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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Release Notes – VBOX 3i v2.4

Note: This is not the latest firmware version.


This version of VB3i firmware requires that VBOX Tools and VBOX Manager be updated to maintain compatibility:

  • VBOX Tools version 2.17 b477.
  • VBFMAN version 2.55 b2827. NOT compatible with VBOXIII!

The ADAS CAN output of VB3i has been modified such that a new .dbc file will be required for:

  • Single/Multi-Target.
  • Vehico robot mode.

    These can be downloaded here.

Enhancements/ New Features 

  • New Lng Range Ref Channel
    Complementing the existing LatRref_tg1 channel, the addition of LongRref_tg1 now means that VBOX computes Longitudinal and Lateral ranges with respect to a user-configured heading (usually the test track bearing).

  • Modification to ‘Enter Points’ function
    VBOX Manager now provides the option to choose between having one or two contact points active in ADAS mode rather than having two points listed by default.
Robot Modes 
  • Enabling ‘Vehico’ mode
    Auto-configuration of the Vehico mode is now selectable rather than being performed by default.
GPS Time 
  • New leap second
    On the 31st of December 2016, a new leap second was added to GPS time and has been incorporated within this firmware release. The current UTC time offset now sits at 18 seconds.
Minor Features 
  • Translated Slip Angle channels are automatically clamped to zero when True Heading drops out.
  • Quantisation noise on the ‘Accel_tg1’ ADAS channel has been removed.



Now supports Multi Static ADAS Mode.

Robot Modes 

Vehico Robot Mode heading adjusted to provide accurate vehicle heading.

Kalman Filter 

An issue with Kalman Filter positional drift in Stand Alone mode was addressed.


An issue with True Heading 2 sometimes incorrectly accumulating when True Heading dropped out was addressed.

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