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RACELOGIC Support Centre


This page contains an overview of features and settings in the GNSS Menu in VBOX Setup connected to VBOX 4 ADAS.

The GNSS menu's Settings tab is where you can set the Optimisation, the DGPS mode and the baud rate, the leap second value, the elevation mask and the Dual Antenna mode settings. The GNSS menu's Engineering diagnostics tab contains VBOX hardware information, GNSS receiver information and is where you can perform a GNSS coldstart and view/send engineering diagnostic information.


Settings Tab


You can change the dynamics to adapt to your testing requirements. 

High dynamics

Use this setting when you are performing high-dynamic applications, such as brake stop testing. 

Medium dynamics

This is the default value that is suitable for all applications that are neither high-dynamic or low-dynamic. 

Low dynamics 

Use this setting for less dynamic applications, such as steady speed measurement or coast-down testing. 



This gives the option to configure the DGPS Settings for your VBOX 4 unit. 

You can select a DGPS/RTK mode in the dropdown menu:

  • None
  • CMR (2 cm RTK)
  • RTCMv3 (2 cm RTK)
  • RTCM (40 cm)
  • SBAS

RS232 baud rate

When you have set a DGPS/RTK Mode, the RS232 baud rate option will become available.  For the VBOX unit to receive the required DGPS correction signal, you must make sure that the RS232 rates match.

Use the dropdown menu to select the required rate:

  • 9600
  • 19200
  • 38400
  • 115200
  • 460800
  • 921600



Leap second

You can change the leap second value if required.

The value was increased to 18 seconds as of December 2016 - you can find more information here

Elevation mask

You can also change the elevation mask. If the testing area has nearby trees or buildings, you may benefit from increasing the mask value to reduce the multi-path effect.

The available mask values are: 

  • 10°
  • 15°
  • 20°
  • 25°

You can find more information about the elevation mask here.

Note: Increasing the elevation mask value will reduce the number of satellites the VBOX will be able to use.


Dual Antenna 

Use the toggle switch to enable the dual antenna mode. When you enable the dual antenna mode, you will see the available dual antenna settings for orientation, calibration and slip offsets. When you enable this mode, you should make sure that both GNSS antennas are connected to your VBOX unit.   



You can select either Pitch or Roll mode for VBOX 4 ADAS. We recommend that you use Pitch mode.

Note: It is important that the antennas are set up correctly according to orientation so that VBOX 4 ADAS can calibrate the correct heading value. Make sure that you have the antennas in the correct placement, as described next to the setting when you select it.



True heading alignment

True heading offset is used to correct antenna alignment inaccuracies. It makes the true heading align with the course-over-ground heading when the vehicle travels in a straight line (such as zero slip).

Click the Reset button to clear an already set alignment. 

You can enter the value manually or the software can calibrate it for you. 

Click Calibrate to open the calibration window and start the automated process. 


Pitch angle level

Angle offsets are used to correct differences in mounting height between the primary antenna and the secondary antenna so that the dual antenna angle read 0 when level.

Note: The level is relative to the gradient of the surface the vehicle/unit is sitting on.

Click the Reset button to clear an already set alignment. 

You can enter the value manually or the software can calibrate it for you. 

Click Calibrate to open the calibration window and start the automated process. 


Calibration Settings

The vehicle must maintain a minimum speed throughout the 5-second alignment procedure. You can reduce the minimum speed value in this setting if you are unable to drive at this speed for 5 seconds. The default minimum speed is 25 km/h. 

Engineering Diagnostics Tab 

The Engineering diagnostics tab contains information about the variant and serial number of the VBOX unit connected to the software, the current software version, detailed  information about the firmware and hardware of the VBOX unit and information about the GNSS engine in the VBOX unit.   


VBOX Information 

The VBOX information area contains detailed information about the hardware and firmware of the connected VBOX and the current software version:

  • Unit type
  • Software version
  • Serial Number
  • Bootloader
  • Main app
  • Second processor
  • Front panel
  • Xilinx code
  • Bluetooth/Wi-Fi
  • Main board
  • Mezzanine
  • SD
  • Button
GNSS Information 

The GNSS information contains details about the GNSS engine in the connected VBOX:

  • Engine type
  • Revision
  • Internal battery voltage
GNSS Coldstart 

Coldstarts are used to reset the internal GNSS receiver to clear the last known position and almanac. This is useful if the GNSS engine has locked up or the VBOX unit is struggling to acquire satellite lock. This may happen if the VBOX unit has not been used for several weeks or if it was last used a long distance away from the current location.

Click the GNSS coldstart button to perform the coldstart procedure. 

Send Engineering Code to GNSS Board

This area is used to set non-standard settings in the GNSS engine. This should only be used on advice from a VBOX support technician.



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