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RACELOGIC Support Centre

LED Behaviour

Entering and Exiting the Pit Lane
As you enter and exit the pit lane, the unit's LEDs will flash blue as you cross the gates. Mini Pit Lane Timer - Flashing blue.gif
In the Pit lane
While you are in the pit lane, the LEDs will light red if you are close to the pit lane speed limit. VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer-RedLEDs_cropped_250px.png
While you are in the pit lane, the LEDs will light green if you should increase the speed. VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer-GreenLEDs_cropped_250px.png
When you stop in the pit box, the unit will start counting down to when you should leave the pit box and the LEDs will be off.   VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer-LEDsOFF_cropped_250px.png
When the counter has reached 0.00 and it is time to leave the pit box, the LEDs will light green. VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer-GreenLEDs_cropped_250px.png

When you are driving in the pit lane, the Mini Pit Lane Timer will notify you if you are going too fast or too slow based on your settings:

Less than + 0.5 second + 0.5 second to + 1.5 seconds More than + 1.5 seconds
minipit_countdown-red.png VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer - Maintain speed-adjusted.png minipit_countdown-green.png
RED - Slow down OFF - Maintain Speed GREEN - Speed up

When the LEDs are red, the Pit Lane Timer will also sound a continuous beep.

After Exiting the Pit Lane

When you cross the Exit gate, the Mini Pit Lane Timer will display the final difference to the desired pit lane time.

The LEDs will light green if the final pit lane time is within the minimum pit stop time boundary. VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer-GreenLEDs_cropped_250px.png
The LEDs will light red if you did not meet the minimum pit stop time.  VBOX Mini Pit Lane Timer-RedLEDs_cropped_250px.png
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