees minutes decimal seconds)
  • Solution Type
  • Trigger
  • Radius of Turn (m or ft)
  • Filename
    (VBOX 3i only)

  • Logging Status 
    (VBOX 3i only)

  • Memory Used (%) 
    (VBOX 3i only)

  • KF Status 
    (VBOX 3i and VBOX 3iS only)

  • Speed Quality (km/h or mph)
  • Deceleration Test Number
  • Deceleration Distance (m or ft)
  • Deceleration Time (s)
  • Deceleration Test Start Speed (km/h or mph)
  • Deceleration AMS Distance (m or ft)
  • Deceleration MFDD (g or m/s²)
  • Average Deceleration (km/h or mph)
  • Peak Deceleration (km/h or mph)
  • Deceleration Centreline Deviation (m or ft)
  • Trigger Test Number
  • Distance from Trigger (m or ft)
  • Time from Trigger (s)
  • Speed at Trigger (km/h or mph)
  • Corrected Trigger Distance (m or ft)
  • Trigger AMS Distance (m or ft)
  • Trigger MFDD (g or m/s²)
  • Trigger Average Deceleration (g or m/s²)
  • Trigger Peak Deceleration (g or m/s²)
  • Trigger Centreline Deviation (m or ft)
  • Acceleration Test Number
  • Acceleration Time (s)
  • Acceleration Distance (m or ft)
  • Maximum Speed (km/h or mph)
  • Peak Acceleration (km/h or mph)
  • Average Acceleration (km/h or mph)
  • Speed at Distance (km/h or mph)

SD Card

You can use an SD card to save and load settings, save test results, and update the firmware.

If you insert an SD card in the unit, the settings values will be remembered after each power cycle and the last used screen will be opened. If you do not have an SD card inserted in the unit, none of the settings will be remembered after a power cycle.

Screen Layout

VBOX Touch MFD Screen Layout.png


This page covers the meaning of the LED behaviour for the MFD Touch.

The 4 LEDs at the top of the unit provide visual feedback dependent on what process is being performed. Multiple alerts can occur. The colour of the LED will indicate the event: 

Blue is an alert at speed 
Red is a parameter alert
Green is a configured test alert

  • On the Parameter screens
    • If you have set the Target Speed LED Alert, the LEDs will flash blue when it reaches the value.
    • If you have set the Parameter LED Alert, the LEDs will flash or appear solid red when the alert condition is met.
    • If you have enabled Alert at Start, the LEDs will flash green when the decel test start speed criteria are met.
    • If you have enabled Alert at Trigger, the LEDs will flash green when the decel test trigger test has started.
    • If you have enabled Alert at End, the LEDs will flash green when the decel test start speed criteria are met.
  • In the Parameter Settings menu:
    • If you have enabled Parameter LED Alert, the LEDs will preview the settings in red.
  • In the General Settings menu:
    • If you Save the Settings to an inserted SD card, the LEDs will flash green. If a settings file with the same name already exists on the SD card and you cancel the overwriting, the LEDs will briefly flash red.
    • If you Load Settings from an inserted SD card, the LEDs will flash green.
    • If you Reset the Session Data, the LEDs will flash green. If you cancel the reset, the LEDs will briefly flash red.
    • If you have set a Target Speed LED Alert, the LEDs will flash blue
  • In the Test Settings menus:
    • If you have enabled Alert at Start, the LEDs will flash green.
    • If you have enabled Alert at Trigger, the LEDs will flash green.
    • If you have enabled Alert at End, the LEDs will flash green.
    • If you try to enable Write Results File when the unit cannot detect an SD card, the LEDs will flash red.

Logging Status

Note: When using VBOX 3i units only

The Record icon shows the current logging status of the connected VBOX unit.

When VBOX is logging data to the inserted CF card, the icon will be red. VBOX Touch Recording Button.png
When the unit is not logging data, the icon will be grey. MFD Touch Not Recording.png

When a CF card is detected and available within the VBOX (i.e. the CF Status icon is green), logging can also be controlled by pressing the Record Icon. If 'Logging Beep' is enabled in the General Settings menu, the unit will make an audible alert signal when the logging state of the connected VBOX unit changes.

If the grey Record Icon is pressed when the VBOX has its log mode set to ‘Log when moving’ and the vehicle is stationary, the screen title will be briefly display an 'ARMED' status. This indicates that the recording media has been detected, and the unit is waiting for starting conditions to be met before logging commences. When logging commences, the Record Icon will display as red.

If you press the grey Record icon when the unit is not detecting a CF card  or if the media is full (i.e. the CF Status icon is red), the unit will emit an audible beep and display one of the following messages:

  • NO MEDIA AVAILABLE - No detected recordable media.
  • CARD FULL - Media detected but no logging capacity remains.
  • NO MEDIA AVAILABLE - VBOX 3i is unable to write to recordable media (i.e. corrupt card).


If MFD Touch cannot detect a VBOX unit, it will display a 'NO CAN' message in this area. A Logging Status channel is also available for selection as a text parameter which will describe the current logging status of the connected VBOX.

GNSS Status

The Satellite icon displays the current GNSS status of the connected VBOX unit.

VBOX Touch No Sats.png Flashing Red
No satellite lock/ IMU Coast (Solution Types 0 or 6)
VBOX Touch Sats Lock.png Solid Green
Standalone positional accuracy/ SBAS and Base Station DGPS corrections (Solution Types 1 or 2)
VBOX Touch Sats Lock RTK Float.png Solid Orange
RTK Float (Solution Type 3)
VBOX Touch Sats Lock RTK Fix.png Solid Purple
RTK Fixed (Solution Type 4).
MFD Touch Sats Lock Robot.png Solid White
Robot Position, local co-ordinates (Solution Type 5)
MFD Touch Dual Antenna Lock.png If there is a valid dual antenna lock, a superscript '2' will appear next to the relevant GNSS status icon.
NO CAN If it cannot detect a VBOX unit, you will see a 'NO CAN' message displayed in this area.    

Screen Name

This header shows the name of the current parameter screen. This can be changed by either pressing and holding or double-tapping the existing screen name, more information on this is available below.


This area will display defined parameters dependent on which screen you are currently on, information on how to configure these can be found here.

Settings Button

The Settings button will open a Settings area that contains the VBOX Display and Decel Test Settings, along with the ability to save and load settings.

Forward/Back Buttons

You can use the Forward and Back arrow buttons to navigate through the different parameter screens. You can also swipe left or right on the screen. Backwards arrow.png Forward Arrow.png

Day/Night Mode Button

Tapping the Moon Icon on the bottom of any screen will enable Night Mode, and the colour scheme will invert to suit night-time operation.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical 6 Night.png
Night Mode example

Alternatively, when in Night Mode, you can tap the Moon Icon on the bottom of any screen to revert back to Day Mode.

Note: Enabling Night Mode will reset any User Defined Text Colours.


Selecting the Screenshot button will save an image of what you see displayed on the screen to the inserted SD card. If the screenshot saves successfully, the LEDs will illuminate yellow in sequence from left to right (the progress of writing to the SD card). You will hear an audible confirmation notification when the screen capture is complete. If you were unsuccessful in saving the screenshot (if you did not insert an SD card or the card was full), you see 'NO SD CARD' appear at the top of the screen. The LEDs will flash red 2 times and you will hear an audible error notification.

A captured image is saved as a 1.5 MB bitmap image, orientated at 90° to the original screen image, with the prefix 'screenshot'.


NEVER remove the SD card while you capture a screenshot with the unit, as it could cause it to crash!

Data Display

Adding/Removing Screens

The MFD app can display up to 6 defined VBOX 3i parameters. 8 different screen types are available, displaying a varying amount of parameters and gauges. You can add a maximum of 10 screens.

When the unit is booted up for the first time, the 6 Parameter screen will be presented by default. If you would like to add more screens, press the Forward arrow at the bottom right of the screen or swipe left to access the Add/Remove screen. The Add/Remove screen is always located after the last display screen.

VBOX Touch MFD Add Remove.png

To Add a new screen, press the Add button. This will open up the Add Page selection screen where you can choose which display you would like. Swipe the screen left or right, or use the Forward or Back arrows on the sides of the screen to navigate through the available screens: 1 NUMERICAL, 3 NUMERICAL, 4 NUMERICAL, 6 NUMERICAL, ANALOGUE GAUGE, G-BALL, TARGET or BAR GRAPH.

VBOX Touch MFD Add.png

To add the screen, press the Confirm button at the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel button at the bottom left of the screen to return the Add/Remove screen without saving. If confirmed, a progress screen will be displayed along with a countdown. If you would like to cancel the addition of the screen, press the screen before the countdown runs out.

VBOX Touch MFD Add Countdown.png

To remove a screen, press the Remove button from the Add/Remove screen, select the screen by Swiping left or right, or by using the Forward or Back arrows on the sides of the screen. Press the Confirm button at the bottom right of the screen to remove it.

Display Screens

When you have finished adding screens, you can change the display by selecting the Forward or Back arrows at the bottom right of the screen or by swiping left or right. You can find more information on the different screens by clicking on the respective images.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical.png
1 Numerical Screen
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical 3.png
3 Numerical Screen
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical 4.png
4 Numerical Screen
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical 6.png
6 Numerical Screen
VBOX Touch MFD Analogue.png
Analogue Gauge Screen
VBOX Touch MFD G Ball.png
G-Ball Screen
VBOX Touch MFD Target.png
Target Screen
VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph.png
Bar Graph Screen

Change Screen Name

You can change the name of each parameter screen by either pressing and holding or double-tapping the existing screen name at the top of the display. Use the presented keypad to enter the new screen name.

VBOX Touch MFD Screen Name Change.png
Existing Screen Name
MFD Touch Screen Name Change Keypad.png
Screen Name Keypad Example

To save the name inputted, press the Confirm button at the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel button at the bottom left of the screen to return the parameter screen without saving. If you have inserted an SD card, the unit will remember the value after each power cycle.

Configure a Parameter

You can configure each parameter by either pressing and holding or double-tapping the existing parameter area. This will open up the screen-specific menus.

VBOX Touch MFD Parameter Change.png

Numerical Screens

Screens Overview

There are 4 screens available. You can display either 1, 3, 4 or 6 parameters. The first time that the unit is booted up, the 6 Parameter screen will be presented by default. Units used are dependent on what is selected within the Settings menu.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical.png
1 parameter screen
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical 3.png
3 parameter screen
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical 4.png
4 parameter screen
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical 6.png
6 parameter screen

Default parameters:

  • Numerical screen: Speed.
  • 3 Numerical screen: Speed, Satellites and Heading.
  • 4 Numerical screen: Speed, Satellites, Heading and UTC Time.
  • 6 Numerical screen: Speed, Satellites, Heading, UTC Time, Height and Vertical Velocity.

Numerical Settings

You can configure each parameter by either pressing and holding or double-tapping the existing parameter area. This will open up the Numerical Settings menus.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings 1.png
Screen 1
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings 2.png
Screen 2

There are 2 numerical settings screens available: Data and Alerts, accessed by selecting the Forward or Back arrows at the bottom right of the screen or by swiping left or right. You can change the settings by pressing the corresponding button to each option.

Return to the parameter screen by pressing the Exit button at the bottom left.

Note: If you have inserted an SD card, the setting values will be remembered after each power cycle.



MFD Touch Numerical Settings Paramter Select.png

You can change a parameter by pressing the Select button to open the Data Source menu where you can choose from Standard and Decel test parameters. You can assign any data parameter that is available from the connected VBOX unit along with any calculated test results from the MFD app to the selected numerical element.

Note: The currently selected parameter is displayed in grey beneath the option.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings Data Source.png
Data Source Menu
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings Paramter Select2.png
Standard Parameter Menu

Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the selection screen to navigate through the options and press the desired parameter to confirm.

To return to the settings screen without saving, select the Exit button at the bottom left.

You can find a list of the available parameters here.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing.png

You can smooth the displayed live speed values if required. The input value determines the number of previous data samples used to smooth the displayed data. It does not affect any of the performance results or the logged data of the connected unit.

To enable smoothing, press the current value (off by default) and use the presented keypad to enter the number of previous data samples you would like to use in the display smoothing.

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing Value.png
Smoothing Value Keypad Example

Save the selected value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99.
  • Smoothing can introduce a slight delay to the displayed value.
  • The setting will be greyed out and disabled if the numerical parameter being configured is UTC Time, Longitude, or Latitude.

Decimal Places

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Decimal.png

You can select how many decimal places are used to represent the nominated data for the selected numerical element. 

Available options include 0, 1and 3. The default setting is 2. The exception is integer-only channels, including Satellites, Trigger Test Number, Decel Test Number, and UTC Time, which do not have any decimal points. Tap the buttons to change the decimal places used.

Text Colour

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Text Colour2.png

You can define the text colour of the numerical element data. Press the current colour (black by default) and use the presented RGB sliders to define the new colour. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings Text Colour.png
Text Colour Configuration Example
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings Text Colour3.png
Text Colour Change Example

To save the colour, press the  Confirm button at the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel button at the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.


  • Changing the text colour applies to the data text only, it does not apply to the parameter label.
  • If you enable Night Mode, all user-defined text colours will be reset.



MFD Touch Numerical Settings Conditions.png

This option allows you to define an alert condition. Press the Select button to cycle through the available conditions: Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than (default), Greater Than or Equal To, Between, or Not Between. You can then define the alert condition value(s) by pressing the value box and using the presented keypad.

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Alert Keypad.png
Alert Value Keypad Example

Save the selected value by pressing the Confirm button Confirm Button.png in the bottom right corner. Press the Cancel button Cancel Button.png in the bottom left corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.

Note: The setting will be greyed out and disabled if the numerical parameter being configured is UTC Time, Longitude, or Latitude.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings LED.png

Select this option to enable a solid or flashing visual alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. Press the button to cycle through the options, the device will preview the setting with the 4 red LEDs across the top of the unit.

Note: The setting will be greyed out and disabled if the numerical parameter you are configuring is UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Buzzer.png

Select this option to enable a sound alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. The unit will beep when this is enabled.

Note: The setting will be greyed out and disabled if the numerical parameter you are configuring is UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Screen.png

It is possible to enable a screen alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. Once the value is achieved, the background of the parameter will change colour.

Note: The setting will be greyed out and disabled if the numerical parameter being configured is UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude.

To change the background alert colour, press the current colour (yellow by default) and use the presented RGB sliders to define the required colour. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings True Colour3.png
Screen Alert Colour Configuration Example
VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings True Colour2.png
Screen Alert Example

To save the colour, press the Confirm Button Confirm Button.png on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button Cancel Button.png on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.

Note: If you enable Night Mode, this will reset a user defined alert colour.


Analogue Gauge Screen

The Analogue Gauge screen contains an analogue needle gauge with 3 supporting numerical elements. Units used are dependent on what is selected within the Settings menu.

VBOX Touch MFD Analogue.png


Analogue Gauge Element

The analogue needle gauge element is located on the left hand side of the screen, it provides a visual representation of a selected parameter (speed by default).

VBOX Touch MFD Analogue Element.png

The gauge can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping on it. This will open up the Analogue Gauge Settings menus.

VBOX Touch MFD Analogue Settings 1.png
Screen 1
VBOX Touch MFD Analogue Settings 2.png
Screen 2

There are 2 Analogue Gauge settings screens available: Data/Range and Alerts, accessed by selecting the Forward or Back arrows on the bottom right of the screen or by swiping the screen left or right. Settings can be changed by pressing on the corresponding button next to an option.

To return to the parameter screen, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

Note: If an SD card is inserted, settings values will be remembered after each power cycle.




MFD Touch Numerical Settings Paramter Select.png

The gauge parameter is set as Speed by default, but can be changed by pressing the Select button to open the parameter list. You can assign any data parameter that is available from the connected VBOX to the Analogue Gauge (apart from UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude).

Note: The currently selected parameter is displayed in grey beneath the option.

VBOX Touch MFD Gauge Parameter.png

Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the selection screen to navigate through the options and press the desired parameter to confirm.

To return to the settings screen without saving, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

A list of available parameters is available here.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing.png

If it is required, you can smooth the Analogue Gauge data. The input value determines the number of previous data samples used to smooth the displayed data. It does not affect any of the performance results or the logged data from the connected unit.

You can enable smoothing by pressing the current value (off by default) and using the keypad presented to enter the number of previous data samples you would like to use in the display smoothing.

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing Value.png
Smoothing Value Keypad Example

Save the chosen value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can press the Cancel button in the bottom left-hand corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99.
  • Smoothing can introduce a slight delay to the displayed value.



MFD Touch Analogue Range.png

Define the minimum and maximum range values for the Analogue Gauge element's axes. Press the value boxes and use the presented keypads to define the required values (set as 0 and 100 by default).

MFD Touch Analogue Range Maximum.png
Maximum Range Keypad Example

Save the chosen value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can press the Cancel button in the bottom left-hand corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99999.
  • The minimum input value is -99999 (when the signed parameter is selected, otherwise 0).
  • One decimal place resolution available.
Axis Spacing

MFD Touch Analogue Axis Spacing.png

The Axis Spacing value tells you how much spacing there is between each gauge increment marker, the value changes dependent on the Minimum/Maximum Range Value.



MFD Touch Numerical Settings Conditions.png

This option allows you to define an alert condition. Press the Select button to cycle through the available conditions: Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than (default), Greater Than or Equal To, Between, or Not Between. You can then define the alert condition value(s) by pressing the value box and using the presented keypad.

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Alert Keypad.png
Alert Value Keypad Example

Save the chosen value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can press the Cancel button in the bottom left-hand corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings LED.png

Select to enable a solid or flashing visual alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. Press the button to cycle through the options, the device will preview the setting with the 4 red LEDs across the top of the unit.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Buzzer.png

Select to enable a sound alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. The unit will beep when enabled.


MFD Touch Analogue Screen.png

It is possible to enable a screen target zone in relation to the Defined Alert Condition. If the value has yet to be achieved, the 'False Colour' will appear within the target zone, once the value is achieved, the 'True Colour' will appear within the target zone.

To change the True and False target zone alert colours, press the current colours (yellow and red by default) and use the presented RGB sliders to define the required colours. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Analogue True Colour.png
True Colour Configuration Example
VBOX Touch MFD Analogue Screen Alert.png
Screen Alert Example

To save a colour, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.

Numerical Elements

The 3 numerical elements are located on the right hand side of the screen and include Speed, Satellites and Heading parameters by default.

VBOX Touch MFD Analogue Numerical Elements.png

Each parameter can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping the existing parameter area. This will open up the Numerical Settings menus where you can define the parameter.

G-Ball Screen

The G-Ball screen contains a G-Ball gauge with 3 supporting numerical elements. Units used are dependent on what is selected within the Settings menu.

VBOX Touch MFD G Ball.png


G-Ball Element

The G-Ball element is located on the left hand side of the screen, it provides a visual representation of the longitudinal and lateral acceleration parameters.

VBOX Touch MFD G Ball Element.png

The gauge can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping on it. This will open up the G-Ball Settings menus.

VBOX Touch MFD G Ball Settings 1.png
Screen 1
VBOX Touch MFD G Ball Settings 2.png
Screen 2

There are 2 G-Ball settings screens available: Data / Range and Alerts, accessed by selecting the Forward or Back arrows on the bottom right of the screen or by swiping the screen left or right. Settings can be changed by pressing on the corresponding button next to an option.

To return to the parameter screen, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

Note: If an SD card is inserted, settings values will be remembered after each power cycle.



X/Y Axis

MFD Touch G Ball Axis.png

This area displays which acceleration parameters are associated with which G-Ball gauge axis (X-axis: lateral acceleration, Y-axis: longitudinal acceleration).


MFD Touch G Ball Smoothing.png

If you need it, you can smooth the G-Ball gauge data. The input value determines the number of previous data samples used to smooth the displayed gauge data. It does not affect any of the performance results or the logged data of the connected unit.

The SMOOTHING VALUE is set to 10 samples by default. You can change this value or turn off the smoothing by pressing the current value and using the presented keypad to enter the number of previous data samples you would like to use in the display smoothing.

MFD Touch G Ball Smoothing Value.png
Smoothing Value Keypad Example

Save the chosen value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can press the Cancel button  in the bottom left-hand corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99.
  • Smoothing can introduce a slight delay to the displayed value.


X-Y Axes (+/-)

MFD Touch G Ball XY Axes.png

This option allows you to define an absolute range for the G-Ball element's axes. Press on the value box and use the presented keypad to define the required value.

MFD Touch G Ball XY Axes Input.png
X-Y Axis Range Keypad Example

Save the chosen value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner of the screen to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 999.
  • The minimum input value is 0.1.
  • One decimal place resolutions are available to values under 100.
Axis Spacing

MFD Touch G Ball Axis Spacing.png

The Axis Spacing value tells you how much spacing there is between each gauge increment marker, the value changes dependent on the X-Y Axes Range Value.

G-Ball Colour

MFD Touch G Ball Colour.png

It is possible to define the colour of the G-Ball within the gauge. To change, press the current colour (red by default) and use the presented RGB sliders to define the required colour. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD G Ball Colour1.png
G-Ball Colour Configuration Example
VBOX Touch MFD G Ball Colour2.png
G-Ball Colour Change Example

To save the colour, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.


Alert Channel

MFD Touch G Ball Alert Channel.png

This option allows you to define an alert channel. Press the Select button to cycle between either lateral or longitudinal acceleration.


MFD Touch G Ball Alert Condition.png

This option allows you to define an alert condition. Press the Select button to cycle through the available conditions: Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than (default), Greater Than or Equal To, Between, or Not Between.

You can then define the alert condition value(s) by pressing the value box and using the presented keypad.

MFD Touch G Ball Alert Keypad.png
Alert Value Keypad Example

Save the chosen value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings LED.png

Select to enable a solid or flashing visual alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. Press the button to cycle through the options, the device will preview the setting with the 4 red LEDs across the top of the unit.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Buzzer.png

Select to enable a sound alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. The unit will beep when enabled.


MFD Touch G Ball True Colour.png

It is possible to enable a screen alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. Once the value is achieved, the background of the parameter will change colour.

To change the background alert colour, press the current colour (yellow by default) and use the presented RGB sliders to define the required colour. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Numerical Settings True Colour3.png
Screen Alert Colour Configuration Example
VBOX Touch MFD G Ball True Colour1.png
Screen Alert Example

To save the colour, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.

Numerical Elements

The 3 numerical elements are located on the right hand side of the screen and include Longitudinal Acceleration, Lateral Acceleration and Speed parameters by default. 

VBOX Touch MFD G Ball Numerical Elements.png

Each parameter can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping the existing parameter area. This will open up the Numerical Settings menus.

Target Screen

The Target screen contains a target gauge with 3 supporting numerical elements. Units used are dependent on what is selected within the Settings menu.

VBOX Touch MFD Target.png

Target Element

The Target Graph gauge element is located on the bottom of the screen, it provides a visual representation of a selected parameter (speed by default).

VBOX Touch MFD Target Element.png

The gauge can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping on it. This will open up the Target Graph Settings menus.

VBOX Touch MFD Target Graph Settings 1.png
Screen 1
VBOX Touch MFD Target Graph Settings 2.png
Screen 2

There are 2 Target Graph settings screens available: Data / Range and ColoursAlert, accessed by selecting the Forward or Back arrows on the bottom right of the screen or by swiping the screen left or right. Settings can be changed by pressing on the corresponding button next to an option.

To return to the parameter screen, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

Note: If an SD card is inserted, settings values will be remembered after each power cycle.



MFD Touch Numerical Settings Paramter Select.png

The gauge parameter is set as Speed by default, but can be changed by pressing the Select button to open the parameter list. You can assign any data parameter that is available from the connected VBOX to the Target Gauge (apart from UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude).

Note: The currently selected parameter is displayed in grey beneath the option.

VBOX Touch MFD Gauge Parameter.png

Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the selection screen to navigate through the options and press the desired parameter to confirm.

To return to the settings screen without saving, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

A list of available parameters is available here.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing.png

You can smooth the Target data if required. The input value determines the number of previous data samples used to smooth the displayed data. It does not affect any of the performance results or the logged data of the connected unit.

To enable smoothing, press the current value (off by default) and use the presented keypad to enter the number of previous data samples you would like to use within the display smoothing.

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing Value.png
Smoothing Value Keypad Example

Save your selected value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99.
  • Smoothing can introduce a slight delay to the displayed value.


Target Value

MFD Touch Target Graph Target Value.png

The target value will be located at the centre of the gauge. You can define this by pressing the value box and using the presented keypad to define the required value (set as 240 by default).

MFD Touch Target Graph Target Value Keypad.png
Target Value Keypad Example

Save your selected value by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99999.
  • The minimum input value is -99999 (when the signed parameter is selected, otherwise 0).
  • One decimal place resolution is available to values under 10000.
Tolerance (+/-)

MFD Touch Target Graph Tolerance.png

Define the tolerance (target zone) displayed either side of the target value, the colour used for this zone (red by default) can be defined by pressing on the Target Zone option within the Colours Settings Area.

Press the value box and use the keypad presented to define the required value, set as 2 by default. Using the default +/- tolerance value of 2 as an example, for a target value of 100, the target zone would be from 98 – 102.

MFD Touch Target Graph Tolerance Keypad.png
Target Tolerance Keypad Example

To save the value inputted, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 9999.
  • The minimum input value is 0.1.
  • One decimal place resolution available to values under 1000.
Target Range  

MFD Touch Target Graph Target Range.png

Define the range of the background bar, the colour used for the bar (green by default) can be defined by pressing on the Bar option within the Colours Settings Area.

Press the value box and use the keypad presented to define the required value, set as 10 by default. Using the default range value of 10 as an example, for a target value of 100, the bar range would be from 95 – 105.

MFD Touch Target Graph Target Range Keypad.png
Target Range Keypad Example

To save the value inputted, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button  on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 9999.
  • The minimum input value is double the Target Value Tolerance setting.
  • One decimal place resolution available to values under 1000.
Axis Spacing

MFD Touch Target Graph Axis Spacing.png

The Axis Spacing value tells you how much spacing there is between each gauge increment marker, the value changes dependent on the Target Range Value.


Bar: Set the colour of the background bar.

MFD Touch Target Graph Bar Colour1.png

Target Zone: Set the colour of the Target Zone, which is configured using the Tolerance Value.

MFD Touch Target Graph Target Colour.png

Data Indicator: Set the colour of the Data Indicator which is the current value.

MFD Touch Target Graph Indicator.png

Screen Alert: Set the colour of the Screen Alert.

MFD Touch Target Graph Colours.png

To change any of the colours used, press the current colours and use the presented RGB sliders to define the required colours. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Target Graph Bar Colour.png
Background Bar Colour Configuration Example

To save a colour, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.

Note: If you enable Night Mode, this will reset any user defined colours.



MFD Touch Target Graph Tolerance2.png

This option allows you to define whether the alert is for a value Out of (default) or Within the Defined Target Value Tolerance. Press the button to change the option.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings LED.png

Select to enable a solid or flashing visual alert when the Defined Target Value Tolerance is met. Press the button to cycle through the options, the device will preview the setting with the 4 red LEDs across the top of the unit.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Buzzer.png

Select to enable a sound alert when the Defined Target Value Tolerance is met. The unit will beep when enabled.


MFD Touch Target Graph Screen Alert1.png

It is possible to enable a screen alert when the Defined Target Value Tolerance is met. Once the value is achieved, the background of the parameter will change colour.

Note: The setting will be greyed out and disabled if the numerical parameter being configured is UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude.

The background alert colour can be changed by pressing the current Screen Alert colour (yellow by default) within the Colours area and using the presented RGB sliders to define the required colour. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Target Graph Alert Colour.png
Screen Alert Colour Configuration Example
VBOX Touch MFD Target Graph Screen Alert.png
Screen Alert Example

To save a colour, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.

Note: If you enable Night Mode, this will reset any user defined alert colours.

Numerical Elements

The 3 numerical elements are located on the top of the screen and include Speed, Satellites and Heading parameters by default.

VBOX Touch MFD Target Numerical Element.png

Each parameter can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping the existing parameter area. This will open up the Numerical Settings menus.

Bar Graph Screen

The Bar Graph screen contains a bar graph gauge with 3 supporting numerical elements. Units used are dependent on what is selected within the Settings menu.

>VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph.png

Bar Graph Element

The Bar Graph gauge element is located on the bottom of the screen, it provides a visual representation of a selected parameter (speed by default).

VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph Element.png

The gauge can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping on it. This will open up the Bar Graph Settings menus.

VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph Settings 1.png
Screen 1
VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph Settings 2.png
Screen 2

There are 2 Bar Graph settings screens available: Data/Range and Alerts, accessed by selecting the Forward or Back arrows on the bottom right of the screen or by swiping the screen left or right. Settings can be changed by pressing on the corresponding button next to an option.

To return to the parameter screen, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

Note: If an SD card is inserted, settings values will be remembered after each power cycle.



MFD Touch Numerical Settings Paramter Select.png

The gauge parameter is set as Speed by default but can be changed by pressing the Select button to open the parameter list. You can assign any data parameter that is available from the connected VBOX to the Bar Graph Gauge (apart from UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude).

Note: The currently selected parameter is displayed in grey beneath the option.

VBOX Touch MFD Gauge Parameter.png

Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the selection screen to navigate through the options and press the desired parameter to confirm.

To return to the settings screen without saving, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

A list of available parameters is available here.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing.png

If required, you can have the Bar Graph data smoothed. The input value determines the number of previous data samples used to smooth the displayed data. It does not affect any of the performance results or the logged data of the connected unit.

To enable smoothing, press the current value (off by default) and use the presented keypad to enter the number of previous data samples you would like to use for the display smoothing.

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Smoothing Value.png
Smoothing Value Keypad Example

Save your selected values by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner of the screen to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99.
  • Smoothing can introduce a slight delay to the displayed value.
Bar Colour

MFD Touch Bar Graph Bar Colour.png

To change the colour of the bar within the Bar Graph, press the current colour (green by default) and use the presented RGB sliders to define the required colour. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph Bar Colour1.png

To save a colour, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.
Note: If you enable Night Mode, this will reset a user defined bar colour.




MFD Touch Analogue Range.png

Define the minimum and maximum range values for the Bar Graph element's axes. Press the value boxes and use the presented keypad to define the required values, set as 0 and 100 by default.

MFD Touch Analogue Range Maximum.png
Maximum Range Keypad Example

Save your selected values by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner of the screen to return to the Settings screen without saving.


  • The maximum input value is 99999.
  • The minimum input value is -99999 (when a signed parameter is selected, otherwise 0).
  • One decimal place resolution available.
Axis Spacing

MFD Touch Analogue Axis Spacing.png

The Axis Spacing value tells you how much spacing there is between each gauge increment marker, the value changes dependent on the Minimum/Maximum Range Value.



MFD Touch Numerical Settings Conditions.png

This option allows you to define an alert condition. Press the Select button to cycle through the available conditions: Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than (default), Greater Than or Equal To, Between, or Not Between. You can then define the alert condition value(s) by pressing the value box and using the presented keypad.

MFD Touch Numerical Settings Alert Keypad.png
Alert Value Keypad Example

Save your selected values by pressing the Confirm button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Press the Cancel button in the bottom left corner of the screen to return to the Settings screen without saving.

Note: The setting will be greyed out and disabled if the configured numerical parameter is UTC Time, Longitude or Latitude.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings LED.png

Select to enable a solid or flashing visual alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. Press the button to cycle through the options, the device will preview the setting with the 4 red LEDs across the top of the unit.


MFD Touch Numerical Settings Buzzer.png

Select to enable a sound alert when the Defined Alert Condition is met. The unit will beep when enabled.


MFD Touch Analogue Screen.png

It is possible to enable a screen target zone in relation to the Defined Alert Condition. If the value has yet to be achieved, the 'False Colour' will appear within the target zone, once the value is achieved, the 'True Colour' will appear within the target zone.

To change the True and False target zone alert colours, press the current colours (yellow and red by default) and use the presented RGB sliders to define the required colours. The area to the left of the sliders provides a colour preview.

VBOX Touch MFD Analogue True Colour.png
True Colour Configuration Example
VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph Screen Alert.png
Screen Alert Example

To save a colour, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.

Note: If you enable Night Mode, this will reset any user defined alert colours.

Numerical Elements

The 3 numerical elements are located on the top of the screen and include Speed, Satellites and Heading parameters by default.

VBOX Touch MFD Bar Graph Numerical.png

Each parameter can be configured by either pressing and holding or double tapping the existing parameter area. This will open up the Numerical Settings menus.

General Settings

The MFD app General Settings menus are available by selecting the Settings Button on the bottom left of the screen.

There are 2 Settings menus available: VBOX Display Settings and Decel Test Settings, along with options to Save and Load the settings. They can be accessed by pressing the desired option.

VBOX Touch MFD Settings.png

To return to the parameter screen, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

Note: If an SD card is inserted, settings values will be remembered after each power cycle.

VBOX Display Settings

There are 3 Display Settings screens available, accessed by selecting the Forward or Back arrows on the bottom right of the screen or by swiping the screen left or right. Settings can be changed by pressing on the corresponding button next to an option.

To return to the main settings screen, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

General Settings

These two menu screens contain units, brightness, average speed calculation, reset and alert options.

VBOX Touch MFD Settings General 1.png
Screen 1

VBOX Touch MFD Settings General 2.png
Screen 2

Units of Measurement
Screen Settings
Screen Brightness
LED Brightness
Average Speed Calculation
Reset Session Data

VBOX Information

The VBOX Information menu is the final screen within the Settings menu. It displays the device serial number, firmware version number and hardware version number. This information is useful in the event of troubleshooting a potential issue with the VBOX Touch device.

VBOX Touch MFD Settings VBOX Information.png

Decel Test Settings

There are 2 Decel Test Settings screens available, accessed by selecting the Forward or Back arrows on the bottom right of the screen or by swiping the screen left or right. Settings can be changed by pressing on the corresponding button next to an option.

To return to the main settings screen, select the Exit Button on the bottom left.

These two menu screens enable you to configure a deceleration test and contain start/end, alerts ad MFDD options.

Parameters for the test can be viewed on the display via the Decel Test parameters.

VBOX Touch MFD Decel Settings 1.png
Screen 1
VBOX Touch MFD Decel Settings 2.png
Screen 2

The first settings screen is for conducting deceleration tests using start and end speed values, the second screen is for when using a brake trigger.

Start/End Speed

Minimum Trigger Speed

Alert at Start

Alert at Trigger

Alert at End


Write Results File

MFDD Settings

This area allows you to set up the start and end period of the MFDD (Mean Fully Developed Deceleration) analysis period.

MFD Touch Decel Settings MFDD1.png
Speed MFDD Settings
MFD Touch Decel Settings MFDD2.png
Trigger MFDD Settings

This deceleration figure is used to show the maximum deceleration figure a vehicle can achieve. It is usually the deceleration between 80% and 10% of the trigger activation speed, the time at which the vehicle is loaded up and braking at its highest achievable level.

The MFDD is calculated by the following formula (using default 80% – 10% value):

MFDD = ((v_08)² – (v_01)²) / (25.92 * (s_01 – s_08))


  • v_08 is the speed at 80% of the brake trigger activation speed.
  • v_01 is the speed at 10% of the brake trigger activation speed.
  • s_01 is the distance at which the speed is v_01.
  • s_08 is the distance at which the speed is v_08.

MFDD can be also calculated using Speed by tapping the 'Percentage' label until it reads 'Speed' and entering the required values.

MFD Touch Decel Settings MFDD Speed.png

To change any values, press the current value and use the keypad presented.

MFD Touch Decel Settings Trigger Keypad.png
MFDD From Speed Keypad Example

To save the value inputted, press the  Confirm button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return to the Settings screen without saving.

Minimum/ Maximum Values
  • Speed
    • The maximum 'From' speed selectable is the value inputted as the Start Speed or Minimum Trigger Speed
    • The minimum 'From' speed selectable is the greater value of 5 km/h or the ‘To’ value +1.

Note: The maximum input value for speed is 999.9 and can be entered up to 1 decimal place.

  • Percentage
    • The maximum 'From' percentage selectable is 100%
    • The minimum 'From' percentage selectable is the ‘To’ value +1.
  • Speed
    • The maximum 'To' speed selectable is the ‘From’ value -1.
    • The minimum 'To' speed selectable is the value inputted as the End Speed, or '0' if using a brake trigger.
  • Percentage
    • The maximum 'To' percentage selectable is the ‘From’ value -1.
    • The minimum 'To' percentage selectable is the value inputted as the End Speed expressed as a percentage of configured Start Speedor '0' if using a brake trigger.

Save Settings

To save the settings to an inserted SD card, select the 'Save Settings' button and enter a suitable file name using the presented keyboard. To save the name, press the Confirm Button on the bottom right of the screen, or press the Cancel Button on the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving.

Note: The button will be greyed out if an SD card is not detected.

VBOX Touch MFD Settings Save.png
Save Settings Keypad Example

If confirmed, the screen will present a file saved notification, the LEDs will flash green and the unit will emit an audible confirmation notification. If a settings file with the same name already exists on the SD card, the unit will advise that the file is being overwritten, a cancel timeout screen will display, allowing you to cancel the overwriting process within 5 seconds by pressing the screen. If cancelled, the LEDs will briefly flash red and the unit will emit an audible tone, notifying you that the overwriting has been cancelled.

VBOX Touch MFD Settings Overwrite.png
Overwriting screen
VBOX Touch MFD Settings Confirm.png
Save confirmed screen

Load Settings

To load a previously saved settings file from an inserted SD card, press the Load Settings button. The unit will present all the available settings files that are located on the SD card. Tap on the desired file and then press the Confirm button at the bottom right of the screen to load it. Press the Cancel button at the bottom left of the screen to return the Settings screen without saving. If you press confirmed, the screen will present a 'file loaded' notification, the LEDs will flash green and the unit will emit an audible confirmation notification.

Note: The button will be greyed out if the unit cannot detect an SD card.

VBOX Touch MFD Settings Load.png


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