07 - Web Server Digital IO Setup
On the Digital IO Setup page. it is possible to configure the LabSat 3 Wideband’s four external data channels. These channels can be set up to record/replay CAN, RS232, and/or Digital signals. It is also possible to set up arbitrated CAN recording/replay.
- Digital Channel Rates – This shows the maximum rates for the digital channels. The rates will vary dependent on the signal setup in use.
- Digital Channel Setup – Use the dropdowns to select the signal you wish to record on each digital channel. Once a signal is selected, the table will be populated with the input and output pins for the selected signal.
- Arbitrated CAN Setup – Here you can enable the LabSat to log arbitrated CAN and define if the recording needs to be silent or not. Silent recording enabled will mean no acknowledgement is sent by the LabSat during recording. The baud rate of each CAN channel can be defined individually.