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RACELOGIC Support Centre

OLED Displays used with Video VBOX Lite

To upgrade the firmware on your OLED display, you need to load the new firmware to your VBOX datalogger first.  

Please note that you must be running Video VBOX firmware version 3.0.91 (currently listed as Video VBOX Pro v3 only) to upgrade the OLED Display firmware to version 1.14

IMPORTANT - If you upgrade your Video VBOX unit to upgrade your OLED Display to version 1.14 (June 2022), you must revert the Video VBOX unit to version 3.0.86 afterwards to ensure that you run it on a stable firmware version. 

You can download the latest Firmware file here.


How to run the update:

  1. Download the upgrade file and unzip it.
    (Your unit must be registered to receive the required login details for the download, Register here.)
  2. Place the .upgrade file on the root directory of an SD card (not in the media or any other folder).
  3. Power the Video VBOX Lite unit and wait for it to boot up.
  4. Insert the SD card. The unit will beep twice when the media has been initialised and the OLED firmware has loaded.
  5. Power-cycle your Video VBOX Lite. 

    Now you can transfer the firmware file to the OLED Display.

 6. Press and hold the highlighted button (as per the images below) button on the OLED and connect it to the Video VBOX Lite unit to apply power.

*Regardless of the Screen Orientation on your OLED Display, you must press and hold the following button to start the firmware upgrade process: 

DSP04 - firmware update button.png DSP05 - firmware update button.png
Firmware update button on DSP04 Firmware update button on DSP05
  1.  Wait for the boot load screen. It will display a progress bar showing you that it is transferring and installing the new firmware file.
  2. When this process is complete, the OLED will switch off and on again by itself. 
    You should now see a normal boot-up screen stating the new firmware version. 

Note: If you want to check which firmware version your OLED is running, go to MENU ABOUT and check the OLED firmware number.

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