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RACELOGIC Support Centre

06 Digital Input - VBOX 3iS Single Antenna (v1)

You can use the Digital Input to program the position of virtual lines in VBOX 3iS, to set Start/Finish and Split lines. You must first make sure that you have a connection to the Digital Input (pin 13). This pin should be connected to one side of a momentary switch and the other side of the switch should be connected to the Ground pin (pin 14) on VBOX 3iS. This means that when the switch is pressed, the Digital Input pin will be shorted to ground. You can also use the Digital Input for a Brake Trigger.

Track Marker Mode

Enabling this mode allows the Digital Input to be used as a lap pulse. The input switch can be used to set a start/ finish line, set a separate finish line, set a split line, clear all virtual lines and perform a coldstart.

Set a Start/Finish Line

Press and immediately release the Lap input switch as you cross the start/finish line. You must be moving >5 km/h to do this and following the normal line along the track. VBOX 3iS notes the point and direction of travel, then creates a virtual line perpendicular to your line of travel 25 m wide. 

Set a Separate Finish Line

Press hold the switch for >5 seconds before releasing as you cross the finish line. You must be moving >5 km/h to do this and following the normal line along the track. VBOX 3iS notes the point and direction of travel, then creates a virtual line perpendicular to your line of travel 25 m wide.

Set a Split Line

Double-press the input switch twice within a very short period. You must be moving >5 km/h to do this and following the normal line along the track. VBOX 3iS notes the point and direction of travel, then creates a virtual line perpendicular to your line of travel 25 m wide.

Clear All Virtual Lines

Give the input switch a short press followed by a longer button press (>1.5 seconds). In each case, VBOX 3iS will recognise the lead edge of the first pulse as the activation in order to set the associated virtual line at the exact point that the user first presses the switch.


This can be performed by grounding the input at the same time as connecting VBOX 3iS to power.

Brake Trigger Mode

Enabling this mode allows the Digital Input to be used with a brake trigger. Activation of the trigger will start the brake stop distance measurement, where VBOX 3iS will calculate a Time and Distance for a Brake Trigger to 0 km/h test. 


The digital input can be configured as either Track Marker or Brake Trigger mode via the VBOX Setup Softwarethe Front Panel of the unit or using the VBOX Manager.

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