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05 Menu Options – VBOX LapTimer

You can access the VBOX LapTimer display menu by pressing the square button when on the ‘Menu’ screen. You can navigate the menu with the ▲▼ buttons. VBOX LapTimer - Menu (Title).png


View Lap Times 

The VBOX LapTimer will store all the lap times from your current session (maximum of 99 lap times). The lap times will be cleared when you set a new start line or when the lap timing data is reset.


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Lap Times and go back to the main menu.

VBOX LapTimer - View Lap Times (Framed) - WITH FASTEST LAP (500x206).png

Clear Lap Times 

Selecting this option will wipe all stored lap times from the unit’s memory. It will automatically take you back to the main menu after clearing the history.

VBOX LapTimer - Clear Lap Times (Framed)-500px.png

Select Track  

VBOX LapTimer is pre-loaded with a track database that contains the start/finish coordinates for more than 800 tracks worldwide. You can find a list of the included tracks in the circuit database section of our website. 

When the unit has acquired satellites, it will check the GNSS location against Racelogic’s track map database and load the available layouts.

If you are at a track that has more than one layout, you must use this menu option to select the layout you are driving to allow the VBOX LapTimer to load the correct start/finish line. 

If there are no start/finish lines available for your location, you can set them manually or load them from an .SPL file.


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Track List and go back to the main menu.

Nurburgring 24Hr Selected - Framed.png

Logging Options 

In this sub-menu, you can configure how VBOX LapTimer’s logging is triggered. There are three logging options. 

Note: You cannot configure logging mode when the LapTimer is used as an OLED. In this case you need to do the configuration in the connected unit’s software e.g. Video VBOX Setup.

Logging Mode

You can define the mode and speed that triggers the start and stop of logging.

Logging Options - WhenMoving selected - Framed.png

When Moving

Logging when moving means that the LapTimer starts logging when it detects movement.


Manual logging mode means that you choose when to start or stop logging – it will never start or stop automatically. You can control the logging with the square button when you are in the speed mode display.


When you have selected continuous mode, the VBOX LapTimer will start logging as soon as it detects power and media. You must stop the logging, by pressing the square button when in speed mode. It is important that you manually stop the logging before you remove the SD card.
Minimum Speed

Press the square button to change the minimum speed. You will see two arrows (up and down) appear next to the value. Use the two arrow buttons on the device to increase/decrease the minimum speed value. Press the square button again to confirm your selected value.

The default Min Speed is 10 km/h.

Logging Options - Minimum Speed Highlighted - Framed.png
Stop Logging Delay

Press the square button to change the logging delay time. You will see two arrows (up and down) appear next to the value. Use the two arrow buttons on the device to increase/decrease the logging delay time. Press the square button again to confirm your selected time.

The default stop delay is 3 s.

Logging Options - Stop Logging Delay Selected (Arrows) - Framed.png

Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Logging Options and go back to the main menu.

Logging Options - Back Selected - Framed.png

Predictive Lap Timing Settings 

Delta-T Bar Range 

This setting alters the amount of +/- time shown on the bar graph during lap prediction. You can choose between 2, 5, 10 and 30 seconds – the default setting is 0 - 5 km/h.

Press the square button when this setting is highlighted to cycle through the different time options. Press one of the arrow buttons to move away from the setting and save the displayed time.

PLT Settings - Delta T Bar Range Highlighted.png
Delta-V Light Range

This range setting affects the sensitivity of the Delta-V LEDs. You can choose between 2 km/h, 5 km/h and 10 km/h – the default setting is 5 km/h.

Press the square button when this setting is highlighted to cycle through the different speed range options. Press one of the arrow buttons to move away from the setting and save the displayed speed range.

Note: if the VBOX LapTimer is set to show speed in mph or knots, these values are the direct equivalents of the km/h values.

You can find more information on how this range affects the LEDs in the Delta-V LEDs section.

PLT Settings - Delta V Light Range Highlighted.png
Delta-T Speed Mode

When enabled, this mode will change the Predictive Lap Timing display to show your current speed as well as Delta-T information, when your speed drops below a specified threshold for a set amount of time.

This function is optimised for use with both 'Virtual safety car' conditions and Pit Lane speed limits.

The Delta-T Speed Mode is disabled by default. The default settings are:

Speed: 65 km/h
Time Delay: 1.5 seconds

The display will return to the Predictive Lap Timing mode when your speed increases to 5 km/h over the configured Delta-T Speed Mode value. 

If you have set your VBOX LapTimer to Predictive Lap Timing mode and you have enabled Delta-T Speed Mode; 

  • When your speed drops below 65 km/h for a minimum of 1.5 seconds, the display will change to show your current speed alongside your Delta-T.
  • When your speed increases to 70 km/h, the display will revert to Predictive Lap Timing mode. 

VBOX LapTimer Template - PLT  - Delta-T Speed Mode (500x206).png

PLT Settings - Delta-T Speed Mode Sub-Menu - Back Highlighted.png


Delta-T Speed Mode

Press the square button when this option is highlighted to enable the mode. A tick will appear when enabled.


Press the square button to change the speed. You will see two arrows (up and down) appear next to the value. Use the two arrow buttons on the device to increase/decrease the speed value. Press the square button again to confirm your selected value.

Time Delay

Press the square button to cycle through the available time values. Each time you press the button the value will increase in increments of 0.5 s, up to 5.0 s, before it cycles back to 0.0 s. Press one of the arrow buttons to move away from the setting and save the displayed time.


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Delta-T Speed Mode settings and go back to the Predictive Lap Timing Settings.
Combo G LED Mode 

When you have selected this mode, the LapTimer shows combined g information via the LEDs while also showing Delta-T information on the display. It encourages you to truly push your car at braking points and turns to improve lap times.

This mode is disabled by default.

PLT Settings - Combo G LED Mode Sub-Menu - Header Highlighted.png

Max Braking G

You can set the maximum braking g indicated by the LEDs (max is 1.9 g), by pressing the square button. Each press will add 0.1 g to the value. Press one of the arrow buttons to save the displayed value and move to the next setting.

Default is 1.0.

Max Cornering G

You can set the maximum cornering g indicated by the LEDs (max is 1.9 g), by pressing the square button. Each press will add 0.1 g to the value. Press one of the arrow buttons to save the displayed value and move to the next setting.

Default is 1.0.

LED Minimum %

You can configure the minimum percentage for the LED to set when the LED colours appear. Press the square button to change the percentage. You will see two arrows (up and down) appear next to the number. Use the two arrow buttons on the device to increase/decrease the percentage. Press the square button again to confirm your selected value. 

You can find more information on how this mode affects the LEDs, in the Combo G LEDs section.

Default is 50%.


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Combo G LED Mode  settings and go back to the Predictive Lap Timing Settings.
Save Ref. Lap to SD Card

This setting allows you to save a reference lap for future use. Insert an SD card into the VBOX LapTimer and press the square button on this option to save the current reference lap to the SD card.

Note: The vehicle must be stationary to make this transfer.

When you have selected this, the "SAVE COMPLETE" message confirms that the lap has been saved successfully. The saved data will be stored on the SD card as LAP.REF in the ‘Data’ folder.

PLT Settings - Save Ref. Lap to SD Card Highlighted.png
Load Ref. Lap From SD Card 

To load a reference lap stored from a previous session, save the desired file onto an SD card and load the card into the VBOX LapTimer. You can name the file anything you want, however, you must save it in the 'Data' folder. Only one .REF file should be present in this folder at all times. 

Note: The vehicle must be stationary to make this transfer.

Reference laps will be reset either when you set a new start/finish or when you select the ‘reset lap timing data’ option from the lap timing menu.

PLT Settings - Load Ref. Lap from SD Card.png
Minimum Lap Time

This setting allows you to set a minimum time for laps, making shorter laps invalid. Invalid laps will not be counted in the lap count, appear in the lap times or used as a reference lap. 

Press the square button to change the minimum lap time. You will see two arrows (up and down) appear next to the number. Use the two arrow buttons on the device to increase/decrease the minimum time. Press the square button again to confirm your selected value. 

The default setting is 00:20.

PLT Settings - Minimum Lap Time Selected.png
Fixed Lap Mode

Press the square button to toggle between the available settings:
Fix Current and Fix Stored.

This setting controls the function of the square button when you are using the Predictive Lap Timing display mode. 

PLT Settings - Fixed Lap Mode - Fix Stored.png

Fix Current

When you have selected this option, pressing the square button while in Predictive Lap Timing mode sets the currently driven lap as the fixed reference lap once the lap is completed.

Note - if you choose to fix the current lap, this should override any Minimum Lap Time setting as you are making the decision to set the current and full lap as the reference.

Fix Stored

When you have selected this option, pressing the square button while in Predictive Lap Timing mode sets the reference lap that is currently stored in the memory as the fixed reference. 

Fix Stored is the default setting. 


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Predictive Lap Timing Settings and go back to the main menu.

PLT Settings - Back.png

Lap Timing Menu 

Set Start & Splits 

When you press the square button a new start/finish point is set. After this, the VBOX LapTimer will display “Set split 1”. Press the square button to confirm the set split and▼to skip to additional split points, Finish line and back. If a new start/finish or split line is set then the lap count, best lap, and all the best split time values will be reset automatically.

LT Settings - Set start and splits.png
Clear Start & Splits

Press the square button to delete the saved start line and gates.

LT Settings - clear start and splits.png
Reset Lap Timing Data 

When you highlight this option, pressing the square button will reset the stored reference lap, lap count, and all lap times. This option fully resets predictive lap timing mode.

LT Settings - reset laptiming data.png
Save Gates to Card 

You can load or save Start/Finish, split, or finish lines on the VBOX LapTimer. You can create or use these files in the Circuit Tools software package.

To save the lines you have created:

  1. Make sure that the SD card is inserted and that the vehicle is stationary.
  2. Press the MENU button to enter the Lap timing menu.
  3. Highlight the SAVE GATES TO CARD option and press the square button to confirm. 

Note: The file will be saved as GATES.SPL in the 'Data' folder.

LT Settings -save gates to card.png
Load Gates from Card

To Load lines you have created:

  1. Make sure that the SD card is inserted, with the Splits file saved as GATES.SPL in the 'Data' folder, and that the vehicle is stationary.
  2. Press the MENU button to enter the Lap timing menu.
  3. Highlight the LOAD GATES FROM CARD option and press the square button to confirm.
LT Settings -load gates from card.png
Load Tracks Database 

If we release an updated track database file for the VBOX LapTimer, this option will load it from the SD card. You can find more information on this here.

LT Settings -load tracks database.png
Split Time Display Period 

This setting lets you set how long the split time is shown on the display when you cross a split line or the start/finish line. You have a choice of 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 15 s or 20 s. The default setting is 5 s.

Highlight Split Time Display Period, and use the square button to cycle through the options. Press one of the arrow buttons to move away from the setting and save the selected time.

LT Settings - Split Time Display Period Highlighted.png
Split to Split Time 

When you select this option the calculated split times will be split to split and not accumulative from the start of the lap.

This is disabled by default. 

LT Settings - Split to Split Time Highlighted (Enabled).png

Rolling Lap Time 

Selecting this function will show you a continuously counting lap time which briefly freezes as you cross the start/finish line.

This is enabled by default. 

LT Settings - Rolling Lap Time Highlighted (Enabled).png

One Shot Mode

When you enable One Shot Mode, the unit will start timing when it detects movement after being stationary for more than 10 seconds. This will automatically reset when you come to a stop. After being stationary for 2 seconds, the screen counts down from 5 and will then show ARMED – Start when ready.

If you pull away before number 1 is displayed on the screen, nothing will change. During or after number 1 is displayed, the lap time measurement will start if you pull away. If a lap had been running up to this point, that time will be discarded.

After it has detected correct movement and a one-shot start has begun, you cannot trigger a normal start/finish line for 3 seconds.

This is disabled by default.

LT Settings - One Shot Mode Highlighted (Enabled).png
Gate Width

Press the square button to change the gate width. You will see two arrows (up and down) appear next to the number. Use the two arrow buttons on the device to increase/decrease the width of the gate. Press the square button again to confirm your selected distance. 

The default width is 25 m.

LT Settings - Gate Width Selected.png

Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Lap Timing Menu and go back to the main menu.

LT Settings - Back Highlighted.png


Display Menu 


VBOX LapTimer has two Display Menu Modes for the Features; Basic Mode and Advanced Mode. This allows you to keep the full functionality of the VBOX LapTimer or to reduce the amounts of Display modes to the Basic features. The tables below list the Display Modes available in each Display Menu Mode. 

Press the square button to toggle between the options:


Modes Sub-Menu - Basic Modes Highlighted.png
Basic Modes
Basic Features (Default)
Lap Timing
Predictive Lap Timing


Advanced Modes
Advanced Features
Lap Timing
Predictive Lap Timing
Max Speed
Speed Bar
Lateral G
Longitudinal G
Lap Count


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Modes settings and go back to the Display Menu.

Modes Sub-Menu - Advanced Modes Back Highlighted (1).png
Speed Settings 



Speed Units 

Press the square button to cycle through km/h, mph and kts. 

The default setting is km/h.

Speed Settings Sub-Menu - Speed Units Highlighted.png

Speed Decimal Places 

Press the square button to cycle through 0, 1, and 2 decimal places,  0 is the default setting.

Speed Settings Sub-Menu - Speed Decimal Places Highlighted.png

Speed Smoothing 

Press the square button to cycle through five smoothing settings. The default setting is 1.

Speed Settings Sub-Menu - Speed Smoothing Highlighted.png

Speed Alert

When enabled, Speed Alert will only operate when the VBOX LapTimer is set to Speed Mode. The Speed Alert Mode is set to off (unticked) by default. 

When you enable Speed Alert, your LapTimer will beep and have solid red LEDs if it logs a speed of more than the set speed alert value for longer than 1 second. The alert will stop when your logged speed goes below the set speed alert value.

Speed Alert Sub-Menu - Speed Alert Highlighted.png

Speed Alert

Press the square button when this line is highlighted to enable the Speed Alert mode. This is disabled by default.

Alert Speed

Press the square button to change the Alert Speed. You will see two arrows (up and down) appear next to the number. Use the two arrow buttons on the device to increase/decrease the speed to a set value between 0 and 999. Press the square button again to confirm your selected speed. 

Alert Sound

Press the square button to toggle the Alert Sound on or off.


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Speed Alert settings and go back to the Speed Settings.


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Speed Settings and go back to the Display Menu.

Speed Settings Sub-Menu - Back Highlighted.png
Accel Settings 
Accel Settings Sub-Menu - Back Highlighted.png

Accel Decimal Places

Press the square button to cycle through 0, 1, and 2 decimal places. The default setting is 1.

Accel Smoothing 

Press the square button to cycle through five smoothing settings. The default setting is 2.


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Accel Settings and go back to the Display Menu.

Press the square button to cycle through five brightness settings. 1 is the darkest setting and 5 is the brightest setting. The display will change its brightness as you cycle through each setting to make it easier to find the correct level for you.

The default setting is 5.

Display Menu - Brightness Highlighted.png
LED Brightness 

Press the square button to cycle through five brightness settings for the LEDs. 1 is the darkest setting and 5 is the brightest setting. The LEDs will increase in brightness as you cycle through each setting to make it easier to find the correct level for you.

Note: The default setting is 3, level 5 is extremely bright!

Display Menu - LED Brightness Highlighted.png
Invert Screen Colour  

Press the square button when an option is highlighted to toggle it on or off. When you select an option, a tick will appear next to it and the display applies the setting accordingly. 

Display Menu - Invert Screen Colour Selected.png
Use Outline Font

Press the square button when an option is highlighted to toggle it on or off. When you select an option, a tick will appear next to it and the display applies the setting accordingly. 

Display Menu - Use Outline Font Highlighted.png

Use Outline Font (500x206).png


With this setting, you can define the orientation of the VBOX LapTimer screen using the three options available: Normal, Inverted and Auto. When the default Auto is selected, the display will automatically rotate when it is turned upside down.

Note: If you are fitting the VBOX LapTimer in a permanent install or if you expect it to experience heavy vibrations during use, you may wish to fix the orientation as these can trigger the sensitive internal gyro to flip the screen while in use. 

Display Menu - Orientation Highlighted.png


The display will have the same orientation as the Racelogic logo.


The display will have the opposite orientation from the Racelogic logo.


The display will automatically rotate when the unit is turned.

Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Display Menu and go back to the Main Menu.

Display Menu - Back Highlighted.png

GNSS Options 

Note: You cannot access the GNSS Options menu when you are using the LapTimer in OLED mode. If you need to perform a coldstart while in OLED mode you will have to do this on the connected unit.

If the VBOX LapTimer is struggling to acquire satellite lock, you may need to do a GPS coldstart. This may be necessary if you have not used the unit for a number of days or it has dramatically moved location since the last use.

GNSS Options - Coldstart Highlighted (Framed).png

The GNSS Mode is the satellite constellations that you want to use. You have the following options: 

  • GPS + SBAS (default)
  • GPS + BeiDou


Select Back to save your selection and go back to the GNSS menu. 


GNSS Options - GNSS Mode Highlighted (Framed).png
Leap Seconds 

The number of leap seconds in this setting sets the current offset between GPS and UTC time. This is set by official bodies to compensate for the slowing of the rotation of the earth. A new leap second is usually introduced every 4 to 7 years. The last leap second was added in December 2016. The current offset is 18 seconds - click here for more details.

GNSS Options - Leap Seconds Highlighted (Framed).png

Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the GNSS Options and go back to the Main Menu.

GNSS Options - Back Highlighted (Framed).png


In this section, you can find the installed firmware version, the VBOX LapTimer Serial Number, the Unit Type and the installed version of the Track Database. VBOX LapTimer - Sub Menu - About - LT version (500px).png

Press the square button with this line highlighted to go back to the Main Menu.

VBOX LapTimer - Sub Menu - About - Back (500px).png


Press the square button with this line highlighted to exit the Menu and go back to the Display Modes. VBOX LapTimer Template - Main Menu - Exit (500px).png


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