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RACELOGIC Support Centre

03 Front Panel - VBOX 3iS Single Antenna (v1)


To facilitate unit configuration, VBOX 3iS has an OLED display and four membrane buttons on the front panel.

Alternatively, you can use VBOX Manager to configure the VBOX 3iS unit. VBOX Manager will mirror the functionality of the front panel on the VBOX 3iS.

RLVB3iS_straight front Text_cropped.jpg


VB3iS Display Up Arrow.png Menu up / Increase the value when editing a number. VB3iS Display Back.png Move to the previous menu level.
VB3iS Display Down Arrow.png Menu down / Decrease the value when editing a number.

VB3iS Display OK.png

Enter the menu / select menu item for adjustment.



When the VBOX 3iS is powered up, it will display the RACELOGIC logo along with the serial number of the unit. Next, it will change to display the firmware version of the unit. VB3iS-V1 Startup - Splash.png

When the unit has initialised and any warnings have been cleared, the number of satellites will be displayed along with the accuracy.

VB3iS-V1 Startup - OK.png

Press the 'Down' arrow to open the status screen where you can view information about Speed, Satellite count, RTK Status and Wheel Speed

Press the 'Up' arrow to return to the main screen.

VB3iS-V1 Startup - status.png

Settings Menu

You can access the menu by pressing the 'OK' button. Use the 'Up' and 'Down' arrows to navigate through the menu and press the 'OK' button to enter a submenu.



You can use this menu to configure the GNSS settings. VB3iS-V1 main menu - GNSS highlighted.png
GNSS Coldstart 
This setting will perform a coldstart of the GNSS Engine.

You can find more information here.
Dynamic Mode

This setting lets you change the sensitivity of the GNSS engine.

You can find more information here

High (default)
For high dynamic applications such as brake stop testing.
Suitable for all other testings.
For less dynamic applications, such as steady state speed measurement or coast-down testing.
Sets the DGNSS mode.
None (default)
Differential GNSS is off. 
SBAS differential corrections are received from the nearest Geo-stationary SBAS satellite.
RTCM corrections are received by the VBOX 3iS via a Racelogic telemetry module and a locally placed Base station. Contact Racelogic or your local agent for more details.
  • 9600
  • 19200
  • 38400 
  • 115200 (default)

This setting configures the DGNSS baud rate. 

To make sure that VBOX 3iS receives the DGNSS correction signal, you must set the correct DGNSS rate. All Racelogic blue boxed radios use 115200 kbit/s, and Satel grey boxed radios use either 19200 kbit/s or 38400 kbit/s.

Note: Increasing this value will reduce the number of satellites the VBOX will be able to use.

Elevation mask

10 (default)15, 20, 25

This setting lets you change the elevation mask, which is selectable from 10 to 25°. 

f the testing area has nearby trees or buildings, you may benefit from increasing this value to reduce the effect of multipath.

You can find more information here.


This menu can be used to configure the internal/external IMU settings. VB3iS-V1 main menu - IMU highlighted.png
IMU Integration

This setting enables IMU integration.

This action will add IMU channels to CAN ID 31B and 31C.

IMU Location
This setting specifies whether the speed sensor will be using its in-built IMU or an external IMU.

Note: This option is only presented when the IMU integration is 'Enabled'.
Roof Mount

This setting specifies whether you are using a roof-mounted IMU from Racelogic or not.

When it is 'Enabled', it will automatically add a 1 m z-offset, translating the filtered speed down into the vehicle towards the centre of gravity. The 'Ant to IMU Offset' will become 'Ant to Ref. Offset'.

Note: This option is only presented when the IMU Location is set to ‘External’.

Wheel Speed Input

Wheel speeds must not be used when conducting brake stops! 

This setting allows wheel speeds to be passed into the Kalman Filter.

If the unit cannot detect CAN data, you will see a Warning Message on the front panel.

Note: This option is only presented when the IMU integration is 'Enabled'.

This action will add the Wheel Speeds channel to CAN ID 31D. 

Ant to Wheel Offset

This setting specifies the x,y, and z distances between the antenna and the wheel speed reference point. 

The reference point is the centre point between the rear wheels.

You can find more information here.

Note: This option is only presented when Wheel Speed Input is 'Enabled'.

Ant to IMU/Ref. Offset

When Roof Mount is 'Disabled' - Provides the x,y, and z offset values from the antenna to the Speed Sensor/IMU that is required for the Kalman Filter algorithm.

When Roof Mount is 'Enabled' - Becomes 'Ant to Ref. Offset' and provides the x,y, and z offset values from the roof-mounted IMU to the nominated reference point where all measurements will be made.

Side facing down

Select the orientation of the VBOX 3iS side facing down. This is only applied once the IMU menu is exited to the Main Menu. When the orientation is changed, the Kalman Filter is reset.


  • This option is only presented when the IMU Location is set to ‘Internal’.
  • If you use an invalid combination of sides facing down/forward, you will see an error message when you exit the IMU menu. 
Side facing forward

Select the orientation of the VBOX 3iS side facing forward. This is only applied once the IMU menu is exited to the Main Menu. When the orientation is changed, the Kalman Filter is reset.


  • This option is only presented when the IMU Location is set to ‘Internal’.
  • If you use an invalid combination of sides facing down/forward, you will see an error message when you exit the IMU menu.
Pitch/Roll Offset

Auto Level - Begins the process of levelling the IMU calculated Pitch and Roll Angles. Once selected, the unit averages the pitch/roll angles over a 5-second period and will then subtract/add the averaged values to make the pitch/roll angle 0. This offset will be displayed on the main screen.

Clear - Clears the current pitch/roll offset values.

Gyro Offset

Auto Level - Begins the process of levelling the IMU calculated Pitch, Roll and Yaw Rates. Once selected, the unit averages the rates over a 5-second period and will then subtract/add the averaged values to make the rates equal to 0. These offsets will be displayed on the main screen.

If the IMU location is set to External and the unit cannot detect an external IMU, it will display an error message.

Clear - Clears the current offset values.




You can use this menu to configure the CAN settings. VB3iS-V1 main menu - CAN highlighted.png
CAN Baud Rate

125 kbit/s, 250 kbit/s, 500 kbit/s (default), and 1 Mbit/s

In this setting you can select the CAN baud rate at which the data will be transmitted from the unit.
CAN Termination
Enables or disables the CAN Termination. 
Output Rate

1 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 50 Hz, and 100 Hz (default)

Determines the rate at which data is sent out via CAN.

Digital I/O

This menu can be used to configure the digital input/output settings. VB3iS-V1 main menu - Digital IO highlighted.png
Digital Input
Defines what the digital input will be used for, either a brake trigger or as a lap pulse.
Brake Trigger

Used to start brake trigger tests.

Track Marker

Enabling this mode allows the Digital Input to be used as a lap pulse.

The input switch can be used to set a start/ finish line, set a separate finish line, set a split line, clear all virtual lines, and perform a coldstart.

Set a start-finish line

Press and release the input switch.

GNSS speed must be greater than 5 km/h and the virtual line will be perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Set a separate finish line 

Press and hold the input switch for more than 5 seconds.

GNSS speed must be greater than 5 km/h and the virtual line will be perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Set a split line 

Double-press the input switch.

For this to register, the GNSS speed must be greater than 5 km/h and the virtual line will be perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Clear all virtual lines 

Short press followed by a long press (more than 1.5 s).

Perform a coldstart

Ground the input at the same time as connecting VBOX 3iS to power.
Digital Output
Defines the digital output of the Speed Sensor.
Sends a configured number of pulses per m.
Lap Pulse
Sends a pulse every time the start/finish line is crossed.


This menu can be used to configure brake test/lap timing settings. VB3iS-V1 main menu - Tests highlighted.png
Brake test speed

Start Speed - Defines the start speed at which the test will begin (100 km/h by default).

End Speed - Defines the end speed at which the test will end (0 km/h by default).

Corrected Dist.

Auto corrected - This sets the speed sensor to use the nearest rounded 10 km/h speed when the trigger is activated.

For example, if the trigger speed was 104 km/h, then 100 km/h would be the nominated start speed for the corrected brake stop distance.

Value - 85 km/h by default.

S/F Gate Width
Defines the width of any gates set (25 m by default).
Retrigger Time
Defines the minimum amount of time needed between triggers for the second trigger to be valid. If a trigger is detected before this time, it will be ignored (1 s by default).
Lap Pulse Width
Defines the width of the pulse emitted when crossing a lap or split timeline (1 s by default).
Split to Split time

Determines whether the 'Split Time' CAN channel is either the total lap time at the split cross or the delta time between split lines.

SF - Split or Split - Split

Robot Mode

Sets VBOX 3iS up for connection to a Robot.

You can find more information here.

VB3iS-V1 main menu - Robot Mode highlighted.png
Off (default)
Select this option to disable the Robot mode. 
ABD Open Loop

Select this menu option to set the VBOX into Open Loop ABD mode, for use in Robot vehicle testing.

ABD Pedestrian
Select this option to configure the VBOX for use with an ABD Pedestrian robot. 


If GNSS, IMU operation or Wheel Speeds (No Data) have an error, the screen will flash a descriptive warning (flashing warning triangle + text describing the error).

Kalman Filter

If you have enabled IMU Integration, the main screen should show an indication of the Kalman Filter status.

  1. Once the unit has acquired satellite lock, the display will read Filter Initialising - Remain Stationary for 30s.
  2. The message will count down to 0 seconds and change to Stationary Initialisation Complete
  3. After 2 seconds, it will display Waiting For Movement.

Note: If the speed rises above 0.8 km/h at any stage during the steps above, the countdown and filter initialisation will reset and the following message will be displayed: Speed>0.8kph – Initialisation reset.

kalman filter.jpg

When the unit has detected the speed, the display will show an indication of the Kalman Filter quality in relation to the Speed Quality Channel output on CAN ID 0x306. The display will read either:

  • Low Accuracy when the speed quality is >0.1 km/h.
  • Medium Accuracy When the speed quality is <0.1 km/h.
  • OK When the speed quality is <0.06 km/h for at least 5 seconds.

Factory Reset

If the unit has become unresponsive or you would like to reset the unit to its factory settings, you can do this by pressing the Up and Down arrow buttons simultaneously and holding them for 5 seconds. After this period, the screen will go blank and reboot to the start-up screen.

VB3iS-V1 Startup - Factory Reset.png

Note: Receiver settings (Dynamic Mode, DGNSS Mode, DGNSS Rate and Elevation mask) will not reset.

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