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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Manually Entering Up To 2 Contact Points

To manually set vehicle contact points within an ACC, AEB, BSD or FCW test, please follow the steps below:

  1. Connect VBOX Manager to the VBOX within the Subject Vehicle.
  2. Select the 'ADAS' option from the 'SETUP' menu and then depending on how many target vehicles you are using, ensure '1 Target', 'Target' or 'Target' is selected.
  3. Select 'Subject' within 'ADAS Function' and then choose 'Subject Vehicle Contact Points'.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  4. Select 'Enter Contact Points'.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
Setting Contact Points.png
  1. This menu allows you to select whether 1 or 2 contact points are to be specified. The current number of selected points is shown.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  2. To change the number of points, select the menu and scroll to the desired number, press again to confirm.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  3. Scroll down to 'Subject Vehicle Contact Point 1' and select.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  4. This menu allows the user to translate the Primary antenna point (or IMU if IMU Integration is enabled) to a desired reference point on the vehicle. This is done by entering a numerical forward/back and right/left offset value. Scroll to 'Ahead' and select.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  5. Scroll to 'Ahead' or 'Behind' depending on whether the point is ahead or behind of the antenna and select.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  6. Enter the offset value by pressing the scroll wheel to move along the digits and rotating to the desired number, selecting past the final digit will store the value.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  7. Select 'Right' and choose 'Right' or 'Left' depending on whether the point is to the left or right of the antenna.​​​
 VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points 1 Right.png  VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points Right.png
  1. Enter the offset value by pressing the scroll wheel to move along the digits and rotating to the desired number, selecting past the final digit will store the value.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points Right1.png
  2. If you have selected 2 contact points, scroll down to 'Subject Vehicle Contact Point 2' and repeat the above process.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  3. Repeat the process to define the Target Vehicle(s) contact points by selecting 'Target Vehicle 1 Contact Points', 'Target Vehicle 1 Contact Points' or 'Target Vehicle 3 Contact Points' within the 'ADAS Function Subject' menu.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
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