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RACELOGIC Support Centre

08 - Pit Lane Timer CAN Options Menu

This menu is only available with firmware version 1.1.22 or later.

The CAN Options menu is used to configure the CAN output baud rate of the unit. It is necessary to configure this option if you intending to use an OLED Pit Display in conjunction with a Pit Lane Timer, more information on this is available here. The CAN output can also be used to output data to other 3rd party systems such as AIM and MoTeC.

Navigate to the 'MENU' using the up arrow ▲ and press the square button to select. Use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to move up and down menu options and select 'CAN OPTIONS' using the square button to access the menu.

PLT CAN Options.png

With 'CAN BAUD RATE' highlighted, Press the square button to cycle through the available options: Off, 100 kbit/s, 125 kbit/s, 250 kbit/s, 500 kbit/s and 1000 kbit/s. Select the BACK option to save the option and return to the menu.

PLT CAN Options Select.png

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