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RACELOGIC Support Centre

02 - VBOX File Processor Plugins


All channel process packages are free, just require registration.

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Parking Assist Designed to meet ISO regulation 204/WG14 ISO16787 ‘Assisted Parking Systems (APS) — parking with reference to other parked vehicles’.
Interruption Generates vehicle separation data between three vehicles (subject vehicle, target vehicle and interruption vehicle).
Intersection Analyse multiple lanes, target vehicles and static points with respect to the main vehicle and generates relevant lane departure and vehicle separation data.
Lane Data Generation Generates lane data for use with a VBOX 3i and lane departure software. This process block has to be used separately and can’t be used with other blocks.
Lane Departure Generates lane departure data between the vehicle and the nearest lane.
Vehicle Separation Generates vehicle separation data between two vehicles.

Channel Selection

All channel process packages are free.

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Channel Organiser​ Removes, renames and reorders the available channels.
File Combination Combines one or more channels from selected file to the output based on exact match of UTC time.
Video Sync Synchronises the video from Video VBOX file(s) to the normal VBO file(s).


All filtering process packages are free.

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VBO Append

Appends multiple files together in chronological order irrespective of filename. Ensure appropriate files are appended for analysis (i.e. files from the same VBOX dataset).

Butterworth filter Applies a configurable Butterworth filter to the selected channel.

Reduces the sample rate of a .vbo file, to create a manageable file size, which is useful for large/appended files. The lowest sample rate to downsample to is 1 Hz.

Time Sync

Trims the output to the specified time range.

Window Smooth Applies a smoothing to the channel using ‘n’ samples in a ‘window’ averaging routine.



Maths Channels

All maths process packages are free.

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Maths Channel Computes user defined channel using custom math formula.

Local Time

Computes local time from UTC time.

Local XY

Computes X Y coordinates in meters using ECEF ENU transformation of latitude and longitude, making the first point in the file 0,0 m

SAE Standard

Applies the SAE standard to applicable channels.

Slip Angle Translation Calculates vehicle’s slip angle at the centre of gravity and corners of the vehicle using the overall slip angle.

Standard Math Channels

Adds one or more selected predefined maths channels calculated from standard channels.

RoT from Yaw Rate

Computes the ‘radius of turn’ from ‘yaw rate’.

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