06 - Base Station Setup
The Base Station is designed to be as simple to use as possible. But, to get consistent results from the equipment you must do initial setup and future planning. The ideal setup for the Base Station would be to permanently locate the GNSS and radio antennas in a position with a clear view of the sky and a clear view of the test area respectively. A good example would be on top of a building, for example, a control tower.
If you are setting up a permanent Base Station from scratch, we recommend that you let it average over 24 hours before you use it for testing.
You can find the setup instructions for the Base Station here.
If you need to use the Base Station in multiple locations, we recommend that you survey and mark locations so you can return the Base Station GNSS antenna when required.
- Set up the tripod in exactly the same position each time you return to the test area (ideally within 1 cm).
We recommend that you mark the tripod leg positions with survey nails or that you use a plumb line to mark the centre point under the antenna. - Connect the radio and GNSS antennas to the Base Station. Make sure that you connect the antenna plugs to the correct ports on the base station.
- Apply power
Internal Battery
Make sure that the battery has been fully charged.
This will normally take around 4 hours.External Power Source
Make sure that the source voltage is between 8 to 30 V DC.
- Switch the base station on using the on/off switch on the front panel.
The Base Station will begin searching for satellites. On start-up, the status display will initially show the unit serial number and the firmware revision. After a short time it will change to show satellite status. The usual number of satellites seen in an open area is 13 - 21. The Base Station needs a minimum of 4 satellites to calculate the differential.
A different location to where it was last set up:
It will display the message POSITION MISMATCH.
Press the OK button to clear this message.Next, you must specify the location. You can Load an already saved location, set to average or set to current.
Load the stored location:
Press OK Scroll to the Load Location option Press OK Select the previously stored location from the list of locations Press OK to confirm.
The base station will immediately start sending out DGNSS correction data.Last used at this position:
It will have remembered this location and be working immediately once satellites are in view.