CAN – VBOX Setup with VBOX 3iS Dual Antenna RTK
In the CAN menu in VBOX Setup, connected to a VBOX 3iS Dual Antenna RTK, you can configure the CAN input and output settings and select transmitted identifiers.
Transmitted ADAS identifiers
Select which ADAS CAN output identifiers you would like transmitted.
Note: This tab is only presented when an ADAS Mode is Enabled.
Send | To switch a CAN message on/off, tick or un-tick the box for the corresponding message. |
Default / Actual ID | This allows the modification of the CAN IDs transmitted by VBOX 3iS. Default values are the Racelogic standard IDs of 0x30A, 0x30B …. 0x30F. |
Xtd | To change the identifier format from standard 11-bit to extended 29-bit, tick the Xtd box in the corresponding column. |
Data bytes | Shows which channels will be sent out in each message. |
Transmitted IMU identifiers
Note: This tab is only presented when the IMU Integration is Enabled.
Select which IMU CAN output identifiers you would like transmitted.
Send | To switch a CAN message on/off, tick or un-tick the box for the corresponding message. |
Default / Actual ID | This allows the modification of the CAN IDs transmitted by VBOX 3iS. Default values are the Racelogic standard IDs 0x31B and 0x31C. |
Xtd | To change the identifier format from standard 11-bit to extended 29-bit, tick the Xtd box in the corresponding column. |
Data bytes | Shows which channels will be sent out in each message. |
Transmitted wheel speed identifiers
Note: This tab is only presented when the Wheel Speed Input is Enabled.
Send | To switch a CAN message on/off, tick or un-tick the box for the corresponding message. |
Default / Actual ID | This allows the modification of the CAN IDs transmitted by VBOX 3iS. Default values are the Racelogic standard IDs of 0x31D. |
Xtd | To change the identifier format from standard 11-bit to extended 29-bit, tick the Xtd box in the corresponding column. |
Data bytes | Shows which channels will be sent out in each message. |