Parking Bay Testing Overview - Straight Lines
Our Park Assist Testing system allows for accurate measurement of range and speed with a defined parking bay.
Combining the VB3iD-RTK with vehicle CAN data provides a complete vehicle testing package. Park Assist testing for a parking bay with straight line edges consists of two stages:
- Parking Bay Survey
During this stage, 3 parking bay line edges are surveyed using the Lane Survey Trolley (RLACS173-XXX*) to provide an accurate survey of the parking bay.
*XXX denotes the type radio frequency if using a static Base Station – please refer to your distributor for further information.
- Measurement Tests
In this stage, the surveyed line edges are loaded in to the Park Assist plugin within VBOX Test Suite software to act as a measurement reference. By connecting the VBOX to a PC running this plugin, the Park Assist test can then be conducted live within the vehicle, with the VBOX measuring all of the parameters with respect to the surveyed parking bay.
Configuration of the VBOX is done through VBOX Manager (RLVBFMAN).