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RACELOGIC Support Centre

5.1 General Menu

This page covers the General menu in the VBOX Setup software connected to VBOX 3i Single Antenna (v3-v4) with firmware version 2.8.

The General menu contains configuration, connection, VBOX and time information, as well as recent configuration changes.

VB3i VBOX Setup General.png

  1. Configuration

Load/Save settings from/into a .rcf file, allowing setups to be kept for future use. When saved, all presented VBOX Setup configurations are saved along with connected modules and Multi-Function Display/DSP03 configurations. When loaded, any incompatible settings will be notified to the user.

This area also displays current configured Logging, Dual antenna if applicable) IMU, DGPS and ADAS settings applied within the unit, enabling you to view a quick overview of the the current configuration of the unit without having to click through each menu tab.

  1. Connection

Displays the selected com port and includes refresh and disconnect buttons. A green light will be shown when connected.

  1. VBOX Information

Displays the serial number and installed firmware version of connected unit, as well the current software version and hardware code. Clicking on the Information Icon VB3i VBOX Setup General Info Icon.png will take you to the Engineering Diagnostics tab of the GPS menu where a full list of VBOX and GPS information is displayed.

  1. Time (Snapshot)

Syncs the VB3i time to match the PC time, used for the top line of a .vbo file to show the time and date when the file was created.

  1. Recent Configurations

Displays the recent configuration changes applied to the unit.


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