14 - VB3i Voice Tagging

The VBOX 3i has the ability to record audio tags synched with a set GPS timestamp, with an accuracy of 0.5 seconds along with the .vbo data file. Voice notes regarding test conditions or erroneous runs can be recorded, which can be replayed instantly when viewing logged files within VBOX Test Suite software.
A .wav file will be recorded onto the CF card along with the normal VBOX data file.
The supplied headset/ microphone includes a switch, which is used to start and stop the recording of an audio tag.
Recording a Sound WAV
Pressing the headset switch once will sound an audible beep, through the headset, to confirm that recording of the .wav file has begun.
Pressing the switch for a second time will then stop recording, this will be confirmed by a second beep through the headset.
If the switch has only been pressed once the VBOX 3i will record for 30 seconds then automatically stop recording.
Replaying Voice Tags in VBOX Test Suite
When a logged VBOX data file .vbo is loaded into VBOX Test Suite and displayed in the Chart Screen, any associated .wav audio voice tag files will appear below the speed data trace as speaker icons and a vertical line will indicate the exact location of the start of the recording.
The audio files can be played by clicking on the speaker icons. The icon will animate to indicate the audio file is being played.